CH 1. Information on pests

Credit: Biovision-Infonet Information on Pests Biological methods of plant protection The worst pests for mangoes include fruit flies, cotton scales, mealybugs, cicadas and black flies (create honey dew). They can cause a lot of damage. Yet they all have natural enemies, such as e.g. ladybird larvae, wasps, spiders and parasitic  fungi (e.g. with cicadas and black flies). An ecological plantation with a variety of […]

Bark eating termites

Bark eating termites Credit: Biovision-Infonet They are generally associated with old mango trees. They may damage branches and other parts by tunnelling the wood, but usually are not of economic importance. Sickly, injured plants are more likely to be damaged than healthy, vigorous plants.What to do: Provide good growing conditions for the trees. Termites more […]

Helopeltis bugs

Helopeltis bugs (Helopeltis schoutedeni and H. anacardii) Credit: Biovision-Infonet Helopeltis bugs, also known as mosquito bugs or mirid bugs are slender, delicate insects, about 7- 10 mm long with long legs and antennae, the antenna being nearly twice as long as the body. The females are red and the males brown to yellowish red. They lay eggs inserted into the soft […]


Bugs Credit: Biovision-Infonet Several species of bugs feed on mangoes. Both adults and nymphs (young stages) feed inserting their needle-like mouthparts in young tissue, causing dieback and tip wilting. Other feed on the fruit, causing fruit fall and fruit deformation. Coconut bug (Pseudotheraptus wayi) It feed on fruits. Damaged young fruits show dark brown or grey […]


Scales Credit: Biovision-Infonet Scales are small (1 to 7 mm long), generally immobile insects, varying in colour and shape according to the species. Female scales have neither wings nor legs. They resemble small shells glued to the plant. Females lay eggs under their scale. Once hatched, the tiny scales (known as crawlers) emerged from under […]


Mealybugs (Rastrococcus spp.) Credit: Biovision-Infonet Mealybugs are small, flat, soft bodied insects covered with a distinctive segmentation. Their body is covered with a white woolly secretion. They suck sap from tender leaves, petioles and fruits. Seriously attacked leaves turn yellow and eventually dry. This can lead to shedding of leaves, inflorescences, and young fruit. Mealybugs excrete honeydew […]