EADD Appendix 7: Volume and weight measures of a Kasuku can

 Appendix 7. Volume and weight measures of a Kasuku can Meal Volume measure—standard 2-kg plastic Kasuku cooking oil can Meal weight (g) (kg) Dairy meal Kasuku top level compacted 1287 1.3 Kasuku top level loose 1179 1.2 Maize bran Kasuku top level compacted 1252 1.3 Kasuku top level loose 1124 1.1 Maize germ Kasuku top […]

EADD Appendix 1: Recommended domains of major forages

  Appendix 1. Recommended domains of major forages Agroecological zone Suitable fodder LH1 Lower Highland 1 Brachiaria ruziziensis Calliandra calothyrsus Giant setaria Leucaena leucocephala Napier grass Vetch LH2 Lower Highland 2 Brachiaria ruziziensis Calliandra calothyrsus Chloris gayana Giant setaria Leucaena leucocephala Lucerne Nandi setaria Oat Zea mays LH3 Lower Highland 3 Maize Nandi setaria Oat […]

EADD Appendix 6: Organic and inorganic fertiliser conversion table

 Appendix 6. Organic and inorganic fertilizer conversion table Fertilizer type Application unit Average table (kg) Slurry 20-kg bucket / debe 22 Slurry Wheelbarrow load 86 Wet manure Standard sack 57 Wet manure Donkey-cart load 400 Wet manure Ox-cart load 200 Wet manure Hand-cart load 250 Wet manure Pick-up load 600 Wet manure Wheelbarrow load 55 […]

EADD Appendix 2: Nutritive value of common feed resources

Appendix 2. Nutritive value of common feed resources Feed Class DM* Ash** CP** Banana leaves Crop residue 12.20 8.80 9.90 Banana pseudostem Crop residue 5.10 14.30 2.40 Banana thinnings Crop residue 13.00 13.10 6.40 Bone meal Concentrate 75.00 49.00 6.00 Calliandra leaves Tree fodder 25.00 4.30 26.30 Couch grass Grass 30.20 7.40 8.80 Cottonseed cake […]

EADD Dairy Management Manual Acknowledgements

  Feeding dairy cattle in East Africa Technical editors: Ben Lukuyu and Charles Gachuiri Compiled by Charles Gachuiri, Margaret Lukuyu, Charles and Solomon Mwendia The authors would like to acknowledge the East Africa Dairy Development (EADD) project for sponsoring a workshop for stakeholders, where the outline of this manual was conceived and agreed upon. In […]