Ch 12: Help pollinators by conserving and creating natural habitat

The Flora of Tropical East Africa provides descriptions of over 12,000 wild plant species. Two-thirds of the flowering plants are dependent on wild pollinators, and many of these plants have co-evolved, over millions of years, with the wild pollinators that pollinate them. Most pollinators are wild insects. For plants and wild insects to thrive, natural […]

Ch 17: Connecting Value and People

These children at Nalare in Samburu are blessed to have over thirty different bee species visiting the flowering acacia tree where they have lunch. There are hundreds of different bees present at this one site alone. Education of young people is key for protecting pollinators and biodiversity. About the East Africa Natural History Society, popularly […]

Ch 8: Beetles

 There are more different kinds of beetles on the planet than any other group of creatures. Beetles have been around for a very long time, hundreds of millions of years in fact. Some beetles developed relationships with plants as specialised pollinators even before bees had appeared on the scene! Beetles are important pollinators in some habitats where […]

Ch 2: Bees

 Bees are insects. Together with ants and wasps they belong in the insect group Hymenoptera. You may be surprised that there are over 20,000 known species of bees in the world. Bees in East Africa include carpenter bees, Amegilla bees, stingless bees, longhorn bees, and honeybees. These bees vary from each other physically—being of different sizes […]

Ch 9: Ants

  While ants are among the most abundant, diverse and ecologically important groups of insects in the ecosystem, they are on whole not good pollinators. A few succulents and other plants (including some Euphorbias) are pollinated by ants. Plants in harsh, arid drylands are the ones that seem to rely on ants as there might be […]

Ch 19: Our friends the pollinators-Acknowledgements

First and foremost I would like to thank the many farmers and communities I have been privileged to work with, and who participated in our pollinator projects across East Africa. Though far too many to mention individually, they hold the future of pollinators in their hands. Only with their help can we develop more sustainable […]