Coffee Wilt

(Fusarium xylarioides) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Indicative symptoms include wilting, chlorosis and defoliation of the aerial parts of the crop, and numerous vertical and spiral cracks in the bark of the trunk. Inspection under the bark, especially around the collar, will reveal characteristic blue-black streaks in the wood. Fungal fruiting bodies (stromata) producing spores can be observed […]

The Coffee Berry Disease

(Colletotrichum kahawae) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Colletotrichum kahawae of Arabica coffee only occurs in Africa, and causes major damage in East Africa and Cameroon. Other names of this disease are “coffee berry anthracnose” and “brown blight of coffee”. The characteristic symptom is a progressive blackening of young, expanding coffee berries. This begins as small water-soaked lesions. They […]

Coffee Leaf Rust

(Hemileia vastatrix) Credits: Biovision-Infonet It is the major disease in Arabica coffee. Yellow to orange powdery blotches appear on the underside of leaves, chlorotic patches appear on the upper side. They grow from 2-3 mm diameter to several centimetres. On older leaves, several lesions can merge together. This produces irregular diseased areas covering much of […]

Information on Coffee Diseases

General information Credits: Biovision-Infonet Conventional coffee plantations are generally confronted with many pests and diseases. In practice, on ecological coffee plantations, the following may be of relevance. An infestation of either pests or diseases is always an indication that the coffee eco-system is not balanced, and the causes must be investigated. Possible causes are: The […]

Damping -off Disease

Damping-off diseases (Pythium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani) Credit: Biovision-Infonet Damping-off can occur when seedlings die before they have pushed through the soil, resulting in patches that appear to have germinated poorly. Alternatively, seedlings may emerge but fall over and die some time afterwards. The base of stem of affected seedlings become wet and brown. These disease-causing fungi […]