African Bollworm and other pod borers

Credit: Biovision-Infonet Several caterpillars are important pests as pod borers in common beans and French beans. The most common are the African bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) and the legume pod borer (Maruca testulalis). They feed on leaves, flowers, pods and seeds. The African bollworm caterpillars are 3 to 4 cm long. They make clean circular holes in the pods. […]

Bark eating termites

Bark eating termites Credit: Biovision-Infonet They are generally associated with old mango trees. They may damage branches and other parts by tunnelling the wood, but usually are not of economic importance. Sickly, injured plants are more likely to be damaged than healthy, vigorous plants.What to do: Provide good growing conditions for the trees. Termites more […]

Cutworms General

Credit: Biovision-Infonet Cutworms (Agrotis spp) Cutworms are the caterpillars of certain moths. They are serious pests of tomato seedlings. They cut stems of newly transplanted or emerged plants at the base. Cutworm damage is more critical after thinning or transplanting. What to do:Eliminate weeds early, at least 2 weeks before transplanting.Plough and harrow the field prior to transplanting. This […]

Spider Mites

Spider Mites (General) Credits:Biovision-Infonet 1. Geographical Distribution in Africa 2. General Information on Pest and Damage Generally, spider mites prefer the undersides of leaves, but in severe infestation will occur on both leaf surfaces as well as on the stems and fruits. They suck the sap of plant tissues. Infestations are most serious in hot […]

Ch 14: Economic limitations of pesticides as a management option

Spraying insecticides early in the crop cycle are most likely to kill off the natural enemies and may not be economical. The policy by some governments to give away pesticides to maize farmers to combat FAW or to organize spraying squads may be starting smallholder maize farmers on a pesticide treadmill that may well have negative […]

Ch 13: Pesticide contamination of the environment- water, soil, air and food.

Some pesticides survive in the environment longer than others and do not breakdown for a considerable period of time. They can be transported by water and air over long distances. This ability is called“persistence”. Persistent pesticides tend to bioaccumulate in animals and humans and thus biomagnify (i.e. they concentrate as they move from one trophic […]

Ch 12: HHPs reported as in use on Fall Armyworm in Africa

FAO has received various indications that the following highly hazardous pesticides have been used or recommended for use to control Fall Armyworm in African countries: In addition, the use of pyrethroids and neonicotinoids has been reported to control Fall Armyworm. It should be noted that resistance development though the use of pyrethroids is a concern […]

Ch 11: Avoid the use of highly hazardous pesticides on the Fall Armyworm

The use of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs) to control Fall Armyworm (FAW) has been reported in several African countries. Under the conditions of use prevailing in these countries, HHPs pose great concerns for human health and the environment. It should be noted that: FAO has been mandated by the Council in 2006 and again in […]

Ch 10: Selection of pesticides: are all pesticides the same?

Some pesticides are more toxic than others. In technical terms, pesticides that have a high acute or chronic toxicity, or hazard to the environment are called highly hazardous pesticides.6 Under the current prevailing condition of use in African countries, it is advisable to primarily avoid the use of highly hazardous pesticides. Fortunately, only a relatively small […]

Ch 9: Synthetic pesticides

What are pesticides? Pesticides are substances used to kill or repel insects, diseases, plants, animals (rats, mice…) and other living organisms which are invasive, harmful and cause damage and therefore are considered to be pests.Pesticides are however also toxic to people and non-target organisms, and pollute the environment. Their handling, use and disposal always require special […]