Fish Integrated Systems

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Integrated systems 

Tilapia and Catfish farming integrated with poultry
(c) Mbugua Mwangi, Kenya

Manure application can be made easy by placing animal production units adjacent to or over the fish ponds so that fresh manure can easily be delivered to the pond on a continuous basis. This also allows the feed wasted by the animals to fall into the fish pond and utilised by the fish. Effective and safe manure loading rates are maintained by having the correct number of animals per pond surface area. 

Chicken/fish farming 

Maximum tilapia yields are obtained from the manure output of 5,000 to 5,500 chickens/ha, which deliver 100 to 113 kg (dry weight) of manure/ha/day. Several crops of chickens can be produced in one fish production cycle. 

Duck/fish farming 

Pig house with fish pond
(c) Stephen Gikonyo, Kenya

Ducks are grown on ponds at a density of 750 to 1500/ha. The ducks are raised in confinement, fed intensively, and allowed a small portion of the pond where they forage for natural foods and deposit their manure. Ducks reach marketable size in 10 to 11 weeks and therefore staggering production cycles is needed to stabilize manure output. 

Pig/fish farming

Pond harvesting using a sein net
(c) Mbugua Mwangi, Kenya

Approximately 60 to 70 pigs/ha are required to produce a suitable quantity of manure (100 to 115 kg of dry matter/ha/day) for tilapia production. The pigs are usually grown from 20 to 100 kg over a 6-month period. In certain cultures and religion, where pigs are considered unclean, used of pig manure might reduce the marketability of the fish.

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