Ch 4: Forage production and utilization

Forage production and management Inadequacy of high-quality forages on the farm is one of the major constraints limiting dairy production in East Africa. Various types of forages have been recommended for different agroecological zones (Table 4.1) depending on the climatic conditions and soils. They are cultivated on arable land and are either grazed or cut […]

Ch 3: Production systems and pasture management

Production systems Dairy cattle can be reared in ways that vary depending on the resources available to the farmer. Farmers in East Africa practise three main systems: intensive, extensive and semi- intensive. Intensive system In the intensive system, dairy cattle are enclosed in zero-grazing units (see design of zero-grazing unit in Appendix 8), where they […]

Ch 2: Nutrients

Nutrients are substances obtained from food and used in the body to promote growth, maintenance, reproduction and production. Feedstuffs contain the nutrients animals require to perform normal body functions (such as breathing, pumping blood, fighting diseases, growing, gaining weight, reproducing) and to produce milk. The feedstuff must be digestible and the products (nutrients) absorbed if […]

Ch 1: Introduction

1. Importance of dairy cattle Dairy cattle make a major contribution to both national and household economies as well as provide milk, which contains essential nutrients. Milk contributes significantly to meeting the human requirements for animal protein and is especially important in the diet of children and the sick. Regionally, dairy cattle farming contributes to […]

Chapter 2: Nutrients

Nutrients are substances obtained from food and used in the body to promote growth, maintenance, reproduction and production. Feedstuffs contain the nutrients animals require to perform normal body functions (such as breathing, pumping blood, fighting diseases, growing, gaining weight, reproducing) and to produce milk. The feedstuff must be digestible and the products (nutrients) absorbed if […]