CH.7 Milk testing

How do we know if the milk we buy is of good quality?

For primary milk buyers (buying directly from producers) there are 4 useful milk testing techniques possible:

  • CMT (California mastitis test): measures whether there is major mastitis contamination in the milk (appropriate at producer level).
  • Organoleptic test: (a) look, (b) smell, (c) taste (appropriate at all levels).
  • Lactometer:measures if water has been added to milk (calibrated to cow milk at 18–20°C, so not very suitable for use in hot areas unless recalibrated).
  • Clot on boiling:measures acidity, when milk is too sour to be boiled. A table spoon of milk is held over a candle or similar to see if it boils well (appropriate
Clot on boiling test; if it clots the milks has gone bad
  • Alcoholtest:also measures acidity, more sensitive than clot on boiling, but needs special equipment and training in order to get reliable results.
  • Lactoscan (US$ 1000): This equipment available at around US$ 1000 (Ksh 75,000) is a very sensitive milk testing tool. Suitable for dairy associations and NGOs supporting the clean milk trade
Many models of the Lactoscan
available (please check the

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