Chicken Welfare

Poultry Welfare Credit: Biovision-Infonet FIVE FREEDOMS FOR CHICKEN WEALTH – IMPORTANT The welfare of poultry includes its physical and mental state. Good poultry welfare implies both fitness and a sense of well-being for the animal. Any poultry kept by man, must at least be protected from unnecessary suffering. An animal’s welfare, whether on farm, in transit, […]

Chicken Vaccinations

Vaccinations Credit: Biovision-Infonet Vaccination regime recommended for commercial chicks, but also applicable to improved management of indigenous chicken (Sigma feeds chicken recommendations): Age Vaccinate against Application 1st week Marek and Newcastle disease Subcut (neck) 2nd week Gumboro In drinking water 3rd week Lasota + IB (Newcastle) In drinking water or eye/nostril drop 4th week Deworming, IBD forte In drinking […]

Chicken Diseases

Diseases Credit: Biovision-Infonet What causes diseases?  Infections with microorganisms Parasites (Internal and external) Malnutrition Injuries Chemical (eg. Sodium chloride poisoning). Disease outbreak and death of the animals depend on their age, nutrional status and hygiene of their housing.  Characteristics of healthy birds:Alert and on guard.Bright eyes and comb.Walk, run, stand and scratch.Continuously eat and drink.Normally lay […]

Chicken Feeds and Feeding

Feeds and Feeding Credit: Biovision-Infonet Supplementary feeding in particular for young chicks, is one of the most important means of preventing diseases.  Store feeds in a dry and clean place always to avoid contamination and spread of diseases. Provide your poultry with clean water daily to avoid the spread of waterborne diseases, such as Fowl Cholera. Daily […]

Chicken Housing

Housing Credit: Biovision-Infonet Why should poultry be housed? Housing is necessary to protect chicken against predators, thieves, adverse weather (rain, sun, cold winds, low night temperatures) especially during the night, and to provide shelter for egg laying and broody hens. Suitable poultry houses are important for efficient production and management. Poultry houses and shelters vary depending […]

Chicken Breeding

Breeding Credit: Biovision-Infonet Introduction and management of cocks Introduce one new cock for every 10 hens every two years, in order to avoid inbreeding. Improved indigenous chickens for improving the local breeds can be bought from Naivasha research station in Kenya as well as from private breeders. Brooding hens and cycle In the village setting care must […]

Chicken Breeds

Credit: Biovision-Infonet Living conditions of chickens must be established and maintained to “accommodate the health and natural behavior of animals, including access the outdoors, shade, shelter, exercise areas, fresh air, and direct sunlight. Continuous confinement is not permitted. The welfare of chicken includes its physical and mental state. Good poultry welfare implies both fitness and […]

Guidelines to Growing Melia volkensii in the Dryland Areas of Kenya

Credit:CADEP-SFM is implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Kenya Forest Service(KFS), Kenya Forestry Research Institute(KEFRI) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). CH 1: Intro 1.1 Melia volkensii and its Natural DistributionMelia volkensii is a multipurpose deciduous tree that is endemic to drylands of EasternAfrica with natural distribution range in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania (Figure 1). It […]