Ch 9: Ants

  While ants are among the most abundant, diverse and ecologically important groups of insects in the ecosystem, they are on whole not good pollinators. A few succulents and other plants (including some Euphorbias) are pollinated by ants. Plants in harsh, arid drylands are the ones that seem to rely on ants as there might be few other pollinators available. Ant-pollinated succulent plants also tend to be low-growing close to the ground where ants can more easily access the flowers.
Why don’t ants make good pollinators? Well, firstly the worker ants that visit flowers lack wings and typically forage short distances between their nests and the plants. This means that they are not efficient at carrying pollen over long distances.
Secondly, ants are obsessed with keeping clean, and by constantly grooming and producing glandular secretions, they often remove grains of pollen. These chemical secretions produced by the ants are for killing germs, but have an impact on pollen too.

Camponotus ants foraging on euphorbia flowers.

Ants will often visit flowers for nectar, and occasionally to hunt other insects. Many plants encourage ants to visit by secreting nectar from special glands that are located outside the flowers (hence called extra- floral nectaries). These glands encourage ants, and they end up patrolling the plant providing some protection from greedy herbivorous insects who might want to feed on the plant.

Camponotus braunsi ants on Euphorbia heterspina ssp. baringoensis.
Camponotus ants foraging on ornamental euphorbia.
  Camponotus ants foraging on euphorbias,
Polyrachis ants attending hemipteran bugs on a flowering parasitic plant.


Ch 18: Our friends the pollinators-Foreward

H.E. Professor Judi Wakhungu

We live in one of the most diverse and beautiful regions on the planet.

In a part of the world where most people make their living from farming, and are directly connected to nature in their daily lives. This book is therefore an excellent effort to engage the general public on the diversity and importance of wild pollinators for agriculture and livelihoods.
We depend, in East Africa, on many different ecosystem services that come from nature for free.
These include water resources, fertility of soil, energy from biomass, control of soil erosion, and pollination. To ensure we continue to have these vital services we need public awareness and education—two of the most important tools available for conservation and sustainable development.
Global awareness about the crisis surrounding the conservation of biodiversity and environment has grown significantly. However, it is important to connect this global movement to local action, and the information presented in this book will enable farmers, teachers, and schoolchildren across East Africa to better understand, celebrate, and conserve pollinators in their farms and gardens.
 The Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources–custodian of biodiversity in the country, salutes the supporting partners. With this publication the National Museums of Kenya, the GEF-UNEP-FAO Kenya Pollination Project, the Whitley Fund for Nature, and Nature Kenya are helping to raise awareness about better conserving pollinators. This beautifully designed guidebook, reminds us of how much we have to celebrate in pollinators and biodiversity as part of our national heritage.
H.E. Professor Judi Wakhungu
The Cabinet Secretary
Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources P. O. Box 30026-00100

Ch 19: Our friends the pollinators-Acknowledgements

First and foremost I would like to thank the many farmers and communities I have been privileged to work with, and who participated in our pollinator projects across East Africa. Though
far too many to mention individually, they hold the future of pollinators in their hands. Only with their help can we develop more sustainable agriculture, and ensure that pollinators persist as part of our heritage contributing to our lives and livelihoods.
This publication is the result of collaboration and support from many different institutions over the years including Nature Kenya, the National Museums of Kenya, the Turkana Basin Institute-Stony Brook University,
the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard, the Kenyan Horticultural Society, the Mpala Research Centre, the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, the Pest Control Products Board, the Suyian Trust and the National Geographic Society. The Global Pollination Project of the Global Environment Facility – United Nations Environment Program – Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations has directly supported this work in Kenya, as has the Whitley Fund for Nature.
In Kenya, the work of the GEF-UNEP-FAO Kenya Pollination Project being implemented through the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) has been a key part of this work. I would like to thank W. Kinuthia, C. Odhiambo, L. Njoroge (NMK), M. Kasina (KARI) and all the members of the National Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Committee as well as staff and scientists of the National Museums of Kenya.
Information, insights, support, and collaboration in many different forms have been provided by the following people:
A. Powys, G. Powys, L. Coverdale, D. Roberts, N. Pierce, W. Tong, J. Kingdon, L. Snook, D. Estes, E. O. Wilson, K. Horton, R. Leakey, M. Leakey, L. Martin, A. DeRosalia, G. Domberger, D. Wallis, E. Whitley, A. Whitley, I. Angelei, P. Kahumbu, S. Kahumbu, H. Herren, S. Miller, T. Kuklenski-Miller, S. Kocher, M. Kinnaird, J. Mamlin, S. E. Mamlin, N. Croze, E. Krystall, M. N. Mutiso, V. Otieno, P. Matiku, D. Kathurima, F. Ng’weno, M. Gikungu, L. Njoroge, T. Griswold, L. Packer, B. Danforth, C. Eardley, M. Kulhmann, J. Ascher, N. Azzu, P. Lomosingo, B. Obanda, W. Okeka, W. Tiren, J. Margaret, C. Zook, J. Sandhu, Q. Luke, H. Beentje, A. D. Q. Agnew, P. D. Paterson, and many others.
I very much appreciate the many years of guidance, information, and support provided to me by Barbara Gemmill-Herren.
I am grateful too to Catherine Ngarachu for her energy and assistance, and to Job Ballard for his outstanding design.

Ch 20: About the Author Dr. Dino Martins

Dr Dino Martins Photo Credit C. Lewis

Dr. Dino J. Martins studies ants, bees, and other insects, and their interactions with plants. He holds a research fellowship with the Turkana Basin Institute-Stony Brook University (USA), and lives and teaches in his home country, Kenya. Dino is a scientist, naturalist, artist, prolific writer, and shares his love for insects on his blogs, in numerous articles, and in the talks he gives, and dudu* walks he leads.
He currently teaches for the Turkana Basin Field School, and is a Research Associate of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard, the National Museums of Kenya, and the Smithsonian Institution.
Dino’s research has been in East Africa where he has studied bee evolution and ecology, hawkmoth and butterfly pollination, co-evolution, the biology of vectors, and the links between biodiversity and landscape-level processes.
He is currently looking at what drives cooperation between flowers and their pollinators, as well as between ants and plants. He works with farmers to improve awareness and conservation of bees, and other pollinators, and tries to help mitigate the threat of pesticides.
Dino’s work has been recognised with many awards including the Whitley Award for Conservation (2009). More recently he was selected as one of National Geographic’s ‘Emerging Explorers’ (2011), elected a Fellow of the Linnean Society (2013), and an Honorary Member of the Kenya Horticultural Society (2014).
Dino earned his PhD in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University in 2011.

EADD Appendix 3: Weight conversion table (heart girth to live weight)

Heart girth (cm) Live weight (kg) Heart girth (cm) Live weight (kg) Heart girth (cm) Live weight (kg) Heart girth (cm) Live weight (kg) Heart girth (cm) Live weight (kg)
60 30 87 63 114 130 141 235 168 392
61 31 88 65 115 134 142 240 169 399
62 32 89 67 116 137 143 244 170 406
63 33 90 69 117 140 144 248 171 413
64 34 91 71 118 143 145 252 172 420
65 35 92 73 119 146 146 256 173 427
66 36 93 75 120 150 147 260 174 435
67 37 94 77 121 154 148 264 175 443
68 38 95 79 122 158 149 268 176 451
69 39 96 81 123 162 150 272 177 459
70 40 97 83 124 166 151 276 178 467
71 41 98 85 125 170 152 280 179 475
72 42 99 87 126 174 153 285 180 483
73 43 100 89 127 178 154 290 181 491
74 44 101 92 128 182 155 295 182 500
75 45 102 95 129 186 156 301 183 508
76 46 103 98 130 190 157 307 184 516
77 47 104 100 131 194 158 313 185 525
78 48 105 103 132 198 159 319 186 534
79 49 106 106 133 202 160 325 187 543
80 50 107 109 134 206 161 345 188 552
81 51 108 112 135 210 162 353 189 561
82 53 109 115 136 214 163 360 190 570
83 55 110 118 137 218 164 366 191 580
84 57 111 121 138 222 165 372 192 590
85 59 112 124 139 226 166 378 193 600
86 61 113 127 140 230 167 385


EADD Appendix 7: Volume and weight measures of a Kasuku can

 Appendix 7. Volume and weight measures of a Kasuku can

Meal Volume measure—standard 2-kg plastic Kasuku cooking oil can Meal weight
(g) (kg)
Dairy meal Kasuku top level compacted 1287 1.3
Kasuku top level loose 1179 1.2
Maize bran Kasuku top level compacted 1252 1.3
Kasuku top level loose 1124 1.1
Maize germ Kasuku top level compacted 1438 1.4
Kasuku top level loose 1287 1.3
Wheat bran Kasuku top level compacted 841 0.8
Kasuku top level loose 719 0.7

Compiled by J Nyangaga, June 2005 Information based on 48 samples, weighted using 3 replicates, from 12 manufacturers in 7 shop outlets in Nairobi and Limuru

EADD Appendix 5: Ruminant feed conversion table

 Appendix 5. Ruminant feed conversion table

Feed type Application unit Average weight (kg)
Dairy meal Sack (20 kg) 20
Wheat bran Standard sack (70 kg) 39
Wheat bran Sack (50 kg) 28
Maize bran Standard sack (70 kg) 40
Maize bran Sack (50 kg) 29
Maize germ Standard sack (70 kg) 59
Cottonseed cake Sack (20 kg) 20
Pyrethrum marc Standard sack (70 kg) 70
Brewers waste Debe 25
Wheat straw Bale 15
Grass hay Bale 20
Molasses 20-kg jerry can 25

EADD Appendix 1: Recommended domains of major forages

Appendix 1. Recommended domains of major forages

Agroecological zone Suitable fodder
LH1 Lower Highland 1 Brachiaria ruziziensis Calliandra calothyrsus Giant setaria
Leucaena leucocephala
Napier grass Vetch
LH2 Lower Highland 2 Brachiaria ruziziensis Calliandra calothyrsus Chloris gayana
Giant setaria
Leucaena leucocephala
Lucerne Nandi setaria Oat
Zea mays
LH3 Lower Highland 3 Maize
Nandi setaria Oat
Rhodes grass var Mbarara or Masaba Silverleaf desmodium
LH4 Lower Highland 4 Elmba Rhodes Fodder barley
Leucaena leucocephala
Napier grass
UM2 Upper Midland 2 Chloris gayana Leucaena leucocephala Maize
Napier grass Silverleaf desmodium
UM3 Upper Midland 3 Andropogon gayanus Chloris gayana Leucaena leucocephala Maize
Napier grass Silverleaf desmodium


Agroecological zone Suitable fodder
UM4 Upper Midland 4 Calliandra calothyrsus Chloris gayana Desmodium
Hyparrhenia rufa (zebragrass) Leucaena  leucocephala Maize
Napier grass Sorghum
Sweet potato vines
Themeda triandra (red oats grass)
UH2 Upper Highland 2 Kikuyu grass
Leucaena leucocephala
Lucerne Rye grass
White clover
UH3 Upper Highland 3 Brachiaria ruziziensis Maize—high-altitude composite Oat
Rye grass Vetch
White clover


EADD Appendix 6: Organic and inorganic fertiliser conversion table

 Appendix 6. Organic and inorganic fertilizer conversion table

Fertilizer type Application unit Average table (kg)
Slurry 20-kg bucket / debe 22
Slurry Wheelbarrow load 86
Wet manure Standard sack 57
Wet manure Donkey-cart load 400
Wet manure Ox-cart load 200
Wet manure Hand-cart load 250
Wet manure Pick-up load 600
Wet manure Wheelbarrow load 55
Wet manure 20-kg bucket / debe 14
Dry manure Standard sack 45
Dry manure Donkey-cart load 280
Dry manure Hand-cart load 150
Dry manure Pick-up load 450
Dry manure Wheelbarrow load 45
Dry manure Standard kiondo 25
Dry manure Kasuku 1.5
Dry manure 20-kg bucket / debe 12
Dry manure 50-kg debe 30
Compost manure Standard sack 50
Inorganic fertilizer Kimbo or Kasuku tin (2 kg) 2
Inorganic fertilizer 20-kg bucket / debe 20
Inorganic fertilizer Standard sack CAN 20
Inorganic fertilizer Standard sack MAP 50
Inorganic fertilizer Standard sack NPK 20
Poultry manure (unsieved) Standard sack (70 kg) 72
Poultry manure (unsieved) Sack (50 kg) 46
Poultry manure (unsieved) 20-kg bucket / debe 7
Poultry manure (unsieved) Wheelbarrow load 25
Poultry manure (unsieved) Donkey-cart load 300
Poultry manure (unsieved) Lorry 6500
Coffee husks Wheelbarrow load 20