Epilachna beetle

 Epilachna chrysomelina


Epilachna beetle (Epilachna chrysomelina) and damage caused on water melon
(c) A. M. Varela, icipe

Adults of the Epilachna beetle, also known as the African melon ladybird are 6 to 8 mm long, reddish in colour with a number of black spots on the wing cases. The larvae are 7 to 9 mm in length, soft and covered with dark coloured spines. They pupate on leaves. Both adults and larvae feed on the leaves leaving a fine net of veins. Damaged leaves shrivel and dry up. They may also gnaw stems and eat holes in fruits.

These beetles are most likely to be a problem during establishment when plants are small; young plants can be entirely destroyed. Older plants can tolerate considerable leaf damage, but during flowering fruit set maybe affected. This beetle is a vector of squash mosaic virus. The Epilachna beetle attacks all cucurbits. They often fly into a crop from nearby crops.

What to do:

  • Do not grow pumpkins near crops attractive to the Epilachna beetles (e.g. other cucurbits, potatoes, maize)
  • If necessary apply neem products. Simple neem-based pesticides are effective in controlling this pest. For instance, weekly foliar sprays of aqueous neem kernel extracts at concentrations of 25, 50 and 100 g/l and neem oil applied with an ultra-low-volume (ULV) sprayer at 10 and 20 l/ha significantly reduced feeding by Epilachnabeetles in squash and cucumber in Togo (Ostermann and Dreyer, 1995)

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