More Trees for Eco Zone lll Lowlands

More Trees for Eco Zone lll Lowlands Credits: Biovision-Infonet Species: Chlorophora excelsa (Mvule) Altitude (m): 0 – 1400 Soil Type: Red clay-loamy to sandy loamy soils Management System: Plantation/ mixed systems End Use: Timber Rotation: Short to long Species: Cassia siamea Altitude (m): 0 – 1400 Soil Type: Sandy to sandy-loam Management System: Plantation/ mixed End Use: […]

Sycamore fig

Sycamore fig Credits: Biovision-Infonet Scientific name: Ficus sycomorus Order / Family: Moraceae Local Names: Boran (Oda); Embu (Mukuyu), Swahili (mukuyu, mkuyu, chivuzi), Luhya (Omukhuyu), Luo (Olam), Nandi (Sebetuet), Pokot (Mangang), Teso (Eborborei, Eduro) Common names: English (stranglerfig, Sycamore, sycamore fig, bush fig) 1. Introduction General Distribution: It naturally occurs from the Middle East west to Cape Verde Islands […]

River Red Gum

River Red Gum Credits: Biovision-Infonet Scientific name: Eucalyptus camaldulensis Order / Family: Myrtaceae Local Names: English (River red gum); Kamba (Musanduku); Kikuyu (Mubau); Luo (Bao); Swahili (mkaratusi). 1. Introduction General Distribution: It is widely distributed in its native Australia and is one of the first Eucalyptus spp used elsewhere, both in the Mediterranean and the tropics. It was […]

African ironwood

African ironwood Credits: Biovision-Infonet Scientific name: Dalbergia melanoxylon Order / Family: Fabaceae Local Names: Boni (Samachi); Digo (Mpingo); Duruma (Maringo); Swahili (kikwaju, mpingo, poyi); Giriama (Muhingo); Kamba (Muvingo);Meru (Mwengo);Taita (Myingo) 1. Introduction General Distribution:  It is a small tree of semi arid Africa and India. It is native to Angola, Botswana, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, South […]

Neem tree

Neem tree Credit: Biovision-Infonet Scientific name: Azadirachta indica Order / Family: Meliaceae (Mahogany) Division-Magnoliophyta Order-Sapindales Local Names: Dogon yaro(Nigerian languages), Kiswahili-Mwarobaini 1. Introduction The Neem tree originated from the Indomalaysian region and is now widely grown in almost all African countries as well as in arid and semi-arid areas of the world.  It was introduced to Eastern Africa during […]

Grevillea Robusta

Species: Grevillea robusta Ecology: The Grevillea robusta originated from Australian and is widely used in Africa, 0 – 3000 m.It does well on neutral to acidic loam or light sandy soils but is not tolerant to waterlogging or heavy clays.Found in Ecozones II – V Management System: The Grevillea .spp may be found in;Plantation,Hedge planting, Agroforestry (coexisting with food-crops),Woodlot and,Shelterbelt […]