Coccidiosis in Calves

Dr.iCows’ Diary

Date: 28.01.2020

Dear Dr. iCow,

My calf (male) is 7 days old. I have examined his faeces today and there is some blood in the last drop. Please advise.

From: Rose Muteshi, County: Kakamega, Kenya


Dear Rose,

The young calf with blood in the faeces could be having an infection due to exposure to dirty environment.Coccidiosis is caused by a protozoan parasites and can occur in young calves as young as four weeks and between 3 to 8 months of age.  It affects all animals. The coccidia parasites are present in most normal animals.

Coccidiosis in young calves is caused by protozoan parasites which infect the lining of the alimentary tract causing loss of absorptive capacity of the gut with consequent diarrhoea with rapid dehydration. It may develop following stressful events like weather changes and unsanitary conditions like dirty environment. Treatment requires proper drugs in consultation with a vet doctor.  Sulfa drugs like S-Dime tablets which you have already administered, and amprolium e.g. Coccid are available, and or Baycox oral solution if available. Also indicated is giving of oral fluid therapy to treat dehydration in cases of diarrhoea. Observe strict hygiene and move the calf to a clean environment free of contamination.

Clinical coccidiosis occur when a calf is exposed to heavy  infections, stress like overcrowding, sudden change of feeds, poor nutrition and dirty environment and when a calf eats infected pasture, feed and water. Signs in calves suffering from coccidiosis include; loss of weight, profuse foetid diarrhoea with flecks of fresh blood and mucous, straining the perineum and tail, poor appetite, chronic wasting and unthriftyness. It is a treatable condition. Toltrazuril e.g. Baycox Æ  oral suspension and diclazuril e.g. VecoxinÆ can be used for treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in calves. Other medications are sulfa and amprolium drugs.

Thank you.

From your Friend and advisor,


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