Information Source Links


  • Acland, J.D. (1980). East African Crops. FAO / Longman. ISBN: 0 582 60301 3
  • Agricultural Information Resource Centre (2011). Agricultural Information Directory 2011/2012. Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN: 9966 764 08 9
  • Ali, M.A (1993). Effects of cultural practices on reducing field infestation of potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella) and greening of tubers in Sudan. Journal of Agricultural Science, 121(2): 187-192; 19 ref.
  • Berg, G. (2006). Agriculture notes. Root-knot nematode on potatoes. AG0574. ISSN 1329-8062. State of Victoria, Department of Primary Industries.
  • Bohlen, E. (1973). Crop pests in Tanzania and their control. Federal Agency for Economic Cooperation (bfe). Verlag Paul Parey. ISBN: 3-489-64826-9.
  • CAB International (2005). Crop Protection Compendium, 2005 Edition. Wallingford, UK
  • CIP Nairobi (2005). Estimates of Currently grown potato cultivars.
  • Centipedes and millipedes. Later’s Pest Info Bulletin.
  • Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) (2002). Meloidogyne chitwoodi (the Columbia root-knot nematode) and Meloidogyne fallax
  • Godfrey,L. D., Davis, U.C., Haviland, D. R.(2003). UC Pest Management Guidelines. How to Manage Pests. Potato Aphids, green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae)]. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Potato. UC ANR Publication 3463. Insects. UC Cooperative Extension, Kern Co. (Reviewed 6/03, updated 6/03). Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California.
  • Karren, J. B. Millipedes. Fact sheet No. 21. Revised April 2000.
  • Kfir, R. (2003). Biological control of the potato tuber moth Phthorimaea opercullela in Africa. In: Neuenschwander, P. – Biological Control in IPM Systems in Africa.
  • Kroschel, J. (1995). Integrated pest management in potato production in the Republic of Yemen- with special reference to the integrated biological control of the potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella Zeller). Tropical Agriculture 8.GTZ. Margraf Verlag. ISBN: 3-8236-1242-5.
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Kenya) & Japan International Cooperation Agency (2000). Local and Export Vegetables Growing Manual. Reprinted by Agricultural Information Resource Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. 274 pp.
  • National Potato Catalogue, 2017. Accessed on 18th December 2018
  • Nutrition Data
  • Oisat. Organisation for Non-Chemical Pest Management in the Tropics.
  • Ostermann, H. and Dreyer, M. (1995). Neem Products for Pest management. Vegetables and grain legumes. In: The Neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and other meliaceous plants sources of unique natural products for integrated pest management, industry and other purposes. Edited by H. Schmutterer in collaboration with K. R. S. Ascher, M. B. Isman, M. Jacobson, C. M. Ketkar, W. Kraus, H. Rembolt, and R.C. Saxena. VCH. pp. 392-403. ISBN: 3-527-30054-6.
  • Potatoes. Kenya Overview
  • Saxena, R. C. (1995). Neem Products for Pest management. Pest of stored products. In: The Neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and other meliaceous plants sources of unique natural products for integrated pest management
  • Zebitz, C. P. W. (1995). Neem Products for Pest management. Root and Tuber Crops. In “The Neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and other meliaceous plants sources of unique natural products for integrated pest management, industry and other purposes”. (1995). Edited by H. Schmutterer in collaboration with K. R. S. Ascher, M. B. Isman, M. Jacobson, C. M. Ketkar, W. Kraus, H. Rembolt, and R.C. Saxena. VCH. pp. 403-407. ISBN: 3-527-30054-6.
  • Zitter, T.A., Gallenberg, D.J. (2002). Virus and viroid diseases of potato. Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University.


Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Chenopodium album, pigweed
(c) Courtesy EcoPort Photography courtesy of Western Weeds CD-ROM. Web version by R. Randall.

The major weeds in potato crops are annuals. Weeds can reduce yields through direct competition for light, moisture and nutrients. They may harbour pests and diseases that attack potatoes. Early season competition of weeds is very critical. When properly grown, the crop normally covers the ground and smothers any weed competition. Weeds present at harvest increase mechanical damage to the tubers, and reduce harvesting efficiency by slowing down harvesting operations and leaving tubers in the ground. The most important weed in potatoes worldwide is pigweed or fat hen (Chenopodium album).

What to do:

  • Practise crop rotation. Rotation of 2 or 3 years is an important strategy to control perennial weeds. Weeds tend to thrive with crops of similar growth requirements as their own and may benefit from practices directed to the crop. When diverse crops are used in a rotation, weed germination and growth cycles are disrupted by variation in cultural practices associated with each crop.
  • Control weeds early in the season. It is important to stop broadleaved weeds or annual grasses from appearing above the crop and competing strongly for nutrients and moisture when tubers are enlarging.

Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTVd)


Spindle tubers with deep eyes (far right healthy).
(c) Slack S.A

It is particularly destructive for seed production. Potato plants severely infected are upright, stunted and much thinner than normal plants. Leaves of infected plants are smaller and may be grey or distorted. The affected stems are often more branched and branches are at very sharp angles to the stem. Symptoms are more obvious on tubers. Affected tubers are small, narrow and spindle shaped (oblong).

In some varieties tubers develop knobs and swellings. In other varieties eyes on tubers are numerous, shallow and prominent, and affected tubers are often cracked. This viroid is easily mechanically transmitted. An infection can be introduced by sowing infected seed tubers, by insects such as aphids, grasshoppers and flea beetles, and through pollen. Tomato and capsicum are additional hosts for PSTVd.

What to do:

  • Plant certified disease-free seed tubers.
  • Plant whole seed tubers instead of cut pieces.
  • Remove infected plants from the field.

Viral Diseases

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Mottle of potato leaf caused by Potato X potexvirus
(c) SASA
Close-up of potato leaf showing severe mosaic caused by Potato Y potyvirus
(c) SASA

Viral diseases of importance include:

Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV)

Potato X Potexvirus (PVX)

Potato Virus Y Potyvirus (PVY)

Under field conditions, there is often a composite infection with the 3 viruses (PLRV; PVX; PVY) and it becomes very difficult to distinguish the three on the basis of symptoms.

These viruses are transmitted by aphids. PVX causes distinct leaf mottling and crinkling. PVY causes dwarfing of plants, with a rough, mosaic appearance to the leaves and affected plants give a poor crop of small tubers. PVY is also tuber-borne. Potatoes infected with PLRV show an upward and inward rolling of leaflet margins and plants are dwarfed. Affected leaflets become thick and dry, and the lower leaves may become completely brown. Infected plants produce tubers smaller in size and numbers. PLRV also infects other solanaceous crops and weeds (e.g. tomato, tobacco, jimson weed).

What to do:

  • Use virus-free seed tubers.
  • Plant resistant varieties where available. In Kenya, the following potato varieties are claimed to possess some resistance to viral diseases: “Kenya Baraka”, “Roslin Eburu”, “Feldelslohn”, “Annet” and “Dutch Robjn”.
  • Uproot infected plants to reduce the incidence of infection and spread of the disease within a field. For maximum effectiveness remove the diseased plant, the 3 plants on each side of the diseased plant in the same row, and the three closest plants in adjacent rows. This is particularly important in seed fields.
  • Control of insect vectors may reduce virus spread.
  • Do not overlap potato crops.
  • Practise good field sanitation.
  • Control nightshades and volunteer potatoes because these plants are reservoirs for viruses

Black Scurf and Scab


Citrus scab on leaf
(c) Courtesy EcoPort McKenzie E., Landcare Ltd., New Zealand

Black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani), powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea) and common scab caused by the bacterium (Streptomyces scabies).

These diseases may cause similar symptoms. Black scurf and scab cause skin blemishes (russeting; rough corky tissue) on tubers.

These lesions may be so numerous as to involve the entire surface of affected tubers. Such lesions spoil the appearance of the tubers and cause waste in peeling and reduction in grade. These pathogens live in the soil and survive in infected tubers. In most cases infection occurs whilst the tubers are still in the ground.

What to do:

  • Practise crop rotation.
  • In case of scab use healthy certified seed tubers.
  • Disinfect seed tubers from infected field through heat-treatment (10 min in water at 55 degC). The same treatment of naturally or artificially contaminated seed tubers gave complete absence of blackleg infection in the field and decreased the amounts of powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea) and black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) on progeny tubers.
  • Avoid excessive liming and continuous cropping with potatoes.
  • Maintain soil pH at about 4.8 if continuous cropping cannot be avoided.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about locusts

Credits: FAO, Locust Watch

Photo Credit : FAO

What is the difference between locusts and grasshoppers?

Locusts are part of a large group of insects commonly called grasshoppers which have big hind legs for jumping. Locusts belong to the family called Acrididae. Locusts differ from grasshoppers in that they have the ability to change their behaviour and habits and can migrate over large distances.

What is a Desert Locust?

The Desert Locust is one of about a dozen species of short-horned grasshoppers (Acridoidea) that are known to change their behavior and form swarms of adults or bands of hoppers (wingless nymphs). The swarms that form can be dense and highly mobile. The Latin name for Desert Locust is Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal).

What countries are affected by the Desert Locust?

During quiet periods (known as recessions) Desert Locusts are usually restricted to the semi-arid and arid deserts of Africa, the Near East and South-West Asia that receive less than 200 mm of rain annually. This is an area of about 16 million square kilometres, consisting of about 30 countries.

During plagues, Desert Locusts may spread over an enormous area of some 29 million square kilometres, extending over or into parts of 60 countries. This is more than 20% of the total land surface of the world. During plagues, the Desert Locust has the potential to damage the livelihood of a tenth of the world’s population.

Do Desert Locust plagues occur with any regularity?

There is no evidence that Desert Locust plagues occur after a specific number of years. Instead, plagues develop intermittently. Plagues of locusts have been reported since the Pharaonic times in ancient Egypt. During this century, Desert Locust plagues occurred in 1926-1934, 1940-1948, 1949-1963, 1967-1969 and 1986-1989.

How long does a Desert Locust live?

A Desert Locust lives a total of about three to five months although this is extremely variable and depends mostly on weather and ecological conditions. The life cycle comprises three stages: egg, hopper and adult. Eggs hatch in about two weeks (the range is 10-65 days), hoppers develop in five to six stages over a period of about 30-40 days, and adults mature in about three weeks to nine months but more frequently from two to four months.

How many eggs does a Desert Locust female produce?

Desert Locust females lay eggs in an egg pod primarily in sandy soils at a depth of 10-15 centimetres below the surface. A solitary female lays about 95-158 eggs whereas a gregarious female lays usually less than 80 eggs in an egg pod. Females can lay at least three times in their lifetime usually at intervals of about 6-11 days. Up to 1,000 egg pods have been found in one square metre.

How far and how fast can Desert Locusts migrate?

Desert Locusts usually fly with the wind at a speed of about 16-19 km/h depending on the wind. Swarms can travel about 5-130 km or more in a day. Locusts can stay in the air for long periods of time. For example, locusts regularly cross the Red Sea, a distance of 300 km. In the past there have been some spectacular and very long distance swarm migrations, for example from North-West Africa to the British Isles in 1954 and from West Africa to the Caribbean, a distance of 5,000 km in about ten days in 1988. Solitary Desert Locust adults usually fly at night whereas gregarious adults (swarms) fly during the day.

How big are swarms and how many locusts are there in a swarm?

Locust swarms can vary from less than one square kilometre to several hundred square kilometres. There can be at least 40 million and sometimes as many as 80 million locust adults in each square kilometre of swarm.

What percentage of the Desert Locust’s exoskeleton is chitin?

Chitin is the most important constituent of the cuticle or exoskeleton of the Desert Locust. The production of chitin is a continuous process and increases throughout the life of a Desert Locust, varying from about 1.7% (of fresh weight of a locust) during the hopper stage to 2.2% in the young adult and 4% in a two month old adult.

How much food can a Desert Locust eat?

A Desert Locust adult can consume roughly its own weight in fresh food per day, that is about two grams every day. A 1 km2 size swarm contains about 40 million locusts, which eat the same amount of food in one day as about 35,000 people, 20 camels or 6 elephants. This is based on a person eating an average of 2.3 kg of food per day, according to the USDA. 

A swarm the size of Niamey (Niger) or Bamako (Mali) eats the same amount of food in one day as half the respective country. A swarm the size of Paris eats the same amount of food in one day as half the population of France; the size of New York City eats in one day the same as everyone in New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey; the size of San Francisco eats the same has half of California; the size of Sydney (Australia) eats the same amount of food in one day as Australia eats in 1.5 hours.

What is the relationship between locusts and ecology?

When conditions are favourable for reproduction, locust numbers increase and when they are not, numbers decrease either by natural mortality or through migration. For the Desert Locust, favourable conditions for breeding are (1) moist sandy or sand/clay soil to depths of 10-15 cm below the surface, (2) some bare areas for egg-laying, and (3) green vegetation for hopper development. Often favourable conditions may exist in the desert but there are no locusts present. Therefore, the presence of moist soil and green vegetation does not automatically mean that there are locusts around!

Why do locusts change their behaviour?

As Desert Locusts increase in number and become more crowded, they change their behavior from that of acting as an individual (solitarious) insect to that as acting as part of a group (gregarious). The appearance of the locust also changes: solitary adults are brown whereas gregarious adults are pink (immature) and yellow (mature). Up until 1921, it was thought that the Desert Locust was actually two different species of locusts.

Are there other important species of locusts?

Although the Desert Locust is considered to be the most important species of locust due to its ability to migrate over large distances and rapidly increase its numbers, there are several other important species of locusts throughout the world:
◦ African Migratory Locust (Locusta migratoria migratorioides) – Africa;
◦ Oriental Migratory Locust (Locusta migratoria manilensis) – South-East Asia;
◦ Red Locust (Nomadacris septemfasciata) – Eastern Africa;
◦ Brown Locust (Locustana pardalina) – Southern Africa;
◦ Italian Locust (Calliptamus italicus), from western Europe to Central Asia;
◦ Moroccan Locust (Dociostaurus maroccanus) – North-West Africa to Asia;
◦ Bombay Locust (Nomadacris succincta) – South-West to South-East Asia;
◦ Australian Plague Locust (Chortoicetes terminifera) – Australia;
◦ Tree Locusts (Anacridium sp.) – Africa, Mediterranean, Near East.

Can locusts hurt humans?

Locusts do not attack people or animals. There is no evidence that suggests that locusts carry diseases that could harm humans.

How can locusts be controlled?

At present the primary method of controlling Desert Locust swarms and hopper bands is with mainly organphosphate chemicals applied in small concentrated doses (referred to as ultra low volume (ULV) formulation) by vehicle-mounted and aerial sprayers and to a lesser extent by knapsack and hand-held sprayers.

Who carries out locust control operations?

Locust survey and control are primarily the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture in locust affected countries and are operations undertaken by national locust units. There are also several regional locust organizations that assist with survey and control operations. During times of outbreaks and plagues, external assistance from the donor community and other international organizations is usually required.

Are there any non-chemical ways to kill locusts?

Extensive research is in progress on biological control and other means of non-chemical control of locusts. The current focus is primarily on pathegens and insect growth regulators. Thus far control by natural predators and parasites is limited since locusts can quickly migrate away from most natural enemies. Although giant nets, flamethrowers, lasers and huge vacuums have been proposed in the past, these are not in use for locust control. People and birds often eat locusts but usually not enough to significantly reduce population levels over large areas.

Can locusts be detected by satellites?

Weather satellites and other satellites used to monitor the environment cannot detect locust individuals or swarms. However, the highly sophisticated satellites used by the military can indeed detect locusts but these images are not available. Even if they were, it is unlikely that national and international locust organizations would have the ability to interpret the hundreds of images that would be produced on a daily basis.

Why are Desert Locust so difficult to control?

There are many reasons as to why it is difficult to successfully combat the Desert Locust. Some of these are: (1) the extremely large area (16-30 million sq. km) within which locusts can be found, (2) the remoteness and difficult access of such areas, (3) the insecurity or lack of safety (such as land mines) in some areas, (4) the limited resources for locust monitoring and control in some of the affected countries, (5) the undeveloped basic infrastructure (roads, communications, water and food) in many countries, (6) the difficulty in maintaining a sufficient number of trained staff and functioning resources during the long periods of recession in which there is little or no locust activity, (7) political relations amongst affected countries, (8) the difficulty in organizing and implementing control operations in which the pesticide must be applied directly onto the locusts, and (9) the difficulty in predicting outbreaks given the lack of periodicity of such incidents and the uncertainty of rainfall in locust areas.

Do people eat locusts?

People in several countries collect locusts using large nets and by other means. Locusts are usually stir-fried, roasted or boiled and eaten immediately or dried and eaten later (see some recipes below). Locusts are rich in protein. During periods of increased locust activity, piles of dead locusts can be found in the market places of many locust affected countries.

What is a Desert Locust composed of?

About 62% of the dry weight of an adult Desert Locust consists of proteins, 17% as fats, and the remainder as inorganic constituents (Si, Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Ti, Ni, P, S).

What is the role of FAO in locust control?

One of the mandates of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is to provide information on the general locust situation to all interested countries and to give timely warnings and forecasts to those countries in danger of invasion. Therefore, FAO operates a centralized Desert Locust information service within the Locust Group at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy. All locust affected countries transmit locust data to FAO who in turn analyze this information in conjunction with weather and habitat data and satellite imagery in order to assess the current locust situation, provide forecasts up to six weeks in advance and issue warnings on an ad-hoc basis. FAO prepares monthly bulletins and periodic updates summarizing the locust situation and forecasting migration and breeding on a country by country basis. These are distributed by email, fax, and post. All locust information is archived at FAO Headquarters and some of this is available on the Internet.

Furthermore, FAO provides training and prepares publications on various aspects of locusts. FAO undertakes field assessment missions and coordinates survey and control operations as well as assistance during locust plagues.

What about some locust recipes?

Here are a few local recipes from locust-affected countries. Please send us yours!

Tinjiya (Tswana recipe): remove the wings and hindlegs of the locusts, and boil in a little water until soft. Add salt, if desired, and a little fat and fry until brown. Serve with cooked, dried mealies (corn).

Sikonyane (Swazi recipe): prepare embers and roast the whole locust on the embers. Remove head, wings, and legs, in other words, only the breast part is eaten. The South Sotho people use locusts especially as food for travellers. The heads and last joint of the hindlegs are broken off and the rest laid on the coals to roast. The roasted locusts are ground on a grinding stone to a fine powder. This powder can be kept for long periods of time and is taken along on a journey. Dried locusts are also prepared for the winter months. The legs, when dried, are especially relished for their pleasant taste.

Cambodia: take several dozen locust adults, preferably females, slit the abdomen lengthwise and stuff a peanut inside. Then lightly grill the locusts in a wok or hot frying pan, adding a little oil and salt to taste. Be careful not to overcook or burn them.

Barbecue (grilled): prepare the embers or charcoal. Place about one dozen locusts on a skewer, stabbing each through the centre of the abdomen. If you only want to eat the abdomen, then you may want to take off the legs or wings either before or after cooking. Several skewers of locusts may be required for each person. Place the skewers above the hot embers and grill while turning continuously to avoid burning the locusts until they become golden brown.

Philippines: Locusts have been accepted in San Fernando,Pampanga as a palatable special dish, cooked “adobo” style. Adobo is a popularly common dish found in the Philippines, thus a national dish among the Filipinos. Typically made from pork or chicken or a combination of both, it is slowly cooked in soy sauce, vinegar, crushed garlic, bay leaf, and black peppercorns, and often browned in the oven or pan-fried afterwards to get the desirable crisped edges. This dish originates from the northern region of the Philippines. Commonly packed for Filipino mountaineers and travelers, the relatively long shelf-life of this food is well known due to one of its primary ingredient’s, particularly vinegar, that inhibits the growth of bacteria. Tip: substitute locusts for the chicken or pork

Uganda: Clean the locusts by removing the legs and wings, then fry them with some chopped onion and season with curry powder.

Mexico: (1) Roast 40 locusts for 10 minutes at 180°, then remove the wings, legs and heads and toss with the juice of 1 lemon, 2 cloves of garlic and salt to taste. (2) Mash 2 avocados and spread on 6 tortillas. (3) Sprinkle with locust torsos and enjoy. Serves six. (adapted from a Mexican grasshopper dish from the pages of the excellent Man Eating Bugs: The Art and Science of Eating Insects, by Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio)

Are there any other beneficial uses of locusts?

Philippines: Local herbalists are said to steep locusts in coconut oil, and with the chanting of prayers in either the local dialect or in pidgin Latin, apply the oil to wounds and sprains as a way of facilitating healing.

Also in the Philippines, some enterprising people recently discovered that the destructive locusts, which continue to plunder vast tracts of sugarcane fields and vegetation in Pampanga and Zambales, can be a rich source of nutritious supplemental feeding for animals and fish,including fighting cocks.

Can Desert Locust cause asthma?

In general, locusts, grasshoppers and cockroaches are common insect allergens. Locust pheromones or hormones produced during mating, in combination with scales that come off the wings and cuticle of the locust, increased amounts of dust in the air and perhaps other chemicals (such as phenols that are released from the breakdown of vegetation), can act as allergens to humans and trigger allergic reactions primarily in people already susceptible to asthma. This form of respiratory illness is often referred to as Lung Eczema or Laboratory Animal Allergy. Exposure is usually unintentional (nuisance) or through professional activities (insect rearing facilities and laboratories where there are strict rules on wearing face masks). Asthma can appear one to two years after initial exposure. For additional information, see: Int. Arch. Occup. Environ Health 1996,68:133; J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 1990,86:182; J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 1989,84:296; J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 1984,74:261; Clin. Allergy (A)1980,10:346; Lancet 1980,1350; Rev. Fr. Allergol. 1978,18(n°1):19,1; Rev. Fr. Allergol. 1977,17(n°5):235

FAO. 1994. Desert Locust Guidelines (five volumes). Rome: FAO.
Pedgley, D. (ed). 1981. Desert Locust Forecasting Manual. London: Centre for Overseas Pest Research. 268 pp.
Steedman, A. (ed). 1990. Locust Handbook (3rd edition). Chatham: Natural Resources Institute. 204 pp.
Uvarov, B. 1966. Grasshoppers and locusts, Volume I. Cambridge: University Press. 481 pg.

13th January 2020

Desert Locust situation update 13 January 2020

Credits: Locust Watch, FAO

Numerous and very large swarms pose an unprecedented threat to food security and livelihoods in Horn of Africa

In the Horn of Africa, there has been a significant and extremely dangerous increase in swarm activity during the past week in Kenya where numerous, large immature swarms are spreading from the initial invasion areas of the northeast (Mandera county) south to Wajir and Garissa, west along the Ethiopian border (Moyale and Marsabit counties) and southwest into central areas north of Mt Kenya (Isiolo, Samburu, Meru and most recently Laikipia counties).

One immature swarm was 60 km long by 40 km wide in the northeast. \

More swarms are expected to occur in these areas, some of which are already moving north of Mt. Kenya westwards to the Rift Valley (Baringo county) where they could continue northwest to Turkana county, while others will move west along the Ethiopian border, and some swarms could move further south to Tana River county.

Some swarms may reach northeast Uganda and southeast South Sudan. In all areas, there is an unprecedented threat to food security and livelihoods. In the northeast, some swarms have started to mature, which means that egg-laying could be imminent in open areas of sandy moist soil where eggs would hatch after about two weeks and give rise to numerous hopper bands in February. 

In Ethiopia, immature swarms continue to form and move in the eastern regions of Harar (East Harerghe) and Somali (Jijjiga and Warder, Kebridehar, Gode in the Ogaden). Immature swarms are also present further south in Oromiya (Bale) and in the past days on the edge of the Rift Valley (Borena) near Teltele and Yabello. Some swarms have started to mature in the Gode area. More swarms are expected to appear in the southern parts of Oromiya and Somali regions and in the southwest region of SNNPR (South Omo) where they are likely to mature and lay eggs. 

In Somalia, mature swarms are present in the Garbahare area near Mandera, Kenya

Limited ground and aerial control operations are in progress in Ethiopia where 3 700 ha have been treated so far in January, and by DLCO-EA, national and county agencies and the private sector in parts of Kenya. So far, survey and control operations have not been mounted in central and southern Somalia due to insecurity. Aerial control efforts need to be urgently and very quickly upscaled in all countries.

In southwest Asia, swarms continue to be present on both sides of the Indo-Pakistan border but numbers are declining due to control operations and migration to the southern Iran where swarms that already reach the southeast have matured and laid eggs. In the past few days, unusually heavy rains fell in southeast Iran, causing flooding and loss of life. On the southeast coast near Chabahar, more rain fell in a day and half than what normally falls during the entire year. Once floodwaters recede, ecological conditions will be favourable for several months of breeding that is expected to cause a significant increase in locusts by spring.

Important breeding continues in the winter breeding areas along the coastal plains of the Red Sea where control operations are in progress against hopper groups, bands and adult groups in Saudi Arabia (8 000 ha), Eritrea (3 500 ha), Sudan (1 800 ha) and Yemen (1 080 ha).

Bacterial Soft Rot

(Erwinia carotovora pv. carotovora , E.c. pv. atroseptica)


Bacterial soft rot caused by (Erwinia carotovora var. carotovora) on carrot
(c) Oregon State University

The bacteria enters through wounds and cause extensive rotting of potatoes due to degradation of tuber cell walls, often reducing tubers to a smelly pulp. They may also be carried over on tubers, and shoots (stems) emerging from infected tubers. These are blackened and commonly referred as blackleg, and the affected stems subsequently die.

What to do:

  • Use resistant varieties where available. This constitutes the best management strategy.
  • Use healthy seed tubers and avoid injury to the tubers.
  • Avoid excess watering.
  • Store and transport tubers in dry, well ventilated conditions.
  • Practise field hygiene.

Bacterial Wilt

(Ralstonia solanacearum)


Bacterial wilt (rotting of vascular ring)
(c) A.A. Seif
Bacterial wilt symptoms on potato plants. The first visible symptom on foliage is a wilting of the leaves at the ends of the branches during the heat of the day with recovery at night. As the disease develops, a streaky brown discoloration of the stem may be observed on stems 2.5 cm or more above the soil line, and the leaves develop a bronze tint.
(c) A.A. Seif, icipe

Bacterial wilt can be very destructive at the lower altitude, warmer extreme of the potato’s range in Kenya. This disease causes rapid wilting and death of the entire plant without any yellowing or spotting of leaves. All branches wilt at about the same time. The pathogen is transmitted through tuber seed into the soil. Also infested soil can be important source of disease inoculum (infection).

What to do:

  • Use clean certified disease-free seed.
  • Plant resistant varieties where available.
  • Remove wilted plants to reduce spread of the disease from plant to plant.
  • Bio-fumigation (incorporating especially mustard or radish plants in large amounts into the soil immediately before planting potatoes) helps in reducing and the long-term elimination of bacterial wilt from the soil. This practice is reported to reduce incidence of bacterial wilt by 50 to 70% in the Philippines (ACIAR 2005/6).
  • Do not grow crops belonging to the same family as potatoes (e.g. tomatoes, peppers or eggplant) in succession in the same land. Rotation is not effective against bacterial wilt because the pathogen can survive for several years in the soil and also can infect a wide range of crops and weeds. However, the disease incidence can be reduced if crop rotation with non-susceptible crops (e.g. cereals) is combined with the other above-mentioned control components.

Potato Tuber Moth

(Phthorimaea operculella)

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Potato tuber moth adult (Phthorimaea operculella) is about 12-16mm long.
(c) J. Kroschel, CIP
Parasitic wasp (Copidosoma khoeleri), a natural enemy of potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella).
(c) J. Kroschel, CIP
Potato tubers damaged by the potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella).
(c) J. Kroschel, CIP
Pupae of the potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella) on potato tuber.
(c) J. Kroschel, CIP

This moth is the most serious pest of potatoes in the region. It occurs in Africa wherever potatoes are grown, and it also attacks tobacco, eggplants and tomatoes. The moth is small (measuring about one mm at rest and with 12 to 16 mm wingspan), brownish grey in colour with narrow fringed wings. The moths are active mainly at dusk, but occasionally they can be seen flying within potato plants. Female moths lay eggs singly or in small batches on sheltered places of the foliage (leaf and stems) and near the eye buds on exposed tubers through cracks in the soil or in the store.

The caterpillars are up to 12 mm long and whitish to pale greenish in colour. They feed as leafminers between the upper and the lower epidermis and bore into the petiole, or a young shoot or main leaf vein and later into the tuber. When eggs are laid on tubers, caterpillars begin feeding on the tubers immediately upon hatching. They pupate in a silken cocoon covered with soil particles and debris among dead potato leaves, soil litter, eyes of tubers, and storage walls and floors.

Caterpillars burrowing in the tubers cause major damage by making long irregular black tunnels filled with excreta, where disease-causing microorganisms grow. These tunnels provide an entry point for various plant pathogens and make the potatoes unfit for human consumption. The pest is transferred with the harvested tubers to the potato store, where it can reproduce and infest other tubers. This may lead to total destruction of the stored crop.

What to do:

  • Conserve natural enemies. They are important for natural control of the potato tuber moth. Ladybird beetles prey on eggs and young caterpillars. Larvae of lacewings, big-eyed bugs, ground beetles, earwigs and rove beetles prey on all stages of the pest. Several native parasitic wasps attack this pest. A granulosis virus has also been found infecting caterpillars in the field (diseased caterpillars have a milky white colouration and are sluggish). However, in many cases control is not satisfactory, therefore several parasitic wasps, native from South America, the area of origin of the pest, have been introduced to several countries in Africa. The most important are Copidosoma koehleri and Apanteles subandinus. These wasps have provided effective control of the pests in several countries, particularly in Southern and Eastern Africa
  • Use healthy, clean seed, since infested seed tubers are the main cause of re-infestation in the field.
  • Avoid planting in rough soil. Plant as deeply as possible (10 cm deep) and ridge at least 3 times during the growing season. Experiments in Sudan showed that increasing the sowing depth from 2.5 cm practised by farmers to 7.6 cm, significantly reduced damage by the cutworms and the potato tuber moth and resulted in an increase of 3.7 t/ha in marketable yield (Siddig, 1987).
  • Ensure compact hilling. This is very important to prevent moths reaching the tubers to lay eggs. It also makes it difficult for caterpillars to reach the tubers. In addition, emerging moths from infested tubers will not be able to emerge through deep soil.
  • Provide enough water to prevent soil cracks.
  • Mulch the plants with rice straw and/or with leaves. Mulching with neem leaves during the last 4 weeks before harvest significantly reduced insect damage in Sudan. (Ali, 1993).
  • Intercrop potatoes with hot pepper, onions or peas.
  • Harvest the crop immediately as it matures, as tubers left in fields for longer periods are highly infested.
  • At harvesting, ensure that the tubers are not exposed to moths before they are properly protected in the store. All harvested tubers have to be bagged and removed before late afternoon every day.
  • Destroy all infested potatoes immediately and remove all plant residues from the field. Caterpillars pupate in the tubers and dry stems left in the field.
  • Destroy all volunteer potato plants before planting new potato crops.
  • Use alternative pesticides to protect potatoes in store.
  • Neem can be applied to reduce damage by the potato tuber moth. For instance, in India a four months protection was achieved when harvested potatoes and the covering material were sprayed with five and 10% enriched neem seed extract (Saxena, 1995). In Sudan spraying neem seed and leaf extracts (1 kg/40 l water) and then placing tubers in jute sacks reduced post harvest losses by the potato tuber moth compared with traditional methods such as leaving the tuber unprotected or covering them with banana leaves only (Siddig, 1987). A neem seed extract was also effective for control of the potato tuber moth on stored potatoes in Egypt (Salem, 1991) . Storage loss after 6 months in potatoes treated with 100ppm neem oil was 25% (compared to 10% with the insecticide carbaryl). Adults from larvae treated with neem oil were deformed. Work in Yemen confirmed the beneficial effect of neem; neem oil and sunflower oil halted the development of caterpillars of the potato tuber moth in storage. However, caution is needed since the oil seemed to interfere with potato respiration, leaving the potatoes very soft with dark tissue (Kroschel, 1995).
  • A Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) preparation in powder form mixed with fine sand (1:25) dusted was very effective in controlling this pest in the store in Yemen and Kenya (Kroschel, 1995). Tuber infestation was also reduced by bedding the potatoes in the leaves of the Peruvian pepper tree (Schinus molle), also known as mpilipili in Swahili, and Eucalyptus sp. (Kroschel, 1995).
  • Storing potatoes in layers with branches of lantana is recommended by Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF) in areas where this pest is present lantana is reported to repel tuber moths.
  • Application of plenty of wood ash or diatomite earth may also prevent rapid build up of tuber moth.