Credits: Biovision-Infonet Damping-off and root rot Powdery mildew Anthracnose (ripe rot) Viral diseases Bacterial soft rot Bacterial spot Bacterial wilt Cercospora leaf spot Collar rot Fusarium wilt Phytophthora blight
Category Archives: Pepper Diseases
Phytophthora Blight
(Phytophthora capsici) Credits:Biovision-Infonet All parts of the pepper plant can be affected. Seedlings can be killed. Collar rot and wilt phase is most common and is characterised by a dark brown stem discolouration extending upward from the soil line accompanied by a sudden wilt of the entire plant. Upper stem lesions (spots) are also dark […]
Pepper Fusarium Wilt
(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. capsici) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Disease symptoms include drooping and yellowing of lower leaves followed by wilting of the entire plant. Leaves on infected plants remain attached and the vascular system of the plant is discoloured, particularly in the lower stem and roots. The fungus lives indefinitely in the soil and is spread in […]
Pepper Collar Rot
(Sclerotium rolfsii) Credits: Biovision-Infonet It is a common and destructive disease of peppers widespread in the tropics. The fungus attacks the stem at ground level eventually girdling and killing it. White fungal growth usually is visible on the base of the stem and on the soil line around the base of the plant. On the […]
Pepper Cercospora Leaf Spot(Frogeye)
(Cercospora capsici) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Spots on leaves are brown and circular with small to large light grey centres and dark brown margins. Spots on stems, petioles and peduncles are typically elliptical and also have light grey centres with dark borders. Infected leaves are shed. Extensive defoliation occurs under severe disease pressure. Fruits are not attacked. […]
Pepper Viral Diseases
Credits: Biovision-Infonet About 17 viruses have been reported to attack peppers. Those considered economically important in Africa include alfalfa mosaic, chilli veinal mottle, cucumber mosaic, pepper veinal mottle, potato Y, tobacco etch, tobacco mosaic, tomato spotted wilt and chilli leaf curl. Most of these viruses are transmitted by insects, infected seed and a few by […]
Pepper Anthracnose (ripe rot)
(Colletotrichum capsici) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum spp. is a major problem of ripened fruits. The fungus produces dark, sunken spots up to 2.5 cm across on sweet pepper. The spots occur on green and ripe fruits and their surface may be covered in moist weather with salmon-pink mass of spores. The fungus is […]
Pepper Powdery Mildew
(Leveillula taurica) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Yellowish blotches or spots appear on the upper leaf surface. The leaf surface is covered with a white to grey powdery fungal growth. The disease progresses from the older to younger leaves and shedding of the foliage is pronounced. Leaf defoliation leads to reduction in size and number of fruits. It […]