Fusarium Basal Rot

Fusarium oxysporium f.sp. cepae) Credits: Biovision-Infonet The above ground symptoms constitute yellowing of leaf blades at the tip. The yellowing at later stages covers the whole blade. The affected leaves shrivel and decay. Diseased plants can be easily pulled out because the root system is rotted. Affected roots are dark brown, flattened, hollow and transparent. […]

White Bulb Rot

(Sclerotium cepivorum) Credits: Biovision-Infonet The disease occurs mainly in the field and seldom causes injury in storage. The disease is called white rot because of characteristic basal bulb rot where the tissue is covered with white mat of fungal growth. Later numerous rounded black fungal bodies (sclerotia), each about the size of a pin’s head, […]

Anthracnose(Onion smudge)

(Colletotrichum circinans) Credits: Biovision-Infonet It usually appears in fields just before harvest and continues to develop during storage period. Under warm and wet soil conditions, it can cause seedling damping-off. The most common symptom is the small dark green or black stains (dots) on outer scales of bulbs. The dots develop concentric rings. In severe […]

Sour Skin

(Pseudomonas cepacia) Credits: Biovision-Infonet In contrast to soft rot and slippery skin, infected scales are not water-soaked but are slimy and yellow. Symptoms usually visible only after onions are dug. The upper portion of the bulb shrinks, and in advanced stages of the disease, the outer dry skin readily slips off during handling while the […]

Slippery Skin

(Pseudomonas allicolai pv. allicola) Credits: Biovision-Infonet There are no symptoms on the outer surface of bulbs during early stages of disease development. When the bulb is cut open lengthwise, one or more of the inner scales can be found water-soaked or appears as if it has been cooked. The rot does not progress crosswise in […]

Downy Mildew

(Peronospora destructor) Credits: Biovision-Infonet It attacks young plants, appearing as white specks, usually confined to the oldest leaves of young plants. A greyish white mould develops rapidly in cool damp weather and progresses down the sheath, and plants eventually fall over and dry up. Optimum temperatures for fungal growth are between 13 and 20 degC. […]

Purple Blotch

(Alternaria porri) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Purple blotch attacks onion, garlic, leek and other Allium crops. Initially, small white sunken spots develop on the leaves. These enlarge and under moist conditions, turn purple with a yellowish border and are often covered with a sooty deposit of spores. After 3-4 weeks the leaves turn yellow and collapse. Bulbs […]