Cassava Production

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Cassava roots
(c) CIAT, UAGRM Courtesy of EcoPort, (
Cassava crop
(c) IITA Annual Report 1998, Courtesy of EcoPort, (
Cassava (Manihot esculenta)
(c) Purdue University, USA

Scientific Name: Manihot esculenta

Order / Family: Euphorbiales: Euphorbiaceae

Local Names: Manioc, Mandioca, Tapioca; Mhogo

Pests & Diseases: African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) , Anthracnose, Birds and Vertebrates, Brown leaf spot, Cassava bacterial blight, Cassava brown streak virus disease, Cassava green spider mite, Cassava scales, Grasshoppers, Larger grain borer (LGB), Mealybugs, Post harvest diseases, Spider mites, Storage pests, Stripped mealybug, Termites, Whiteflies

Furthermore, many cassava varieties contain cyanogenic glucosides, and inadequate processing can lead to high toxicity. Various processing methods, such as grating, sun drying, and fermenting, are used to reduce the cyanide content.

Geographical Distribution in Africa

Geographical Distribution of Cassava in Africa. Updated on 8th July 2019. Source FAOSTAT.

General Information and Agronomic Aspects

Cassava typically grows as a shrub. Cassava is native of Latin America and was introduced to the African continent by Portuguese traders in the late 16th century. 

Cassava is grown on an estimated 80 million hectares in 34 African countries. It is an important crop in subsistence farming, as it requires few production skills or inputs. It is drought tolerant and produces reasonable yields under adverse conditions. Most important is its ability to remain in the soil as a famine reserve. Other factors that make cassava popular with small-scale farmers, particularly in Africa, are that it requires little labour in its production and there are no labour peaks because the necessary operations in its production can be spread throughout the year, and its yields fluctuate less than those of cereals. 

The storage root (some people refer to it as “tuber”) is a major source of energy and the leaves, which contain a high level of vitamin A and up to 17% protein, are often used as green vegetables. Its limitations are its poor nutritive value (mainly carbohydrates) and its cyanogenic glucoside content (HCN) that can lead to poisoning unless precautions (proper peeling/soaking in water/fermenting/drying/cooking) are taken during preparation of the tubers. The latter is only applicable to bitter cassava varieties. Sweet varieties can even be eaten raw and fresh as they have very low content of HCN. 

The main diseases affecting cassava are African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV), cassava bacterial blight, cassava anthracnose, and root rot. Pests and diseases, in combination with poor agronomic practices cause high yield losses in Africa. While biological and chemical control practices are available for other pests and diseases attacking cassava, ACMV is difficult to control. In severe cases, plants become stunted. In fact, this disease can cause up to 60% yield loss, and no biological or chemical control is now available to farmers. Given the vegetative propagation method used for cassava, availability of clean planting material for propagation is a major constraint, since white flies and infested planting material transmit the disease. 

While cassava production demands few external inputs, labour and planting material are main costs of production. As a root crop, cassava requires a lot of labour to harvest. The production of cassava is dependent on a supply of good quality stem cuttings. The multiplication rate of these vegetative planting materials is very low, compared to grain crops, which are propagated by true seeds. Post harvest deterioration of cassava is a major constraint. Cassava stem cuttings are bulky and highly perishable, drying up within a few days. Consequently, roots must be processed into a storable form soon after harvest. Farmers recognise post harvest loss as a major risk factor in cassava production. Nevertheless, the rapid post harvest perishability might lead to comparative disadvantages for small-scale producers linked to small-scale processing units. 

Furthermore, many cassava varieties contain cyanogenic glucosides, and inadequate processing can lead to high toxicity. Various processing methods, such as grating, sun drying, and fermenting, are used to reduce the cyanide content.


A number of both local and improved varieties exist in Kenya: 

1. Coast region  
a.) Local typesI“Kibanda meno” – very sweet
 II“Katsunga” – leaves taste like wild lettuce when cooked
b) Improved typesI“Kaleso” (46106/27) – high yielding, for human consumption
 II“Guso” – Better yielder than Kaleso. Also for human consumption
 III“5543/156” – It is a high yielding variety for livestock. It is bitter.
2. Eastern Region KatumaniI“KME 2” – Sweet, less fibrous and has low cyanide content
 II“KME 61” – Bitter and more fibrous than KME
3. Western KenyaI“2200”, “Tereka”, “Serere”, “Adhiambo lera”, “CKI”, “TMS 60142”, “BAO””Migyeera”, “SS 4”, “MH 95/0183”, “MM 96/2480”, “MM 96/4884”, “MM 96/5280”, “MM 96/5588”, “MM 97/2270”
Cassava KME 2, 6 months old
(c) A.A.Seif, icipe
Cassava KME 2, 12 months
(c) A.A.Seif, icipe
Cassava KME 2, 18 months old
(c) A.A.Seif, icipe

For more information on these varieties please contact the Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO).

Cassava varieties in coastal and eastern Kenya (KALRO/KEPHIS)

VarietyOptimal production altitude range (masl) (region)Maturity (months)Tuber yield (t/ha)Special attributes
“5543/156”1-500 (coast/eastern lowlands)10-1240-50Tolerant to ACMD; bitter
“Guso”1-700 (coast/eastern lowlands)12-1520-40Resistant to (ACMD); sweet
“Kaleso” (“46106/27”)1-1500 (coast /eastern)10-1225-30Tolerant to ACMD and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD); sweet
“Karembo” (“KME-08-05”)15-1200 (coast/eastern)850-70Tolerant to ACMD and CBSD; sweet; short with open structure
“Karibuni” (“KME-08-01”)15-1200 (coast/eastern)8-1250-70Tolerant to ACMD and CBSD; sweet; high branching; good for intercropping
“Kibanda Meno”1-5006-820-30Very susceptible to ACMD,; very sweet
“KME 1”250-1500 (eastern)12-1420Sweet
“KME 2”250-1500 (eastern)8-1040Tolerant to ACMD; sweet
“KME 3”250-1500 (eastern)8-1040Tolerant to ACMD; sweet
“KME 4”250-1500 (eastern)8-1040Tolerant to ACMD; sweet
“KME 61”250-1500 (eastern)1435Tolerant to ACMD; bitter
“Mucericeri”250-1750 (eastern)12-1420Sweet
“Nzalauka” (“KME-08-06”)15-1200 (coast/eastern)6-850-70Tolerant to ACMD and CBSD; sweet; straight stems ideal for intercropping
“Shibe” (“KME-08-04”)15-1200 (coast/eastern)8-1250-70Tolerant to ACMD and CBSD; sweet; straight stems ideal for intercropping
“Siri”15-1200 (coast/eastern)8-1250Tolerant to ACMD and CBSD; sweet; very short without branches
“Tajirika” (“KME-08-02”)15-1200 (coast/eastern)850-70Tolerant to ACMD and CBSD; sweet; straight stems ideal for intercropping

Examples of cassava varieties grown in Tanzania (varieties listed are resistant/tolerant to ACMD)

  • “Kachaga”
  • “191/0057”
  • “191/0063”
  • “191/0067”
  • “MM 96/0876”
  • “MM 96/3075B”
  • “MM 96/4619”
  • “MM 96/4684”
  • “MM 96/5725”
  • “MM 96/8233”
  • “MM 96/8450”
  • “SS 4”
  • “TME 14”
  • “TMS 4(2)1425”

Examples of cassava varieties grown in Uganda (varieties listed are resistant/tolerant to ACMD)

  • “Migyeera”
  • “NASE 1 to 12”
  • “SS 4”
  • “TME 14”
  • “TMS 4(2)1425”
  • “TMS 192/0067”
  • “TMS 50395”
  • “Uganda MH 97/2961”

Propagation and planting

Propagation from storage roots is impossible, as the roots have no buds. Cassava is propagated through cuttings. The most suitable cuttings are 20-30 cm long and 20-25 mm in diameter (with 5-8 nodes), preferably from the middle browned-skinned portion of the stems of plants 8-14 months old. Cuttings from older, more mature parts of the stem give better yield than cuttings from younger parts, and long cuttings give higher yields than short cuttings. Select cuttings from healthy plants. Cuttings slightly infested with pests can be treated by immersion in heated water (mixing equal volumes of boiling and cold water) for 5-10 minutes just before planting.

 The interval between cutting stems and planting should be as short as possible (not more than a couple of days). Cassava cuttings may be planted vertically, at an angle, or horizontally. The drier the soil the bigger the part of the stem placed in the soil. Under very dry conditions, plant cuttings at an angle and cover the larger part with soil. Vertical planting is best in sandy soils, as the roots develop deeper in the soil. Horizontal planting leads to a large number of thin stems, which may cause lodging. Moreover, the roots develop more closely to the surface and are more likely to be exposed and attacked by rodents and birds. Do not plant cuttings upside down, as this drastically reduces yield. 

The spacing between plants will depend on whether cassava is grown as a sole crop or with other crops (intercropping). If cassava is being grown alone, plants should be planted 1 meter apart from each other. This means that 10.000 cuttings are required for 1 ha (4000 cuttings per acre). If cassava is being grown as an intercrop, the branching habit of both the cassava and the other crops should be considered, making sure there is enough space for the plants. 

The best land for planting cassava is flat or gently sloping land. Steep slopes are easily eroded. Valleys and depression areas that usually get waterlogged are not very suitable and cassava roots do not develop well. Before planting get to know the history of the land (previous crops, types of weeds, diseases and pests). 

Soil preparation varies from practically zero under shifting cultivation to ploughing, harrowing and possible ridging in more intensive cropping systems. Planting on mounds and ridges is recommended, especially for areas with rainfall of more than 1200 mm per year or in areas where soils get waterlogged (e.g. valleys and depressions). Ridging may not give higher yield, but harvesting is easier and soil erosion may be reduced, especially by contoured ridges. In sandy soils, minimum tillage and planting cassava on the flat are appropriate. Plant at the beginning of the rainy season. 


Weeding is necessary every 3-4 weeks until 2-3 months after planting. Afterwards the canopy may cover the soil and weeding is less necessary. Although cassava grows rather well on poor soils, it requires large amount of nutrients to produce high yields. To maintain high yields, it is necessary to maintain the fertility of the soil.

Phosphorous is important for root development. Symptoms of phosphorous deficiency are stunted growth and violet or purple discolouration of the leaves. In the absence of good compost, rock phosphate can be applied if needed.

Potassium is also needed by cassava and can be applied in the form of compost or wood ashes. Potassium deficiency symptoms are: stunted growth, dark leaf colour which gradually becomes paler, dry brown spots on tips and margins of the leaves and “burnt” edges of leaves. 

Fertilisers and manures are usually not used by small-scale cassava growers in most African countries because, in many cases, they cannot afford such additional inputs. However, it is important to provide good growing conditions for the plants, as healthy plants are able to withstand some damage by pests and diseases.

In general, cassava responds well to farmyard manure. Manure can be applied at land preparation to increase soil nutrients, to improve the soil structure, and to improve the ability of the soil to hold water.

 Mulching cassava, especially after planting, is helpful when growing cassava in dry areas or on slopes.  

Crop rotation and intercropping

There is a wide variety of cropping patterns and rotations with cassava. Though rotation with other crops is preferable, cassava is sometimes grown continuously on the same land, especially in dry areas not suitable for other crops.

When grown in bush-fallow systems, cassava is usually planted at the end of the rotation cycle, as it still produces relatively well at lower fertility levels and also allows a smooth transition to the fallow. 

Cassava when planted as an intercrop along with cowpea groundnut or tree crops like Leucaena reduces soil run-off and soil-loss. Forage yield of Leucaena improves when grown with cassava and groundnut. Canavalia or Crotalaria (legume crops) when planted as intercrops with cassava improves soil productivity. 

Sow 1 row of Canavalia or Crotalaria between rows of cassava immediately after planting cassava. Let these grow until harvest. Plough after harvest to incorporate crop residues into the soil.  


Harvesting is done either piece-meal or by uprooting whole plants. Young plants are usually harvested piece-meal, while old plants are more commonly uprooted to prevent the storage roots becoming very fibrous.

As cassava roots do not keep fresh more than 2-3 days after harvesting, not all plants are harvested at once, but rather harvesting as the roots are consumed.

When cassava is grown for urban markets they are harvested in bulk. Cassava is usually harvested 9-12 months after planting. It is sometimes harvested earlier if needed for food.

Storage roots become too woody if harvesting is delayed. Early maturing varieties are ready for harvesting at 6 months while late maturing varieties are ready 12 months after planting. 


Cassava does not store well when fresh and therefore has to be peeled, chopped and dried in the sun. It can then be stored in the form of chips or flour under dry conditions. 

Average yields are between 3-4 tons of fresh tubers per acre (7.5-10 tons per ha) although with reasonable care and attention yields of up to 10 tons per acre (25 tons per ha) and more are possible. The ratio of fresh tubers to peeled and dried chips is about 3:1.  


Manual from IITA  Starting a cassava farm  Of the world production of cassava, 65% is used directly for human consumption, 20% for animal feed and the remaining 15% for starch and industrial uses (alcohol production). In Africa, stems are often used as firewood. 

Climate conditions, soil and water management

In equatorial areas, cassava can be grown up to 1500 m altitude. The optimum temperature range is 20-30deg. Specific cultivars are necessary for successful cultivation at an average temperature of 20deg. Cassava is grown in regions with 500-6000 mm of rainfall per year. Optimum annual rainfall is 1000-1500 mm, without distinct dry periods. Once established, cassava can resist severe drought.

With prolonged periods of drought, cassava plants shed their leaves but resume growth after the rains start, making it a suitable crop in areas with uncertain rainfall distribution. Because of its drought resistance in many regions cassava is planted as a reserve crop against famine in dry years. Good drainage is essential for cassava; the crop does not tolerate water logging. High irradiance is preferred.

Best growth and yield are obtained on fertile sandy loams. Cassava is able to produce reasonable yields on severely depleted or even eroded soils where other crops fail. Gravelly or stony soils cause problems with root penetration and are unsuitable. Also heavy clay or other poorly drained soils are not suitable.

 Cassava growth and yield are reduced drastically on saline soils and on alkaline soils with a pH above 8.0. The optimum pH is between 5.5 and 7.5, but cultivars are available that tolerate a pH as low as 4.6 or as high as 8.0. Reasonably salt-tolerant cultivars have also been selected. Very fertile soils encourage excessive foliage growth at the expense of storage roots.


Quick Search Pea Pests



Cutworm (Agrotis sp.) Early instars are about 7-12 mm long. Fully grown caterpillars are 35-50 mm long.
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe

African bollworm

Helicoverpa armiguera

and other caterpillars

Damage by the beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) on garden peas. Real size about 2.5-3 cm long.
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe
African bollworm feeding on peas. Fully grown caterpillars are 3-4 cm long.
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe


Pea aphids on a snow pea pod.
(c) A. M. Varela, icipe
The pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) is a large, rather long-bodied aphid, with long slender appendages (legs and cornicles), which forms colonies on young growth and developing pods of many. Wingless forms of females are usually 2.5-4.4mm long, winged females range from 2.3-4.3 mm.
(c) Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,

Pea blue butterfly

Lampides boeticus

Caterpillar of the pea blue butterfly and damage to peas (Lampides boeticus)
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe


Sericothrips spp, Frankliniella occidentalis, and Thrips tabaci

Thrips damage on snowpea
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe
Pigeon peas infested by thrips
(c) A.A. Seif

Leafminers Liriomyza spp. and Chromatomyia horticola

Leafminer fly and damage caused by adult leafminer on peas.
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe

Spider mites

Tetranychus spp.

Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) . The adult female is 0.6 mm long. The male is smaller.
(c) Warwick HRI, University of Warwick

Root-know nematode

Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica

Root-knot nematode galls on tomato roots). Root-knot nematodes ()Meloidogyne incognita / M. javanica) affected plants are normally stunted and eventually wilt and die. The most characteristic symptom is formation of root galls (knots) and these can be seen with the naked eye. Affected roots rot.
(c) Bridge J., IIP. Courtesy of Ecoport 

Storage pests

Bean bruchid (Acanthoscelides obtectus) on soybean. Adults are 3-4.5 mm long, grey-brown.
(c) Clemson University – USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series,

Gilt Pig Selection

Dr.iCow’s Diary

Date: 06.02.2020

Dear Dr.iCow ,

There are some pigs with 10 teats, 12 and others with 14 teats. Which are the right ones?

From: Mr.John, County: Siaya, Kenya


John is interested in commercial pig farming. It is good business as pigs can be raised in small and large scale holdings, they are mono-gastric animals and they grow quickly in relation to their body weight. Gilts selection is very important and replacement stock should be separated once selected and proliferacy records for pig dams should be obtained.

Dear John,

For successful pig farming, gilt and sow management are greatly considered. Gilts and sows management is very important and replacement gilts should be separated from the herd on selection.

Gilt selection criteria is based on the following qualities: good health, proliferacy records from mothers, should have 12 teats which are upright with no problems, good mothering ability with an average of 12 litters born alive at 3 weeks – 10 piglets survival with about 5 kg, and at 8 weeks  with 9 weaned piglets from the mother’s records, high carcass quality – given by litter mates that went to slaughter, good score on visual assessment,able to overcome stress and perform well and should have good temperament. The gilt should have a heat cycle is 21 days with a 3 days heat duration. The gilt or the sow should be serviced twice during the heat duration.

Replacement gilts should be separated from the herd on selection. Any gilt with abnormality at 77 kg should be discarded or culled.  Before a gilt is served she should be made to wait for the third heat or estrus before serving.

NB:Please source your gilts and sows from a reliable pig farm and request proliferacy records of their mothers.

In management of gilts the following are important; oestrus period is a 21days cycle, with 3 days duration or heat period. The gilt should be serviced twice during the heat period. Those that repeat two times or more should be sold for slaughter.

The repeat may be caused by; – cystic follicles, – bacterial infection, – infertility of the boar,-abnormality in the female reproductive system, -improper mating and timing.

Thank You

From Your Friend and Advisor



Fowl Typhoid

Dr.iCow’s Diary

Date: 07.02.2020

Dear Dr.iCow

My 4 months old chicks are dying of yellow diarrhea. What is the cause of this condition? What is the best medicine to stop further deaths?

From: Mr. Njora, County: Nyeri, Kenya.


Mr. Njora has lost several chicken with signs of yellow diarrhea. The chicken were on treatment with a sulphonamide drug but they did not recover and some died and the remaining ones are still having the yellow diarrhea, are weak and look depressed.

Dear Mr. Njora,

There are many causes of diarrhea in chicken with some occurring for a short time and are treatable, while others require prolonged treatment and some of them are deadly. The 4 months old chicken dying of yellow diarrhea also referred to as sulfur-coloured diarrhea could be suffering from Fowl typhoid which is a disease of growing and adult chicken.

Fowl typhoid is more seen in adult chickens and it has high mortality and morbidity. Depending on age of the birds, nutritional status, flock management and concurrent infections, deaths and spread in a flock are usually high. The disease is transmitted through infected droppings, drinkers and feeders, farm personnel clothes and shoes, and dead birds’ carcasses.

The chicken may show the following signs: depression, lack of appetite, droopy wings, ruffled feathers, huddling together, labored breathing, yellow or sulfur coloured diarrhea, dehydration and weakness, loss of weight , presence of faeces on the vent, decreased eggs production in laying birds, reduced hatch-ability and fertility.

Treatment with various sulphonamides and several other antibiotics is effective in reducing deaths but even with this and other treatments the infection is not eliminated and does not bring about cure.

Treatment is undesirable if you are to consider their eradication. Diarrhea depletes the body water and the much needed electrolytes, all of which are needed for a healthy bird. Please replace the water and electrolytes by using vitamins and electrolytes supplements in the chicken’s drinking water and you may use Amilyte w.s.p. Treatment with Esb3 and Amilyte w.s.p. could help.

The best method of controlling Fowl typhoid is eradication of infected birds. Fowl typhoid vaccine is used to control the disease and is given at 8 weeks of age by intramuscular injection.

Thank You.

From Your Friend and Advisor,

Dr. iCow

Quick Search Pea Diseases


Ascochyta spots

Ascochyta pisi, A. pinodella/Mycosphaerella pinodes

Ascochyta spots on snowpea pea pods
(c) A.A. Seif, icipe
Ascochyta spots (here on snowpea leaves)
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe

Powdery mildew

Erysiphe polygoni

Powdery mildew on peas
(c) A. M. Varela, icipe

Downy mildew 

Peronospora pisi

Downy mildew on cabbage
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe

Fusarium near-wilt

Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi

Fusarium wilt infected pea plants
(c) A.A. Seif, icipe
Fusarium wilt infected pea plants
(c) A.A. Seif, icipe

Viral diseases

Pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV)

Symptoms of pea enation mosaic virus-1 or also called pea virus 1 
(c) Courtesy of: The Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) , Crown Copyright


Dr.iCow’s Diary

Date: 04.02.2020

Dear Dr.iCow,

Please I want to know the cure for mastitis.

From: Teresia, County: Machakos, Kenya.


The cow is suffering from mastitis which keep recurring even after treatment with injections and intra-mammary antibiotic infusions. 

Dear Teresia,

Mastitis can be classified according to clinical symptoms or depending on mode of transmission. Under clinical there is; clinical, subclinical, per-acute, acute, sub-acute or chronic mastitis, and under mode of transmission are; contagious and environmental mastitis.   This is a case of recurrent mastitis and the vet could take a milk sample from the cow and submit it to veterinary investigation laboratory-VIL for analysis, culture and sensitivity tests so as to give the cow proper treatment.

The infected cow should be milked last as she is a potential source of infection to healthy cows. Please implement an effective mastitis control program which should have an economic advantage, be understood by yourself and the herdsman, and integrate it with your dairy farm management and the program should aim at reducing the occurrence of clinical mastitis. Please liaise with the vet doctor. The following is effective in the control of all and recurring mastitis like the one the cow is having; – pre dipping and post dipping of the teats with an udder wash and teat dip iodophore containing solution  e.g. CKL-Mastrite, single towel use per cow, cleaning of the zero-grazing unit, shed, milking parlour and equipment  using  a disinfectant. This can help to eradicate the mastitis causing microorganisms. Good hygiene is a must.

Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary gland and causative agents can be contagious, spread from cow to cow, or environmental from dirty or wet conditions in the cow’s area of stay like zero-grazing unit. In clinical mastitis infection signs like udder redness and swelling can be seen.  In some cases of severe mastitis the skin of the udder and teats may peel off, the udder is painful, feels hot, hard, and redness in appearance. The milk may appear watery, there will be flakes, clots or pus in the milk.

There will be reduced milk yield, un-wellness and reduction in movement, lack of appetite, sunken eyes, dirrhoea and dehydration, in some cases teat lesions can be mild or severe. Conditions affecting a dairy cow’s udder and teats cause reduction in milk production. In case of such conditions, a vet should be consulted immediately.

In subclinical mastitis infections there are no changes in the milk and the udder and it is difficult to detect. Subclinical mastitis reduces milk production, decreases milk quality and suppresses reproductive performance. The cost of subclinical mastitis is higher than that of clinical mastitis.

Mastitis is the most expensive disease in the dairy industry: – in loss of milk production, – culling of infected cows and their replacement, – vet consultation and drugs costs and special care for infected cows.  The disease can be controlled by high level of sanitary and hygienic standards in cows’ staying area like a zero-grazing unit and milking shed, clean environment and observance of proper milking procedure and isolation of infected cows. 

Thank you

From your friend and advisor,


Anaplasmosis Disease

Dr.iCow’s Diary


Dear Dr.iCow,

Nina ng’ombe imekauka kinyeshi. Inahitaji dawa gani? (I have a cow that is producing hard faeces. Which medications

From: Daudi, County: Narok, Kenya


The bull has been having constipation and is being left behind by other animals when grazing and appears tired, is feeding poorly and is standing most of the time. Constipation is a sign of an underlying condition or disease and this case is suggestive of anaplasmosis which is transmitted by ticks, biting flies and mechanically through veterinary instruments like unsterilized needles and surgical instruments. The parasite attacks the red blood cells causing anaemia resulting in weakness and breathing problems and more so when an infected animal is walking and feeding.

Dear Daudi,

The bull, having constipation is showing a sign of an underlying illness and in this case your bull is suffering from anaplasmosis or ndigana baridi. The disease is mainly transmitted by ticks. It presents with loss of appetite, weakness, paleness around eyes and muzzle, fever, depression, laboured breathing rapid reluctant to walk, pale mucous membranes, reduced milk production and constipation.

To overcome constipation, treatment must be given to address the underlying disease. It is very good you called a vet who examined and gave treatment to the bull. Give the bull easy and free access to clean drinking water, fresh green forages like nappier grass, sweet potatoes vines and hay, minerals supplements like Maclik Beef or Vital Nyama.

The forages should be mixed, chopped and molasses may be added and fed together. Rest the bull under a shade and minimize his movements until he recovers and regains strength. There is a need to improve on tick control in the herd so as to prevent tick borne diseases like the one the bull is having. Constipation can be relieved by giving the affected animal some Epsom salt.

Control of external parasites like ticks, lice, mites, fleas and adult flies is very important. They cause diseases, nuisance like itching, inflammation of the skin and losses in production. Ticks transmit tick borne diseases like E.C.F. Anaplasmosis, Heart-water, Babesiosis also called Red-water and also cause irritation and damage to the hides. Tick control is very important and is done by using the right acaricides and in correct concentration. This may be done by dipping in cattle dips or by spraying. There are;

i. Amitraz based acaricides. E.g. Triatix, Taktic, Tix-Fix and Norotraz.

ii. Synthetic Pyrethroids based products. E.g. Ectomin, Decatix, Dominex, Vectocid, Grenade and Delete. Consider changing the acaricide you are using currently. It is advisable to spray or dip your cattle at least once a week and when the tick challenge is high, e.g. at start of rainy season it can be done twice a week. If hand spraying, restrain the animal properly, to thorough soaking use 15 -20 litres of wash per adult animal. Successful control of ticks using this method depends on; – proper animal restrain, – accurate measurement and mixing of the acaricide, – use of an efficient pump, – thorough application of the wash on all parts of the animal.

The cow should be sprayed from the rear end working towards the head: starting with the hind legs, inside and outside, then the udder, scrotum in a bull, under the tail, the tail itself, the belly, flanks, back line, front legs, shoulders, neck and head, ending with the inside of the ears and always spraying in an upward direction. Thank you.

Anaplasmosis in cattle is an infectious disease of the red blood cells and mainly transmitted by ticks. It is a treatable disease and treatment is most effective if given in the early stage of the disease.

The 3 main principles which govern the correct and efficient use of the wash are;

i. – it must be applied at the correct strength.

ii. – it must be applied to wet thoroughly animal’s entire skin.

iii. -it must be applied regularly at correct intervals. 

Basic methods of application are;

a. – Total immersion e.g. in the plunge dipping tank.

b. – Spraying the wash on the cattle, e.g. in the power operated spray race, and hand-spraying. It is advisable to change an acaricide used for a long period so as to avoid development of tick resistance to that particular acaricide.

Thank you

From your friend and advisor,


Quick Search Pepper Pests

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Root-knot Nematodes

Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita / M. javanica) Roots of severely attacked (left) and healthy plant (right). Affected plants are normally stunted and eventually wilt and die. The most characteristic symptom is formation of root galls (knots) and these can be seen with the naked eye. Affected roots rot.
(c) A. M. Varela, icipe

Spider Mites

Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) . The adult female is 0.6 mm long. The male is smaller.
(c) Warwick HRI, University of Warwick


Aphids (Myzus persicae). Adult wingless females are oval-bodied, 1-2 mm in body length, of very variable colour.
(c) Magnus Gammelgaard


Cutworm (Agrotis sp.) Early instars are about 7-12 mm long. Fully grown caterpillars are 35-50 mm long.
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe

Fruit Flies

Fruit fly (Daccus bivittatus) on a chilli pod. Adults are 4-7 mm long.
(c) A. M. Varela, icipe

Fruit Borers

Caterpillar damage on chilli fruit
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum capsici) on sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum)
(c) Courtesy EcoPort ( J. Kranz

Leafmining Flies

Mining of a chilli leaf by leafmining flies (Liriomyza spp.)
(c) A. A. Seif & B. Nyambo, icipe


Adult and immature thrips (Thrips tabaci) (related species). Immatures (on top) are wingless and generally are light colored. Adults vary in color and have four wings lined with long hairs, it is about 1-1.5mm small.
(c) Courtesy EcoPort ( Alton N. Sparks, Jr., The University of Georgia
Thrips damage on a chilli pod.
(c) A.A. Seif & B. Nyambo, icipe


Whiteflies on chilli leaf. Adults are about 1mm long.
(c) B. Nyambo, A. A. Seif, icipe

Broad Mite or Yellow Tea Mite

Broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus ) damage on chillies
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe

Pepper Fruit Borers

(Helicoverpa spp.; Spodoptera spp.)

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Caterpillar damage on chilli fruit
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum capsici) on sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum)
(c) Courtesy EcoPort ( J. Kranz

Moths of fruitborers are active at dusk and at night, feeding on nectar and laying eggs on leaves.

Caterpillars feed on leaves, flowers and fruits. Although severe leaf damage by feeding of African bollworm (Helicoverpa spp.) caterpillars may slow plant growth due to reduced leaf area, caterpillar feeding on leaves is usually of not economic importance.

The bollworms are about 2-3.5 cm long.

The main damage occurs on flowers and fruits. Attack on flower buds results in flower abortion.

Caterpillars usually bore holes in fruits, causing extensive damage and promoting decay from secondary infection by diseases.

African armyworm (Spodoptera spp.) species are basically leaf-eaters and may cause defoliation when present in large numbers.

They also feed on fruits, rendering them unmarketable.

What to do:

  • Plough the soil before planting. This exposes pupae to natural enemies and desiccation.
  • Check the crop regularly. Early detection and destruction of eggs or young caterpillars before they bore into the fruits is very important.
  • Hand pick and destroy damaged fruits, eggs and caterpillars. This helps when their numbers are low and in small fields.
  • Conserve natural enemies. Parasitic wasps, ants, pirate bugs are very important for natural control of the African bollworm.
  • Whenever necessary use biopesticides such as Bt, neem products or other plant extracts. This is particularly important from the onset of flowering. Target caterpillars before they enter the fruit.

Groundnut Information Source Links

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

  • AIC (2002). Field Crops Technical Handbook. Nairobi Kenya.
  • ARC/LRN. (2007). Termites in crops.
  • Blay, E., Cudjoe, A. R., Braun, M. (eds). (2000). Handbook of crop protection recommendations in Ghana: An IPM approach Vol:1 Cereals and pulses. May 2000. Plant Protection & Regulatory Services Directorate and Integrated Crop Protection Project (ICP) German Development Co-operation (GTZ/PPRSD).
  • Bohlen, E. (1973). Crop pests in Tanzania and their control. Federal Agency for Economic Cooperation (bfe). Verlag Paul Parey. ISBN: 3-489-64826-9.
  • Brunt, A.A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M.J., Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. and Zurcher, E.J. (eds.) (1996 onwards). Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions and Lists from the VIDE Database. Version: 20th August 1996.
  • CAB International (2005). Crop Protection Compendium, 2005 edition. Wallingford, UK
  • Good agronomic practices for groundnut in Western Kenya- A training manual for Trainers, Daniel Nyambok and John Robins Oyia , 2011. Available online
  • Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea), women and development: Impact on nutrition and women’s role in Western Africa.
  • INPhO. Post-harvest Compendium. Groundnut.
  • IPM CRSP. Seventh Annual Report. Overview of the African Site in Uganda.
  • International Arachis Newsletter (IAN). No. 23, 2003.
  • J.D. Acland (1980). East African Crops. FAO/Longman. ISBN: 0 582 60301 3
  • Kenis, M., Cugala, D. (2006). Prospects for the biological control of the groundnut leaf miner, Aproaerema modicella, in Africa. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 1, No. 31, 9 pp. Insect Sci. Applic. Vol. 21, No. 3 pp. 257-265.
  • Nutrition Data
  • OISAT: Organisation for Non-Chemical Pest Management in the Tropics.
  • Participatory evaluation of the distribution, status and management of the groundnut leafminers in the Teso and Lango farming systems. Final technical report. NARO/DFIFD COARD Project. October 2004. By George Epieru Naro Saari).
  • Paulraj, M.P. & S. Ignacimuthu (2006). Integrated control of groundnut leafminer. Entomology Research Institute Loyola College, Chennai.
  • The New Vision. Uganda’s leading website. Poorly processed peanut butter causes
  • Umeh, V. C. , Walyyar, F. , Traore, S., Chaibou, I. M., Omar, B., Detognon J. (2001). Farmers’ opinions and influence of cultural practices on soil pest damage to groundnut in West Africa. Mini
  • Umeh, V. C., Youm, O., Waliyar, F. (2001). Soil Pests of Groundnut in sub-Saharan Africa – A Review. Insect Sci. Applic. Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 23-32. Bioline International, 1989 – 2007, Site last up-dated on 14-May-2007.
  • Youdeowei, A. (2002). Integrated Pest Management Practices for the Production of Cereals and Pulses. Integrated Pest Management Extension Guide 2. Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Directorate (PPRSD), Ghana, and German Development Cooperation (GTZ). ISBN: 9988 0 1086 9.