Considerations before investing in Organic Aquaculture

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Starting aquaculture as an economic enterprise, should be taken seriously. One needs to acknowledge that it involves making a significant investment decision and requires serious commitment. This is always true when deciding on the feasibility of any economic investment.

Thorough planning is therefore a must before any investment is made. Planning involves a detailed evaluation of the biological, economic, and socio-legal feasibility of production. Remember that economic considerations are as important as biological considerations in aquaculture. Socio-legal issues are potentially capable of limiting or even making it completely impossible to undertake aquaculture production.

It is essential to ascertain that the business concept is sound. Ask whether:

  • There are adequate and profitable markets for proposed product(s): you can sell all the fish you are going to produce at a good price
  • You have a suitable site for the proposed production: you have a good place were the pond can be established.
  • You have enough resources to meet the projected targets: you have enough money or can get loans to pay all the investments and the startup costs.
  • Your financial projections are realistic, robust and consistent: you can survive a period with low prices or low yields as expected.
  • You have the expertise to produce: you know how to produce fish in an animal friendly way or know somebody who can help you with it.
  •  You can get adequate essential support services: you are sure that people you relay on, will be able to help you
  • Your proposed undertaking is in accordance with organic principles, meets all the organic regulations, meets environmental, social and legal requirements: in your fishpond the fish has a good life, it does not pollute the surroundings, does not cause trouble with the neighbors and meets all community and country laws and regulations.

These questions should be answered in a well thought out BUSINESS PLAN and will provide you with a written document to serve as an overall plan for your operations.

Business planning

Business planning is important to both new and established aquaculture enterprises. It enhances the chances for success and helps avoid costly mistakes. This plan will be helpful when looking for financiers, because many financial institutes require a formal business plan. A business plan should be a working document that is reviewed and updated at least on yearly basis. Importance of business planning: 

  • To convince possible financers that is safe to finance your business. Many potential and existing fish farmers have difficulty obtaining financing
  • To make possible financers clear what you are going to do and that organic aquaculture is a good way of farming. Potential financiers may not be familiar with aquaculture as a viable investment
  • Thinking and talking about possible problems, challenges and sollutions of the future enterprise prevents pitfalls afterwards. Proper planning for the business will help avoid mistakes
  • Researching the possibilities for your organic products and possible customers to sell it to gives a clear view in the marketpossibilities. Proper planning for the business can also minimize risks associated with the market, production and financing

A business plan consists of:

  • Description of the proposed production site (see pond construction)
  • A Marketing plan/strategy: how much, to whom, at what price are you going to sell my organic fish. Description of production techniques/strategy: how are you going to produce, what equipment and installations are you going to use, is power (and it what form) needed, is transport available, is the young fish supply secured, will the water-quality be sufficient at all times, do you employ workers, are they skilled enough.
  • Financial analysis of the proposed venture. How much money do the different financers supply and at what interest rate, for what period and how much should be paid back. Is there a penalty when you pay back earlier.

Marketing plan

Where will I sell my fish? Surprisingly this question is asked very often by very many producers deep into their production cycle. Others ask this question after they have harvested their fish. Serious producers should ask and get answers to this question well before they go into production.

Marketing is normally overlooked by many entrepreneurs and yet aquaculture production, like any other serious investment, should target specific market(s). Indeed for any aquaculture enterprise to be successful, it must target a specified market or markets.Any serious entrepreneur will produce goods which match the needs and wants of the customers they wish to serve. Therefore, one must make a decision on what to produce based on what the market wants.Therefore, to avoid uncertainties and eminent failure, the first questions that an investor must ask and get answers to, are:

  • What organic products does the market demand?
  • What quantities does the market demand?
  • What production resources do I have?
  • Can the resources meet the proposed production?
  • Which organic products am I capable of producing?
  • What quantities can I realistically supply?
  • When does the market want them supplied?
  • What quality does the market require?
  • Can I meet these standards?
  • Is it possible to get a bulk buyer?
  • How many buyers of organic fish are there in the region
  • Does the demand in the market justify the intended production?
  • What prices is the market ready to pay?
  • Is it cost effective to produce at the offered prices?
  • What competition exists in this field and how do I deal with it?
  • Are the existing physical infrastructure (roads, power telecommunication etc) sufficient to meet the marketing needs for the produce?

After answering these, the entrepreneur should be able to make a decision on whether to continue or abandon the proposed production. If the entrepreneur decides to go on, then, it is time to develop a marketing strategy.

 Marketing Strategy

A marketing strategy is a plan to achieve the financial goals of the entrepreneur. The strategy should address; the products, product prices, advertisement and where to sell as regards marketing. Ideally, the products must be sold for more than the production cost and quantities that allow the producer to make gains and remain in business.

Marketing strategy involves:
i. Analyzing the market situation
ii. Formulating marketing goals
iii. Evaluating and selecting suitable marketing alternatives

i. Analyzing market situation 

To do this, the entrepreneur should have a good knowledge of:

  • Potential customer
  • Modes of marketing (e.g. do you need to draw agreements, do you have to go through brokers etc)
  • Product prices and their seasonality
  • Product forms acceptable by the market
  • Product quality requirements including regulation governing this
  • Consumer preferences
  • Quantity requirements
  • Modes of payments and frequency
  • All costs involved
  • All competing products
  • Alternative markets
  • History regarding prices, demand, supply, product spoilage, product rejection etc

ii. Marketing goals 

The goals must be realistic and achievable; otherwise the producer will be groping in darkness without purpose. In formulating marketing goals, the producer must ask, and be able to answer, the following: 

  • What is the targeted production? 
  • Is this achievable?
  • What is the size of the target market in terms of geographical extent and consumer number? 
  • Is it possible to reach this market?

iii. Marketing alternatives 

It is important to consider marketing alternatives to avoid disappointment where one of the target markets collapse. For the marketing alternatives chosen or considered, product volumes and size preferences, costs associated with the marketing, and relevant legislation should be considered very carefully. Alternative markets for aquaculture products to consider include: 

  • Hotels, restaurants, retail markets and fish (sea food) shops including supermarkets: This could be out of reach of most small scale producers because they might not meet the frequency and quantity requirement of such outlets. However they can easily overcome this by forming marketing groups. 
  • Farm Gate Sales: Where local demand for fish is high, this offers a very good option. It removes the problems associated with taking the produce to distant markets. However it necessitates for proper storage facilities like deep freezers or cold rooms and some degree of processing and packaging.
  • Sales to whole sellers, fish processors and large institutions: The advantage here is that large quantities can be disposed off at once and terms of supply and payment are normally stipulated in a legal contract. But this is only suitable for large scale producers or for farmers selling together (in a cooperative or other form of joint selling).


Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Aquaculture refers to the farming (propagation and rearing) of aquatic (water dwelling) organisms that include fin fish, mollusks, crustaceans and aquatic plants in controlled or semi controlled environments. The farming activities involve interventions such as stocking, feeding and protection from diseases and predators to enhance productivity.

However Aquaculture is used interchangeably with other terms like fish farming, pisiculture, pond fisheries and pond culture.
Mariculture refers to aquaculture done in marine (ocean) environments.
Some examples of aquaculture include:

  • Algaculture: Production of seaweeds and other algae
  • Fish farming: Farming of Fin fishes (e.g. Tilapia), shrimps, shellfish, cultured pearls etc.

Aquaculture production is what is produced from aquaculture activities meant for harvest and human use. Although aquaculture is a fairly new concept in Kenya, it has a long history in Asia and Europe. It is believed to have started in China as early as 500 BC. 

There are many different species cultured. The different species have different biology and therefore different ecological requirements. They will therefore have different feeding, breeding and water quality requirements. Coupled with different management and intensification levels used, aquaculture production is very varied and diverse. 

Aquaculture in Kenya

In Kenya, resources have been spent to promote aquaculture development through various aquaculture projects over the last few decades. The promotion started in the early 1920s as a means of supplementing protein sources in the rural areas. This was a non-commercial approach and it was promoted only as a family subsistence activity. This has however changed over the years and many investors have now invested in commercial aquaculture. Majority of aquaculture activities in Kenya involves the production of various species of tilapia (mainly Oreochromis niloticus) and the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and Rainbow trout. The tilapia and catfish production is mainly done as mono or polyculture of the two under semi-intensive systems using earthen ponds while the Rainbow trout production is done in intensive raceways and tank systems. The Tilapine species constitute about 90% of aquaculture production in Kenya. Although most of the production targets the food fish market, there has been an increasing demand for baitfish for the Nile Perch capture of Lake Victoria. Several entrepreneurs are producing the catfish juveniles for this market. Ornamental fish production is also gaining interest and several producers are engaged in the production of gold fish and koi carp among other ornamental species.

Percentage production by species
(c) Mbugua Mwangi
Number of production units by province
(c) Mbugua Mwangi
Number of farmers by province
(c) Mbugua Mwangi
aquaculture by province (Ha)
(c) Mbugua Mwangi

There are two broad aquaculture divisions in Kenya:

  • Marine aquaculture 
  • Fresh water culture

With an Indian Ocean coastline of about 600 km, mariculture is yet to realise any sensible development and therefore fresh water culture dominates aquaculture activities.

Fresh water aquaculture can be divided into:

  • Cold water culture involving culture of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in highland areas 
  • Warm water culture involving the culture of Tilapine fishes, the African catfish, common carp and a variety of ornamental fishes in low land regions of the country

The total area under aquaculture in Kenya stands at 722.4 ha which include culture-based fisheries. National average productivity stands at about 5.84 Mt/ha/year while the total production from this utilized area average 420,000 kg per year.

The Fish Farming Enterprise Productivity Program (FFEPP), started in mid 2009 and aimed at increasing production of farmed fish from 4000 MT to over 20,000 MT in the medium term and over 100,000 MT in the long term. In the first year of the program, over 27000 fish ponds were dug;  200 ponds in each of 140 constituencies countrywide.  This alone created a national short-term demand of about 28 million certified tilapia and catfish fingerlings and over 14,000 metric tonnes of formulated fish feeds. The multiplier effect resulting from farmers digging their own ponds is expected to increase the demand for fingerlings to over 100 million and the demand for fish feeds to 100,000 MT in the medium term (Charo-Karisa and Gichuri, 2010).

Aquatic Animal Health and Welfare

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

The general principle for animal health and welfare for aquatic animals is very much similar to that of other animals: ‘Organic management practices promote and maintain the health and well-being of animals through balanced organic nutrition, stress-free living conditions appropriate to the species and breed selection for resistance to diseases,parasites and infections.

The same rules for use of veterinary medicine applies for fish, such as medicine for prevention is prohibited, and the first choice should be natural methods and medicines. Use of chemical allopathic veterinary drugs and antibiotics is prohibited for invertebrates (other aquatic animals than fish, e.g. shrimps). Synthetic hormones and growth promoters are prohibited for use to artificially stimulate growth and reproduction. Stocking density must not compromise animal welfare; this should be adjusted to age and breed of fish. Apart from this, it is said (Norms 6.6.6): ‘Operators shall routinely monitor water quality, stocking densities, health, and behavior of each cohort (school) and manage the operation to maintain water quality, health, and natural behavior’.

When organic aquatic animals are transported and slaughtered, they should be subjected to minimum stress, and their species specific needs shall be respected, like with all other animals. The operator shall handle live organisms in ways which are compatible with their physiological requirements. Requirement 6.7.3 furthermore states:

Operators shall implement defined measures to ensure that organic aquatic animals are provided with conditions during transportation and slaughter that meet animal specific needs and minimize the adverse effects of (a) diminishing water quality, (b) time spent in transport; (c) stocking density, (d) toxic substances; (e) escape.  

Aquatic vertebrates (fish) shall be stunned before killing, and it should be ensured that the equipment for this is sufficient to remove sensate ability and/or kill it.

Fish Farming

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus); max length: 60 cm
Circular trout tanks in Kenya
(c) Mbugua Mwangi
A simple feed mill in a fish farm in Kenya
(c) Mbugua Mwangi

Introduction – fish are also animals

As humans, we are likely to think of fish as either a resource (even sometimes an unlimited resource), especially the wild fish which we can catch and eat, or a commodity, in terms of farmed fish. But fish themselves are animals, as should as such also be treated well and with minimum stress and pain. It is still under discussion whether and how fish feel pain, but there is no doubt that they react to stimuli as if they feel pain. This means that we should be fair to the fish and handle them gentle, when handling them. Use nets with no knots; hold them gently and preferably under the water, if we catch them to inspect them under farmed conditions, and when catching them: kill them immediately and efficiently. Like with all animals, we should allow them to perform their species-specific behavior. Some fish are living in groups and some are solitaire or have territories. They will have different requirements for shade and living conditions, e.g. hiding or exploring. Another aspect of fish life is their participation in very fine food webs: life in an aquatic environment is based on fine balances of fish eating plants, plankton, (both plant and zoo plankton), and each other. This balance should be supported and kept, if we as humans want to enjoy the privilege to catch and eat fish. When farming to the organic principles, it is of vital importance to respect all living creatures, including fish.

Fish in organic farms – organic norms and standards regarding fish farming

The IFOAM norms and standards also cover fish and aquatic farming, and defines aquaculture as ‘The managed production of aquatic plants and/or animals in fresh, brackish or sal water in a circumscribed (demarcated) environment. Organic aquaculture follows the same general rules as all other organic animals regarding feeding, breeding and human management. In addition, the following requirements should be met, when establishing or converting to organic aquaculture:

6.1.2    The conversion period of the production unit shall be at least one life cycle of the organism or one year, whichever is shorter.

6.1.3    Operators shall ensure that conversion to organic aquaculture addresses environmental factors, and past use of the site with respect to waste, sediments and water quality.

6.1.4    Production units must be located at an appropriate minimum distance from contamination sources and conventional aquaculture.

In aquatic ecosystems, the biodiversity of natural aquatic ecosystems should be considered, as well as the health of the aquatic environment, and the quality of surrounding aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, This means that all relevant organic requirements regarding ecosystem management shall be met, and e.g. introduced and cultivated species should not escape out to the surrounding environment. Waste and nutrients should also not be let into the natural environment, and clearly all artificial fertilizers and pesticides are prohibited.

With regard to breeding of organic fish, their life should start in an organic unit. It can be permitted to buy in non-organic fish to an organic farming system, given that they will spend at least two thirds of their lives there, and die to the norms, artificially polyploided organisms or artificially produced monosex stock shall not be used. Only breeds and breeding techniques suited to the region should be used.

The general principle of feeding is that ‘Organic aquatic animals receive their nutritional needs from good quality, organic sources’, that is, they shall be fed organic feed. Until 31st Dec. 2014, a limited amount of non-organic feed can be used if there is no organic feed available, and in areas where organic aquaculture is not well established yet.

Use of water containing human excrement is prohibited, as it can mean transfer of certain diseases.

Feeding fish is a challenge, because some of them would live from fish and smaller animals in nature, and therefore they should be fed with these animals, although they can grow and seem fine on being fed with plant products.

Pig Housing


Good, efficient housing makes management easier and helps the farmer to successfully rear 85 % or more of all the live born piglets to market weight. Pigs at different stages of growth need different environments (temperatures) rations and must have outdoor access all the time. Growing and reproducing pigs must be protected against high temperatures. The houses must therefore be built in such a way that the pigs are protected against extreme temperatures and other bad weather conditions such as cold winds and continuous rain. 

Types of housing

Pig housing will depend on the rearing system.

In free-range system or a tethered system where pigs are on a rope, no housing is provided apart from different forms of night shelters, e.g. a roofed coral or a coral under a leave roof.

If pigs are tethered, look carefully after that the rope does not hurt them, and that they have everything which they need, within reach, and can be in shade if needed.

Free-range pig keeping
Free-range pig keeping
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

In improved free range system, pigs are confined within a fenced area using strong wire netting or local materials such as bamboo. Shade is essential and is usually provided by simple roofs constructed or use of tree shades

Improved free-range system – fenced
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

Semi-intensive: Pigs are kept in houses confined to a limited space. Feed mainly fresh water and fodder have to be brought to the pigs. A roof is provided, the walls commonly made of timber off cuts or old iron sheets. If this is partly outdoor, the pigs have rooting material and space enough, this can probably be acceptable in organic farming

Semi intensive system
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

Intensive pig keeping
: Intensive pig keeping: Pigs are kept in complete confinement; fatteners, boars and sows with their litters in separate units. Management is usually high and higher numbers of pigs are reared. This type of system is not allowed as organic agriculture and should not be encouraged also for conventional farming.

Intensive pig keeping system – not allowed in organic farming
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

How to keep sows and pigs? 

In organic pig and sow herds, confinement of animals is not allowed for shorter or longer periods. According to the principles, animals should have access to natural behavior, and exercise is a natural need. Especially, sows around farrowing needs to perform natural behavior, e.g. nest building. However, keeping them in pigsties indoor in combination with outdoor runs is possible, and keeping weaned pigs in pigsties with access to an outdoor run is also possible.

Certain guidelines can be given, no matter which system is chosen

  • The number of live piglets at the age of weaning will increase, if they are born in secure and healthy surroundings.
  • Controlling the health of the pigs is easier if they are kept in a yard. They should in all cases be easy to overview, because that gives the best chance of identifying problems at an early stage,
  • A high level of hygiene should be maintained, no matter whether they are indoor or outdoor. The pen should be cleaned and kept clean, and the animals should preferably have soft bedding material,
  • Feeding routines should be carefully controlled, especially in cases where individual feeding may be necessary.
  • Manure can easily be collected and used for fertilizing land from pigsties.
  • If possible to integrate pigs into the crop rotation system, use can be made both of their manure and their rooting behavior in cases where management is needed of a field after harvest and before the next planting.
  • Protection against theft should always be considered, either by taking them indoor during night, and by placing them in places which discourage thieves to look for them.

The following are basic requirements that a pig house should meet to ensure increased productivity and profitability of a pig enterprise:

  • The pigsty should be comfortable for the pigs: good ventilation and ample shade, no overheating, no smells, free from draughts and no dampness.
  • If the pig is exposed to direct sunshine, there should be possibility for mud baths.
  • Floor should be kept dry and must be rough  to avoid pigs from falling and therefore being unable to move in the pen freely
  • The floor should be concrete or wood  since pigs have the tendency to dig into the ground thus making it difficult to clean and increasing the rate of parasitic infestation to pigs.
  • The house should have dunging area at the rear and feed trough and water trough in front. It should have a slope to allow free drainage.
  • The pens should not be near the dwelling houses or below the wind because of smells and flies.
  • To minimize transfer of disease animals of the same age should be housed as close as possible next to each other and the wind flow should be from the direction of the youngest to the older animals.
  • The costs of construction the pigsty should fit the pig production system. Cheap, readily available and durable materials should be used for house construction to reduce cost. The house however should have all the essential parts.

Location of the Pig House

  • A pig house should be sited away from walls of other buildings to allow air circulation The area should be well drained.
  • The building should face east – west to avoid direct sun rays or have shade from trees.
  • The pig house should be located such that the wind flow is away from the residential premises.
  • It can be convenient to place it near the family house, to keep it close and thereby prevent theft.

In hot climates buildings should be of the open type (half walls) which facilitates surveillance, promotes excellent ventilation and are inexpensive. It is difficult to control heat stress in fully enclosed buildings in the tropics.

There are a number of designs according to their use for weaner pig production, fattening pigs or a combination of breeding and fattening.

The decision as to which option to follow is based on the general organization of the local pig industry.

Recommended Materials


Floors must be impermeable, and easily cleaned with a shovel and brush as well as with pressure washers. This allows eggs of parasites to be removed and prevents spread of infection. Floors of hardened soil (murram) are not appropriate because pigs grub the soil. Special care should be taken to make the surface of floors non-slippery where concrete or wooden floors are made. Wooden floors are warm but have specific problems such as decay, insect attack and chewing by pigs. Hardwood must therefore be used, making them very expensive. Concrete floors are tough and long lasting if well made; easy to clean and reasonably priced. They are also cool, which is beneficial in hot climates. Floors need to have a sufficient slope of about 3% or slightly steeper which allows adequate drainage.


In organic farms, bedding material should be provided for the pigs, no matter the age, such as rice straw, sawdust, dry leaves etc. If using plants, make sure that they are not poisonous for pigs. Pigs have a habit of finely chewing their bedding litter and will swallow part of it. The leaves of the Wonder Oil Plant (Castor Bean – Ricinus communis) for example should not be used. Bedding material should be changed regularly to keep the pen clean and to avoid any parasite build-up. 

NB. The mixture of bedding with dung and urine makes an excellent fertilizer for the fields, and is especially valuable if converted into compost. 

Piglets on saw dust bedding
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya


Walls should be erected over a foundation of sufficient strength. They can be constructed of brick, stone, mud or bamboo or any other material suitable for the locality and climate. Stone or brick walls are costly but durable and hygienic. Bamboo and mud walls are economical and useful but are temporary and hard to keep hygienic. Walls supporting the roof and wall partitions with which the pigs come in direct contact must be strong and materials such as brick, stone, or cement concrete may be best at least for the lower parts of the walls.

Vertical barriers

Partitions within piggeries (90cm, except for boars, which should be 110cm), which allow different categories of animal to be separated, should be provided with gaps to allow good circulation of air at pig height. In order to prevent pigs from escaping, spaces between planks must be small at the bottom.  
In order to avoid damage from pushing, posts must be solid and planks nailed from inside. Partitions of reinforced concrete 10 cm thick are also possible but these are more expensive. These solid partitions should be limited to transverse sections separating different areas of the building but should not be for longitudinal partitions as this would limit air flow at ground level.
For the outer wall special wire netting or gates are used effectively. For the inner walls, if the piggery is two-rowed, a system of rails or flexible wire above the trough is preferable. This allows pigs in pens opposite to see each other. Older gilts and dry sows come on heat faster when they see the boar.


These should consist of 200 mm planks, built with reinforcement in the shape of a ‘Z’ on the inside. A width of 60 cm is sufficient even for the biggest animals. They should be attached with particularly strong fittings to withstand pigs rubbing against them. The latches should be of the locking type that is not opened if the door is shaken. A latch is moved much more easily than a bolt.


The roof should be light, strong, durable, weather-proof, a bad conductor of heat and free from tendencies to condense moisture inside. They must ensure maximum shade and should extend down almost to ground level to reduce penetration of oblique sun rays and entry of rain when blown by the wind. Roofs can be made of thatch, aluminum, galvanized iron, tiles, wood or bamboo. Thatch, bamboo and galvanised iron roofs are the most recommended. Recycled sheets certainly are still of use for makeshift piggeries.


A considerable amount of care must be taken with feeders to avoid all feed wastage. In the first place, whatever the type of piggery, they must be fixed. A mobile feeder is always up-ended and the food soiled, trampled and wasted. As a consequence, experience has shown that feeding on the ground is not appropriate. In hot climates pigs occupy most of the pen area and tend to soil the entire floor area, particularly at high stocking densities. Wastage of food seems to be higher.

Feeding troughs must be easily cleaned, even if pigs themselves do this to an extent. The internal surface must be smooth and without sharp angles. The depth must be sufficient (20 cm) such that the food only occupies the bottom and cannot be flicked out.  
Finally, they should not be used as a wallow: pigs have the habit of lying in feed troughs. Therefore, subdividing the trough transversely with metal rods (10 mm preferably) every 40 cm, if it is to be used by many animals, is recommended. This has the advantage of allocating places from the moment of feeding.

The trough may be wooden and fixed to walls with removable bolts. However, if it is to be used by more than two animals it must be replaced by one made from cement, which meets all necessary requirements. It should be placed along the service wall to aid distribution of food. Cement troughs should have a round hole in the bottom with a bung placed from the outside; this will allow them to be cleaned with water.

If a basal diet is fed ad libitum, this may be offered effectively from wooden hoppers which may contain maize, dry cassava chips, etc. This ensures that animals do not go without food, and makes distribution easier. These hoppers may be made readily from wood. There are advantages in surrounding the bottom corners of the base with iron to prevent its rapid decay. 
The animals must be able to reach the feed easily. The feed level must be kept as low as possible to avoid feed wastage.

Dry feeder
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya


Pigs in hot climates, particularly lactating sows, must be given plenty of water, which should be continuous. When feeding under restricted conditions, the troughs may be used as drinkers between meals.

For large piggeries where a running water supply is available, automatic drinkers should be used. Water within bowl/drinkers is soiled regularly and pigs themselves often compound the situation. Nipple or valve drinkers are preferable. These are placed at a height of 60 cm with an additional step of 30 cm placed beneath them if they are to be used by piglets. These drinkers have several advantages; the water drunk is always clean; spillage is minimized and costs are reduced. Their use is governed to an extent, however, by stability of water pressure. Their control is not standard and becomes impossible under situations where pressure is subject to wide variations. However, low pressure can be maintained by using a reducing valve or a water storage tank.

A water section in between two feeding sections in a concrete trough
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya
Automatic drinking nipple
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya
 Sows Fatteners WeanersBoar
Trough Length (cm)403520
Floor Space (m2) x 3
Dung area (length in m)1-1.5

Lactating sows will require a creep area (1 square metre) or special pens fitted with guardrails /hurdles or supplied with a farrowing crate. 


The housing system should allow all pigs to lie down comfortably at the same time on a soft surface with bedding material.

  • The lowest bar of the rails in the farrowing area must be 23 cm above the floor
  • Trough depth 20 cm

Special Housing Requirements

Pens for Sows with Piglets 

Special accommodation for the sow with piglets is essential to avoid high mortality among the piglets. Separate areas for both the sow and piglets are recommended by many. Not all sows are naturally attentive (good mothers), so special management is needed to avoid crushing of piglets. Some breeds also make sows very long and particularly heavy on the hind part, which makes it difficult for them to lay down quietly and under full control. The risk of crushing is consequently very high.

Using guard rails and hurdles and providing a creep area where the piglets have a warm nest away from the sow can reduce mortality. At the same time, it’s important to have good access to the pen and be able to feed and handle the animals. Several designs have been developed to meet these basic requirements.

Guard rails at 23cm from floor and 75cm from the walls
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

Constructing a creep for the piglets

You may provide the piglets with a special safe place called a ‘creep area’ in the sow’s pen where the piglets can creep in for warmth and safety. The sow’s pen can be divided into two parts, the bigger area for the sow and the smaller area (1 square metre) for the piglets. The opening to the creep area should be small enough to only allow piglets inside. A heating lamp or charcoal burner raised on a firmly placed block should be put in the creep area to provide extra warmth. In very cold weather, the creep area can also be covered with empty grain bags in order to trap heat inside the creep area. The piglets will need the extra heat until they are 2-4 weeks old depending on where they are reared. When the piglets are cold they will tend to bundle together. The piglets nearly always prefer the protective ‘creep’ rather than lying against the sow. The creep area can be used for introduction of a little feed for the piglets as early as the 7th day of age. This helps the piglets to get used to eating other feed in readiness for the time of weaning. 

A combination of a farrowing and rearing pen, the sow is confined in the sow area (0.7×2.5metres) leaving two creep areas on either side (0.8×2.5 metres). A run of 1.5 metres is provided at the back. If this type of confined pen is combined with exercise areas or outdoor runs, they can probably be used in organic herds. Otherwise, they are prohibited in organic farms.

Farrowing/rearing pen with sow confined
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

Restrictive Farrowing /Rearing pens – are not prohibited in organic farming and should be discouraged

Restrictive farrowing rearing pens for intensive production are also available but cost is prohibitive, and they are not suitable for organic production. Organic management favours that animals should be allowed natural behavior also during farrowing, and this is absolutely not possible in these pens, which force the sow to stand, lay or sit with her head in one direction. In large parts of the world it is forbidden  because it does not allow exercise and all animals should be allowed regular exercise. (In these systems the sow is confined in a space of 65 cm by the two sets of hurdles. A creep area in front (50 cm by 80 cm) is provided with heating source to provide warmth to the piglets. The floor is made up of plastic slates for easy manure handling). In other words, if the use of these pens is not explicitly forbidden according to national standards, they should be discouraged.

Housing of Dry Sows/Pregnant Sows

Dry and pregnant sows can be housed in different ways. On smallholder farms the dry sows can be in one group, in a pen with an outdoor run. For group housing, a maximum of 3-4 sows should be kept in each pen of 9-10 suare metres. 

On small farms it is difficult to form uniform groups in terms of age, pregnancy stage, size etc. It will be a great advantage to form groups of animals with the same feed requirements. Otherwise, individual feeding should be explored, so that any saw gets the ration it needs.

At weaning, sows have to be moved from the farrowing pen to another pen (preferably another compartment or building). To stimulate them to coming on heat, sow contact with the boar is essential. This could be achieved by keeping the sow in a pen next to the boars’ pen. Where land is available, sows can also be kept partly or completely out doors. Sows kept in paddocks should be rotated regularly to avoid parasite problems and to keep the pasture in good shape.

Sows in group housing on a large farm
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

Housing of weaned pigs

At weaning, the sow should be taken away from piglets. The weaned pigs can be taken to another pen after some time. It is good for them to not have all the changes at once. Weaners of the same age can be kept together. Pens for newly weaned pigs can be simple as long as a lot of attention is given to hygienic condition to avoid scour and worm infestation. Organic weaned pigs should have an outdoor run.

Housing of Boars

The basic requirements for environmental comfort of boars and sows are similar. It has been observed that excessively high temperatures negatively affect the quality of the boar’s semen. Thus care should be taken to ensure that the boar is not subjected to extreme hot or cold conditions. A minimum area of 2.50 x 3.00 square metres is required. When a boar has a mate, the pen area should be 8 – 9 square metres. A separate area can be created (4.00 x 4.00 square metres) where the mating can take place. The pen or service area must be kept dry and free from obstacles.


Gilts from three months till service (8 months) can be kept in pens which are similar to fattener pens. Afterwards they should be kept in a different pen with a different floor space. It is important to have enough spaces available for gilts. Up to 8 gilts can be kept in one pen of 3 x 3m.

Housing of Fatteners

Housing of fatteners
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

In designing the kind of fattener house, the following must be taken into consideration:

  • Construction with outdoor area that promotes animal welfare, with shade and rain-protection
  • Construction preventing feed losses and saving labour
  • Construction price in relation to the earnings of the fatteners.


  • A limited number of fatteners per pen has a positive effect on the productivity (high ADG)
  • Not more than 8-12 fatteners should be kept in a single pen (3 x 3 m).

Layout of the piggery

Layout of the piggery
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

A modest piggery may be composed of adjacent pens in one row with a roof extending over them so that exposure of pigs to sunlight is minimised. The dunging area should be on the side where the door is with the feeder on the other side in the shelter of the roof. Piggeries consisting of more than six pens should be built in two rows to avoid the building being too long. This is to enhance air circulation.  

The layout of the building should be arranged to reduce traveling distances to a minimum. Pens should be positioned as in a piggery with only one row and opposite each other with feeders facing each other. The central passage should be 1.5 m wide to allow wheelbarrows and feed trolleys/wagons to pass. It should not be too wide otherwise, the cost of covering the area will be high. 
Stores must be situated in such a way that feed trolleys/ wheel barrows have good access to passages and that walking lines are as short as possible.

Pig House Construction Planning

Before building a pig house, one must know the number of places or pens needed for lactating sows, dry and pregnant sows, replacement stock, boars and fatteners. These places can only be calculated after a farmer has decided about the following starting points:

  • The number of sows on the farm.
  • The expected number of farrowings per sow per year (litter index).
  • The division of the farrowings per year (specific season or year round)
  • The weaning age.
  • What kind of weaner pens the farmer want to use.
  • Whether the farmer wants to have a boar or use artificial insemination.
  • Whether he selects his own young breeding stock or wants to buy them from outside and at what age.
  • What type of housing for dry and pregnant sows (group or individual).
  • The expected selling rate.
  • The expected growth of the piglets.
  • Days needed for disinfection and cleaning.
  • The expected growth for the fatteners.
  • The number of animals per pen.
Construction plan for small scale sow unit 
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

Formulas to Calculate the Number of Places or Pens

The number of places or pens, for a farm with farrowing saws year round, can be calculated as follows: 

Farrowing rearing pens

Weaner pens

An allowance of 10% is given for longer gestation periods, lower growth of piglets and other irregularities in the reproduction cycle.

Places for dry and pregnant sows

(1/3 dry sow till 1 month after service; 2/3 pregnant sows) 

Places for replacement stock

Number of pens for boars

A teaser boar is necessary when A.I. is used. When natural service is used, one boar for every 15 sows must be considered.

Place for fatteners (closed farm)


On the example farm: There are 5 sows, piglets are weaned at 7 weeks and moved to the weaner pens 5 weeks later weighing 20 kg and housed 8 per pen, 3 days of cleaning weaner pens. 

The sows are kept in groups of 5.  Litter index 1.7, while for the occupation days one week is taken for acclimatization the sow before farrowing and 3 days for cleaning and disinfection.

Number of farrowing rearing pens 

5 * 1.7 * (49+10)   + 0.137 = 1.5 pen (= 2 pens)

Number of places for dry and pregnant sows

The number of days from weaning to service is 6 (fixed). After calculation we arrive at 45 lost days.

 5 * 1.7 * 159    =  3.7 places  (dry sows can be in one group outside)

(Cycle is 365/ 1.7 = 215 days. 215 – 49 – 7 = 159 days occupation)

Places for gilts

The selling percentage is 40% and only 2 from the 3 gilts selected at an age of 3 months will come in production. The gilts stay in the group gilt-pen till service.

5 * 0.4 * (3/2) * (8 -3)/12 = 1.25 places

Places for fatteners 

Places needed 

(5 * 1.7 * 7.3)/ 2.37- 6 = 25.6

In summary on a farm with 5 sows and the offspring for fattening there are the following places and pens:

CategoryNo of placesNo. of pens
Rearing sows1.52
Dry and pregnant sows3.72
Gilts( Replacement)1.31

The expected daily gain is 500 grams and the growing period is from 23 kg till 93 kg live weight. First the number of rounds has to be calculated: growth (93 – 23 kg) is 70 kg. Daily gain 500 gram so it takes 70 / 0.5 = 140 days to grow to slaughter. An allowance of 10% has to be added (slow growers, extra occupation and cleaning) 140 + 10% total occupation days. This means 365 / 154 = 2.37 rounds per year.

Orphaned calves and milk replacer

Dr. iCows’ Diary


Dear Dr. iCow,

What is the required amount of milk replacer to give a calf who is one week and 3 days?

From Farmer Elizabeth, Trans Nzoia, Kitale Kenya


The mother cow gave birth to twin female calves and she got a uterus prolapse which took time to be attended. The cow died from infections related to uterine prolapse and other complications soon after calving. The farmer was advised to use milk replacer which she has done and one of the calves is having dirrhoea.

Dear Esther. Sorry for losing the mother cow. There is consolation in having the twin calves left by their mother. Calves need to drink milk at 10% of body weight e.g. a calf of 40kg will need to drink 4 litres of milk or milk replacer, divided into two portions   morning and evening. Currently there are various milk replacers in the market and their concentrations or formulations are different and therefore it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when feeding the milk replacer, and also pay particular attention the calf’s management practises. Milk replacer should have persistent quality and should be fed at regular intervals. Generally, 1 kg of milk powder in 7 litres of water gives 8 litres of milk. For optimum calf performance please use a good milk replacer, check on factors like reconstituting, feeding interval, amount fed in each feeding and feeding temperature. Please, in making decision to give milk replacer consider the economics of feeding milk replacers, costs versus expected performance of the calves, the risk of lower growth rate and poor calf health. Natural milk proteins which a mother cow offer are more expensive than non-milk proteins, which is what some milk replacers are made of. The decision on whether to use milk replacer or not depends on what works best for your dairy management and economic considerations.

Your friend and advisor, Dr. iCow.


At  birth and within the first 24 hours up to 48 hours calves must suck or be given colostrum which has antibodies or immunoglobulins, fats, proteins, essential vitamins and minerals so as to build their immunity. Thereafter there is change to raw milk from the calf’s mother. At this time some farmers do opt for milk replacer or in case of death of the mother cow. It is a matter of preferred choice by the dairy farmer to feed the calves with natural milk from the dam or to give them milk replacer. Low quality milk replacer product and poor management during feeding result in indigestion and scours.

Sweetpotato Silage

Expanding Utilization of Roots, Tubers and Bananas and Reducing Their Postharvest Losses (RTB-ENDURE) is a 3 year project (2014-2016) implemented by the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) with funding by the European Union and technical support of IFAD.

IV. Sweetpotato as a livestock feed

Although sweetpotatoes are a good source of energy (roots) and protein (vines), they are highly perishable. In order to make good use of sweetpotato residues (vines and roots) there is need to conserve them in form of silage which has the potential to mitigate seasonal feed shortages and help cope with seasonal feed prices fluctuations that many smallholder livestock farmers experience. It also provides opportunity to reduce waste in urban market and at household level as well as it can open up business opportunities for youth and womenSweetpotato silage is a method for preserving vines and roots in a succulent condition in a silo. Well-made sweetpotato silage is a wholesome and nutritious feed for all classes of cattle and pigs. Sweetpotato silage is made by fermenting chopped vines and roots of non- commercial value in the absence of air and can be stored for up to a year. Its protein content and digestibility makes it an excellent complement to grass feeds (Table 2).

Making high quality sweet potato silage
High quality Silage

Nutrient value of sweetpotato vines and silage compared to Napier grass*

Product:Fresh S.Potato Vines

Moisture content %:87

Crude protein content %:16.0

Neutral Detergent Fibre %:46

Metabolizable energy MJ/kg:8.3

Digestibility %:60

Product:S.Potato Silage Vine and roots

Moisture content %:72

Crude protein content %:16.2

Neutral Detergent Fibre %:20

Metabolizable energy MJ/kg:13.3

Digestibility %:69

Product:Fresh Napier Grass

Moisture content %:82

Crude protein content %:10

Neutral Detergent Fibre %:60

Metabolizable energy MJ/kg:8.5

Digestibility %:60

Product:Napier Grass Silage

Moisture content %:80

Crude protein content %:9.5

Neutral Detergent Fibre %:56

Metabolizable energy MJ/kg:7.8

Digestibility %:66

*Values on dry matter basis at 6-8 weeks old

Silage can be made with only chopped vines or combined chopped vines with roots (at a ratio of 70:30) or with a grass like napier. The use of a ferment starter, like molasses, improves the process of fermentation and nutrient content. Use of sweetpotato silage can significantly reduce feeding costs. However, sweetpotato silage is underutilized in Sub- Saharan Africa because it is largely unknown. The best use of sweetpotato silage is during periods of feed scarcity. Vines and roots can be chopped either manually (panga) or with a motorized forage chopper. The former is recommend for small scale producers while a motorized chopper (costing about UGX 2 to 3 million depending on the capacity) is more suitable for large scale producers or farmers’ groups.


(1) Stack silo

  • A plastic sheet (about 0.1 mm thick) is spread over the ground.
  • Material for making silage is chopped using a forage chopper or a panga and placedon the sheet or cemented floor (Figure 1).
Fig.1 Stack Silo
Fig.1 Stack Silo
  • The material is entirely covered with a plastic sheet.
  • Proper tread pressure has to be applied, and complete sealing is required.
  • The size of a silo depends on the number of raising animals.
  • It is necessary to make steps to prevent damages on the plastic sheet by field miceor birds.Table 3 shows estimated cost of materials required to produce 500 kgs using stack silo method. The calculations are based on the assumption that the farmer gets the vines from her/his field.

Estimated cost of materials required to produce 500 kgs using stack silo method

MaterialQuantityUnit cost (UGX)Total
Fuel and oil for forage chopper15,0005,000
Polythene material (meters)
Chopping and ensiling process (labour)220,00040,000
Mollasses (litres)16200032,000

Estimated cost of producing 1 kg of silage: UGX 274

(2) Trench silo

A trench silo can be built by simply digging the ground, but it is better to place plastic sheets inside to prevent loss (Figure 2).\

A silo pit
Compressing the material before to keep out air
Covering the silo pit
A silo pit

Figure 2: A trench silo

Proper tread pressure also has to be applied, and complete sealing is required.

Table 4 shows estimated cost of materials required to produce 500 kgs using trench silo method. The calculations are based on the assumption that the farmer gets the vines from her/his field.

MaterialQuantUnit cost
Total Cost
Digging a pit120,00020,000
Fuel and oil for chopper15,0005,000
Polythene material (meters)254,000100,000
Chopping and ensiling process (labour)220,00040,000
Mollasses (litres)16200032000

Estimated cost of making 1 kg of silage: UGX 394

(3) Plastic bag silo

This is a plastic bag with the thickness of about 0.1 mm and silage materials are packed inside (Figure 3). Commercial imported plastic bags are available although they are very expensive. Plastic bags for fertilizer and feed may be reused for cost-cutting. There are many methods of making silage but use of plastic tubes is one of those suitable for smallholder dairy farmers


  • Plastics silage bags are an economical alternative to traditional silage storage systems, such as pits and silos when related, harvest and storage losses are considered.
  • It is an effective way for preserving feed with minimum nutrient loss (the anaerobic environment that is created eliminates spoilage from the growth of yeasts, moulds and adverse bacteria while maintaining essential proteins and nutrients).
  • Allows farmers to store silage anywhere they need it. A well graded and well drained ground surface is all that is necessary.
  • The silage is completely sealed in the bag. This means that all the acid is retained in the silage, unlike that in pit silage when it seeps out through the bottom of the pit as effluent. This compensates for the longer pieces of forage and poorer compaction than that found with silage machinery, so that the quality of the silage is just as good.
  • Ensiling in a bag avoids the hard work of having to remove silage, as it has to be from a pit, when it has to be dug out every day.
  • Because the whole bag is fed out to the animal, it means the rest of the silage which is in the other bags is not exposed to air at removal and is therefore unspoiled. Much of the silage in pits has been found to be spoiled due to poor sealing and exposure to air every day when the silage is removed for feeding.
  • The bag is easily stored and easily portable so that any member of the family can carry it to the feed trough for the cow.
  • Disadvantages:
  • The importance of pest control to prevent damage on the bags,
  • Containment and disposal of the plastic, once silage is removed from the bag,
  • The need to chop the green mass, as chopped material tends to make much better silage, because more air can be squeezed out of it during the packing process, and the small pieces cannot puncture the bag
  • Most losses of silage during the process occur due to:
  • Unnoticed bird/rodent damage to the bags resulting in spoilage losses.
  • Too wet (gaseous/seepage losses) or too dry (spoilage)
Figure 3: Silage making using plastic bags

Table 5 shows estimated cost of materials required to produce 500 kgs using trench silo method. The calculations are based on the assumption that the farmer gets the vines from her/his field.

MaterialQuantUnit cost
Fuel and oil for chopper15,0005,000
Polythene material (meters)54,00020,000
Ensiling process (labour)220,00040,000
Sisal string (rolls)15,0005,000
Molasses (litres)162,00032,000

Bags must be packed with chopped raw materials, compressed as much as possible to remove the internal air and then sealed completely. The number of bags is determined freely in accordance with the operation size. It is necessary to watch out for damage on the plastic bag by field mice, birds and dogs.

Silage making process using plastic bag silo

  1. (a)  Select a good strong plastic bag with high density (from fertilizer bags to shopping bags) with capacity from 5-50 kg of fresh chopped green fodder. Imported plastic bags used in silage making are now available
  2. (b)  Harvest fodder at a time when the feeding value is still high (before it flowers).
  3. (c)  Wilt the forage in the sun for about 1 hour to reduce the moisture content.
  4. (d)  Chop the forage into small pieces of about 1-3 cm long before ensiling.
  5. (e)  It is important to time the cutting of the forage so that the cut forage is not sitting for morethan a day waiting to be chopped and ensiled, otherwise it will become mouldy or to dry.
  6. (f)  Weighthematerial.
  7. (g)  Add fermentable substrate at ensiling e.g. molasses or maize bran. The addition of eithermolasses or maize bran is to act as preservative. Molasses should be mixed with water at the ratio of a 1 part molasses with 2 parts of water to make it easier to apply (Table 6).

Table 6: Rations for molasses and maize bran used for different forages

Forage TypeMolasses (kg)Maize Bran (kg)
Chopped sweetpotato vines and roots15-2040
Chopped sweetpotato vines and roots and legume mixture15-3055-70

(4) Improved plastic tube silage

The greatest challenge that farmers face when making sweetpotato silage is how to control the high moisture content in the sweetpotato vines. Typically, vines are wilted prior to making silage to remove excess moisture. However, many farmers have found it difficult to wilt sufficiently large volumes of vines which often results in spoilage during the silage making process. The spoilage is due to excess water accumulating at the bottom of the silage container. This leaflet explains an innovative way of enhancing compaction and draining excess effluent (liquid waste) from the tube silo method of producing silage.

How to make an improved plastic tube silo?

A silo is an airtight place or receptacle for preserving green feed for future feeding on the farm. To make an improved plastic tube silo you will need:

  • One 95 cm length, 4 cm diameter plastic (PVC) pipe (your drainage pipe)
  • 2.5 meters of 1000 gauge silage tubing (made of polythene), sold in 1 m diameterrolls
  • 230 cm of flexible rubber tubing, 2.75 cm in diameter
  • One 4 cm plastic tap which should have the same diameter as the pipe or a piece ofsoft wood if a tap is unavailable
  • A metal rod 0.9 cm in diameter for making holes on the PVC pipe
  • 7 meters of sisal twine
  • 3 wooden poles (can be cut locally), at least 1.2 m in length and 5 cm in diameter
  • 1 used 200 liter empty drums
  • 8 kg of molasses
  • 16 to 24 litres of water (depending on the dryness of the roots and vines)
  • 2 nails (length, 6cm)
  • 190 kg of fresh vines and 90 kg of fresh storage roots to make 250 kg silage
  1. To make the tube silo: Step 1In the drainage pipe make 2 holes using a knife (4 cm from one end and 8 cm from the other end (this end will serve as the outlet), each 2.75 cm in diameter (the same as the diameter of the flexible pipe), and one on each side of the pipe as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Making the internal drainage system for the silage tube
  1. Step 3Pass the rubber tubing through the top holes in the drainage pipe, so that the open ends of the tubing align at the bottom of the pipe as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Assembling the internal drainage system for the silage tube

Step 4

To make a good seal at the bottom of the silage tubing, first open up the tubing. Then on one open end (that will be the bottom of the tube), make even pleats about 20 cm long starting from the end towards the centre on each side of the tubing. Then twist the pleats together and tie off with the rope making a strong knot. Then turn the tubing inside out, so that the tied knot is on the inside (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Sealing the bottom of the silage tube

Step 5

Make a 3.5 cm diameter hole using a knife at the side of the tube, about 43 cm from the tied knot. Then take the joined drainage pipe and rubber tubing and fit it into the inside of the silage tubing so that the bottom of the drainage pipe goes through the newly made hole, extending about 20 cm beyond the hole. Using the twine, tighten the plastic around the drainage pipe as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Making the external drainage system of the silage tube

Step 6

Figure 7: Making the external drainage system of the silage tube

Fit a plastic tap or a piece of soft wood to the bottom of the exposed drainage pipe so that no effluent can flow out when the tap is turned off.

Step 7

To make a compacting drum measuring 86 cm in diameter and 120 cm in height first remove the top and bottom of each drum to make it hollow. Look for a shaded place to make and store the silage. Then cut each oil drum on one side, so that when joined the total diameter matches that of the silage tubing. To join the 2 drums together running lengthwise, have a welder make on each side 3 joints and one 75 cm long rod bent on one end to fit through the joints as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Making the compacting drum silage tube inside the compacting drum

Step 8

Place the silage tubing inside the closed compacting drum, letting the excess tubing fold over the sides of the drum at the top. Ideally, the diameter of the tubing should be the same as or slightly larger than the drum for best results (Figure 9).

Figure 9: Placing the silage tube inside the compacting drum

Step 9

To prepare the material for ensiling, chop the sweetpotato vines and roots to be ensiled into pieces not more than 2.5 cm long (Figure 10). A motorized chopper can be used

Figure 10: Preparing sweetpotato vines and roots for ensiling

Step 10

Prepare the molasses and water mixture by mixing 8 kg of molasses with 2 to 3 times as much water until the mixture can flow easily (Figure 11).

Figure 11: Preparing molasses

Step 11

Figure 11: Preparing molasses

Fill the tubing with alternate layers of the chopped vines and roots and the molasses/water mixture. Each layer of vines and roots should be 20 to 30 cm high; then sprinkled with the molasses mixture until it is thoroughly wet on top. Each layer must be compacted before adding the next layer. One person can compact using feet as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Compacting the sweetpotato vines and roots in the tube

Step 12

Bunch the excess tubing at the top together, remove all excess air so the plastic is in touch with the ensiled material and tie a tight knot, using the twine. Place heavy stones on top of the silo to ensure continued compaction during fermentation (Figure 13).

Figure 13: Sealing the tube after ensiling
Figure 14: Anchoring the silage tube firmly on the ground

Step 14

For the first five days, open the drainage tap daily and leave open until all the effluent comes out, then close (Figure 15). Then open the tap every 4 to 5 days thereafter and let any effluent come out. Fermentation is usually complete after 30 days.

Figure 15: Removing excess effluent from the silage tube

How do you know silage of good quality?

Well-prepared sweetpotato silage is bright or light yellow-green in color, has a strong smell similar to that of fermented milk and has a firm texture. Poor quality silage tends to smell similar to rancid butter or ammonia. Sweetpotato tube silage should be stored under shade, for example in a store. Rodents like rats that could tear the tube need to be controlled. When feeding, open the tube and after removing the amount needed, remember to re-tie without trapping air inside.

How much does it cost to make sweet potato silage?

One tube holds about 250 kg chopped, well compacted silage. An example of the average cost of making one sweetpotato silage tube is indicated in Table 7.

Table 7:

MaterialQuantUnit cost
Total Cost
Fuel and oil for chopper0.55,0002,500
1000-gauge polythene tube (meters)2.56,00015,000
Chopping and ensiling process (labour)120,00020,000
Molasses (litres)82,00016,000
Cost of making the drum and the drainage pipes(one off cost as can be used multiple times)1180,000180,000
Total cost of making one tube of silage (excluding the drum and the materials used to make the drum)53,000

Estimated cost of making 1 kg of silage: UGX 214 (full costing of the polythene tube included. However, if carefully used it is possible to reuse the polythene tube up to 4 times, thus reducing the cost of making silage).\


Silage is ready for feeding at least 30 days after making it. Silage should be fed as soon as possible, preferably within a few hours after opening the silos. After feeding, the feed troughs must be cleaned out to prevent any remaining silage, which will spoil, contaminating the next feed out. Silage can be provided to animals in number of different recipes based on its composition and the breed and use of the animals. In general silage should be used up to 25 kg per day for 550 kg animal and up to 5 kg for sheep, pigs and goats (Table 8).

StockQuantity (kg/day)
Lactating dairy cow10-20
Dry cows10-15
Dairy Heifers5-8
Beef breeding cows12-20
Pigs (Sows)2-5

Table 8: Utilization of silage for different types of stock


Technical and financial support from: International Sweetpotato Centre (CIP); International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI); National Agricultural Research Organization; (NARO) National Livestock Resources Research Institute (NaLIRRI) and Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research (KALRO) Organization

Sweetpotato Production

Expanding Utilization of Roots, Tubers and Bananas and Reducing Their Postharvest Losses (RTB-ENDURE) is a 3 year project (2014-2016) implemented by the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) with funding by the European Union and technical support of IFAD.

I. Introduction

Sweetpotato is the third most important food crop after cassava and bananas in Uganda. Currently, sweetpotato is number one food crop in the Lake Victoria region. Uganda is now the leading producer of sweetpotato in Africa, and second only to China in the world. Increased production has been achieved more from area under cultivation than from increased yields, which over the past decade have remained fairly consistent at a national average of approximately 4.5 tons per hectare. The crop has potential benefits to poor farm households and urban consumers especially when other crops fail or in specific seasons before the main harvest.

Importance of sweetpotato

  • Sweetpotato is currently being developed as a means to address one of the most serious health and nutrition problems of Uganda, Vitamin A deficiency which is a major risk factor for pregnant and lactating women. The Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato (OFSP) cultivars contain particularly high levels of carotenoids and are equaled only by carrot as a source of pro-vitamin A. Sweetpotato tubers provide a source of carbohydrates, calcium, ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  • Sweetpotato roots may be eaten boiled, steamed or processed into simple products such as chips, bread, local brew/drink, juice, pancakes and composite flour (mixed with maize, millet and soya flour).

Some of the products from sweetpotates

In some communities, tender (young) sweetpotato leaves are consumed as a vegetable.

Food security crop and cash crop in urban markets in other districts.

Sweetpotato contributes about 20% of total crop residues provided by vines, non- commercial sweetpotato roots, peels which are very good source of livestock feed.

Sweetpotato residues (small roots and vines) can be fed to livestock (pigs, goats, sheep, rabbits and cattle) and in the processed vines and roots can be chopped into small pieces made into silage to feed livestock.

Studies conducted at the National Livestock Resources Research Institute showed that sweet potato vine-based partial milk diets can be used as substitutes to reduce the cost of rearing a calf without adversely affecting its health and yet save more milk for consumption and processing.

Constraints to production and marketing of sweet potatoes

(a) Production constraints:

  • sweet potato weevils
  • drought
  • lack of planting materials
  • labour shortage
  • lack of farm implements
  • land scarcity
  • low soil fertility
  • vertebrate pests of moles, rats and pigs

(b) Marketing and post-harvesting handling constraints:

  • low price
  • lack of market
  • high labour costs
  • unavailability of transport
  • information on processing
  • weather fluctuations
  • inadequate marketing system
  • labour shortage in processing

II. Sweetpotato crop production and management

Sweetpotato varieties

Major sweetpotato varieties in Uganda include Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes, Ejumule, NASPOT, Dimbuka, Rangira, Bwanjule, New Kawogo, Tanzania, and Wagabolige. Preference depends on sweetness, lack of fibres, in-ground storability, early maturing, drought tolerance and tolerance to diseases. Table 1 shows average tuber yield of some of the varieties in Uganda.

Table 1: Average tuber yield (kg/acre) of some of the sweet potato varieties in Uganda

Variety: SPK 004

Popular name: Kakamega

Mean yield (tons/acre):9.5

Variety: NASPOT 9-O

Popular name: Vita

Mean yield (tons/acre):10.4

Variety: Ejumula

Popular name: Ejumula

Mean yield (tons/acre):6.0

Variety: NASPOT 10-O

Popular name: Kabode

Mean yield (tons/acre):8.5

Variety: Vitamin A sweet potato

Popular name: Orange fleshed sweet potato

Mean yield (tons/acre):12

Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato

Soil requirements

  • The crop grows on a variety of soils, but well drained light and medium textured soils with a pH range of 5.5-7.0 are more favorable.
  • A well distributed rainfall of 750–1000 mm per year is considered most suitable for the crop with a minimum of 500 mm in the growing season.
  • The site should be at least 50 meters away from old sweetpotato crop to minimize spread of pests and diseases from old to new crop.

• Sandy loam soils give the best yields. In a proper crop rotation, sweet potato can follow either cereals such as maize, sorghum, rice, finger millet or legumes such as beans.

Land preparation

  • Land preparation is done using either a hand hoe or oxen/tractor drawn plough. The operation aims at turning over the topsoil so that plant residues are incorporated in the soil.
  • Deep cultivation (at least 15cm) improves the oxygen supply in the soil, thus favoring the growth of bacteria that help in decomposing organic matter.
  • The compacted parts that have been trampled by humans, animals and tractor become loose again, thus increasing aeration, water infiltration and good drainage.Selection of planting material
  • Sweetpotatoes are grown from vines which are normally cut from a sweetpotato garden or sprouts from old sweetpotato gardens.
  • It is recommended to select planting material from healthy vigorous crop (2-3 months old), vines from old crop produce a less vigorous crop and poor yield.
  • Cut the top 30cm of the vine for best results. The middle part of the stem can also be used if there is shortage of planting material.
  • Plant the vines within 7 days after cutting to avoid loss in quality.
  • If not planted on time, cuttings can be stored under shade or in a cool well aerated place. During storage roots develop at the base of the cuttings, the vines harden and establishment becomes faster.
  1. Fertilizer application
    • Organic fertilizers (composted manure, green manure) releases nutrients slowly and therefore should be applied as a basal fertilizer (incorporated when making mounds or ridges).
    • During growing period, the plants form dense foliage with rapid vine growth. .Planting time, methods and plant population
    • Sweetpotatoes are planted at the beginning of the rain season to get best results,
    • The vines are grown on mounds and ridges of varying sizes. A mound should be 100cm wide and 60cm high, the distance between mounds should be 1m. Ridges are spaced at 0.5m from each other.

The planting operation involves pushing the lower part of the vine cuttings into the soil, such that they are nearly horizontal. Three vines are planted per mound (4-5 vines can be planted on extremely large mounds like in Buganda). Vines are spaced 30cm from each other on mounds or ridges.


  • With adequate soil moisture and good soil fertility, sweetpotato vines will cover a large area within one month.
  • Thoroughly weed your sweetpotatoes twice; within one month after planting and two months after planting by pulling them gently; if possible avoid deep digging with a hoe or other tool that disturbs the feeder roots that quickly spread throughout the bed.
  • Water is especially important as plants grow and roots spread.Sweetpotato pests

• Sweetpotato production can be constrained by pests and viral diseases that cause yield reductions, potentially from about 50 percent to even as much as seventy percent.

(a) Sweetpotato weevil
The sweetpotato weevil is the most serious insect pest of sweetpotatoes worldwide.

(b) Sweetpotato hornworm

Sweetpotato diseases

Several viruses currently recognized as significant constraints to sweet potato (SP) in Uganda, listed roughly by their frequency of occurrence, include:

(a) Black rot
Black rot is caused by the seed-borne fungus Ceratocystis fimbriata. Symptoms include

large circular, brownish to black, firm, dry rots on sweet potatoes.

  • Stunted plants;
  • ▪  wilting plants;
  • ▪  yellowing plants;
  • ▪  dropping leaves;
  • ▪  plant death;
  • ▪  circular brown-black patches of rot on tubers

In plant beds symptoms include plant stunting, wilting, yellowing, leaf drop, and plant death. Rots may continue developing in storage. Infected roots have a bitter taste. Management: Avoid infected seed roots. Cut transplants above the soil line. Rotate with other crops in a 2 to 3 year rotation. Treat seed roots with a fungicide

(b) Ring rot

Ring rot is caused by the common, soil-borne fungus Pythium spp., which also parasitizes many other plants. Infected roots have sunken, chocolate colored lesions that tend to extend laterally and often form a ring around the sweet potato.

Ring rot

The soft rot extends into the interior as illustrated. Losses generally occur late in the season during cool, rainy periods. Symptoms may be confused with Rhizopus and bacterial soft rots and souring. Ring rot usually does not spread in storage. The disease can be managed by harvesting prior to cool, wet periods.

(c) Fusarium root and stem rot

Fusarium root and stem rotcaused by the fungus Fusarium solani, is a common field and storage rot. The rot extends deep into the sweetpotato and is firm and dark tan in color. Internally, elliptical cavities form in which a white mold develops.

Fusarium root and stem rot

The soil-borne disease may be spread by infected transplants. The base of mature stems may become swollen and distorted.

Generally, pests and diseases can be managed by applying integrated pest management (IPM) methods. These include: (a) planting healthy vines, (b) planting a new crop 50m away from the old field, (c) early planting, crop rotation, (d) destruction of infested plant parts and (e) destroy volunteer crops.

III. Harvesting, consumption, storage and marketing

Harvesting for quality

Sweetpotatoes are usually ready to harvest just as the ends of the vines begin to turn yellow, or about 4-5 months after planting depending on variety. To avoid injuring roots, find the primary crown of the plant you want to dig, and then use a digging fork to loosen an 18-inch wide circle around the plant. Pull up the crown and use your hands to gather your sweetpotatoes. To make digging easier and get the vines out of your way, you can cut some of them away before digging.

Harvesting the roots in piecemeal (removing big roots and creating room for small ones) can start at 3 to 4 months. Wholesale harvesting takes place when the crop is mature (4-6 months)


Sweetpotato is generally consumed in fresh form, but where weevil attacks limit the length of time that roots can be kept underground prior to harvesting, they can be harvested, chipped, and sun-dried to make products such as inginyo and amukek. Sweetpotatoes can be baked, roasted processed into dry chips, pounded into powder to make other delicacies like cakes, cookies, pancakes, etc.

Storage and marketing

Sweetpotato roots are bulky and perishable unless cured. This limits the distance over which sweetpotato can be economically transported. Production areas capable of generating surpluses tend to be relatively localized but dispersed, which leads to a lack of market integration and limits market size. Moreover, production is highly seasonal leading to marked variation in the quantity, and quality, of roots in markets and associated price swings. There is little commercial processing into chips or flour, which could be stored for year round consumption for use in ugali, bread and cakes, or processing into fermented and dried products like fufu. Sweetpotato consumption tends to decline as incomes rise, a change often linked with urbanization, partly because it is perceived as a “poor man’s food” butmostly because of the change in relative prices of root crops compared to grains in urban areas due to transport cost differentials.

  • Roots can be stored in the ground for an additional period but they are attacked by weevils when soil is dry and cracked. This leads to a marked seasonality of supply with substantial price variability and deterioration in quality as the dry season progresses. Seasonality of supply creates a barrier to increasing per capita consumption and income earning possibilities both for fresh sales and for processing.
  • Farmers have developed “In ground storage and piecemeal harvesting” technology to maintain the supply of fresh sweetpotato for as long as possible. In Uganda this involves staggered planting, so that crop will not all mature simultaneously, and in ground storage of roots after maturity, for up to six months. Piecemeal harvesting is an indigenous practice which may reduce weevil losses as more superficial and potentially damaged roots are harvested first.
  • Farmers in areas with marked dry seasons in Uganda sun dry sweetpotato to extend the period when it may be consumed. In Uganda, roots are sliced (amokeke) or crushed (inginyo) before drying. Amokeke is reconstituted whole as a breakfast food and inginyo used for flour to produce atapa, a starchy staple.
  • In Tanzania roots are sliced fresh or after boiling before drying. These products can be stored for six months.
  • Dried products are mostly used for home consumption with limited commercialization, probably because they are not competitive with dried cassava chips. Slicing and drying by hand is labor intensive for processing large quantities when fresh storage would be preferable, but is an option for dealing with small quantities at a time. If farmers could store fresh roots they could benefit from higher prices at the end of the harvest season.
  • Sweetpotato can be chipped and dried. At the village level, women slice the sweetpotato into thin round chips by hand. Commercially oriented operations require an investment in chippers, with manual, bicycle driven and motorized versions available, and drying racks.
  • Dried chips can be milled to make sweetpotato flour. This adds more value for farmers, and reduces volume for transportation, and was financially viable in a pilot trial. But it is difficult for farmers to maintain quality (a) because they cannot determine moisture content and may mill chips which are not properly dried and (b) it may contain impurities as farmers use public mills.
  • The largest flour market is for staples such as ugali. White fleshed sweetpotato flour would have to compete on price and quality with cassava and maize flour in this market. Since fresh sweetpotato tends to sell at a higher price than cassava this could be difficult.
  • The best market for sweetpotato flour would be as a substitute for wheat flour in the production of the snack foods, chapattis (flat unleavened bread) and mandazi (doughnuts) and porridge, where sweetness is not an issue.

Pigs Health and Welfare


This pig cannot get out of the hot sun. Credit:Su Kahumbu

Pigs are social animals, which forms bonds to each other. Bodily contact is important for them, and they prefer to lie close to each other. Pigs are communicative and have a wide range of sounds to communicate with. They do have a good memory, can distinguish between some colors and have a hearing roughly at the same level as humans. They are sensitive and intelligent animals have good learning abilities e.g. they can learn a lot of ‘tricks’, and they can link to humans and e.g. recognize their name. They can also form bonds to humans. They are able to find their way home from large distances. They are curious and explorative, and from nature, they are scavenging and searching for feed, rooting the soil to find roots, small animals like worms and insects, and all kinds of plant material. Their rooting behavior helps the soil to keep a good balance. They have a good sense of smell, which help them select food and identify ‘hidden food’ e.g. in the ground. They also have a good sense of taste. They are discriminative eaters, though, and explore to find what they want. In nature, they will forage up to 75% of their awake time, so they have a high activity level by nature. They can walk and trot over quite long distances, and they are good swimmers.

Even though they have been domesticated for many years, they often suffer because there is a mismatch between the environment in which they are housed, and their natural need for being active, explorative and searching for food. They are unable to sweat, so in hot weather they should be provided with opportunities to cool down, preferably a mud bath, which also protects them against the sun. They prefer cleanliness, and e.g. make ‘toilets’ if the space and surroundings allows. They will always prefer to sleep on clean spaces, as far away from their toilet as possible, and even quite newborn piglets can leave the nest to place urine and dung in another place.  

Organic pig production and norms

The pig production has to – like all livestock production – be land-based. Landless livestock production is not acceptable, and the pigs should form an integral part of the crop rotation system on the farm,

  • Conventional pigs have to be reared under organic standards for six months before they are considered organic (i.e. the first litter after the conversional period can be sold as organic). Simultaneous conversion f land and livestock is possible as long as most of the feed for the animals comes from the converting farm.
  • The choice of breeds or strains should favor pigs that are well adapted to the local conditions and to the husbandry system intended. Vitality and disease are particularly mentioned, and preference should be given to indigenous breeds or crosses.

Conversion in an organic farm

  • When an organic herd is constituted for the first time, conventionally reared piglets can be bought at weaning (at less than 25 kg) and reared as organic.
  • An established breeding herd can bring in gilts from non-organic holdings to allow for natural growth in the herd to a maximum of 20% of the herd, if organically reared animals are not available. This number of bought-in breeding animals can be increased under special circumstances (major expansion, change of breed, new specialization developed).
  • Boars can be brought in from non-organic holdings.
  • Livestock brought in from non-organic holdings for breeding purposes cannot be sold as organic either for slaughter or for breeding.