Ch 11: Plants for Pollinators

Trees and shrubs for bees and other pollinators: Trees Acacias: Acacia xanthophloea Acacia kirkii Acacia senegal Acacia tortilis Note: All indigenous acacias are key resources for pollinators. An abundance and diversity of insects can be found swarming around flowering acacias. Acacia tortilis, and Acacia senegal are just two of many important dryland species. Albizia spp. […]

Ch 16: Crops dependent on pollinators grown in East Africa

 This is a general list of crops grown in the region that are dependent on pollinators. For most of these crops, we have not had the benefit of extensive studies, and much remains to be learnt about their interactions with pollinators.Some crops are 100% dependent on pollinators, without whose pollination services there are simply no […]

Ch 13: A summary of threats and resource needs of wild pollinators

Ants Resource Needs Across Africa many will be familiar with ant-hills—they are one type of ant nest. Ants require areas of ground, decaying wood, and the canopy of trees for nesting. To successfully establish an ant colony, they will also need an adequate prey food base. They also require to be near water, and to […]

Ch 12: Help pollinators by conserving and creating natural habitat

The Flora of Tropical East Africa provides descriptions of over 12,000 wild plant species. Two-thirds of the flowering plants are dependent on wild pollinators, and many of these plants have co-evolved, over millions of years, with the wild pollinators that pollinate them. Most pollinators are wild insects. For plants and wild insects to thrive, natural […]

Ch 17: Connecting Value and People

These children at Nalare in Samburu are blessed to have over thirty different bee species visiting the flowering acacia tree where they have lunch. There are hundreds of different bees present at this one site alone. Education of young people is key for protecting pollinators and biodiversity. About the East Africa Natural History Society, popularly […]