
(Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) Credits:Biovision-Infonet Symptoms of anthracnose can appear on any plant part. Pale brown sunken spots may appear on the cotyledons of infected seedlings. Water may spread the disease to the hypocotyl, which if girdled, kills the seedling. Lesions on leaves are dark brown. They are restricted to the veins on lower leaf surface. On stems, lesions are […]

Halo Blight

Credits: Biovision-Infonet The most characteristic halo blight symptoms occur on bean foliage. Initially, small water-soaked spots resembling pin pricks appear on the lower leaf surface. These spots turn brown in a few days, and the surrounding tissue gradually become yellow-green. This zone of yellowed tissue around the spot resembles a halo, hence the name of […]

Bean Rust

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Rust spots (pustules) appear on all parts above the ground. They are most numerous on leaves, particularly on the underside. They are less abundant on stems and occur sparingly on pods. Initial symptoms are minute, slightly raised yellow pustules, which later become distinct circles, reddish brown in colour and surrounded by a yellow […]

Fusarium Root Rot

Credits:Biovision-Infonet Seedlings infected with Fusarium root rot appear dwarfed. The primary leaves are often yellow, later turning necrotic and finally the seedlings wilt. Fusarium species infect bean roots when the soil is too wet, or too hot for good bean growth. The fungus survives in soil for long period.What to do: Plough deeply bean debris after harvest. Practise a 6 to […]