Green Gram Bacterial blight (bean blight)

(Xanthomonas pv. phaseoli) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Leaf spots first appear as small, water-soaked or light-green areas on leaflets. They later become dry and brown. The spots may join to affect much of leaf surface eventually killing the leaflet. Similar water-soaked spots develop on pods. The spot margin is a shade of red. Severely diseased pods shrivel. […]

Green Gram Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus

Credits: Biovision Infonet MYMV causes serious loss in pulse crops such as beans, pigeonpea, mungbean and soybean. It is transmitted by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci). Symptoms: initially mild scattered yellow spots appear on young leaves. The spots gradually increase in size and ultimately some leaves turn completely yellow. Infected leaves also show necrotic symptoms. Diseased plants […]

Green Gram Rust

(Uromyces phaseoli) Credits: Biovision-Infonet The disease appears as circular reddish brown pustules (blisters) which appear more commonly on the underside of the leaves, less abundant on pods and sparingly on stems. When leaves are severely infected, both the surfaces are fully covered by rust pustules. Shrivelling of pods is followed by defoliation resulting in yield […]