Making Feed Concentrates

Dr.iCows’ Diary

Date: 31.01.2019

Case №: 05/2020

Dear Dr.iCow,

Give me the formula of preparing local dairy meal.

From Frida, County: Meru, Kenya


Frida is having a bumper harvest of maize and wheat and wanted a simple formula on how to make dairy meal for her cows using some of the harvest with other additions. Dairy cows require balanced diets with energy, proteins, vitamins, mineral supplements and free access to clean soft fresh drinking water.   The dairy cows should be fed adequate and high quality forages as it is the base of high milk production.

Dear Frida,

It is important to observe the following when making homemade dairy feeds:

i. Source the ingredients from reliable suppliers.

ii.  Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

iii. The feeds should be stored in a cool dry place.

The nutrients to be included in the dairy feeds are energy and the main source is  maize, wheat, rice, sorghum and barley, proteins and sources are cottonseed, sunflower, soya beans cakes and fodder legumes, minerals and vitamins and these are included in premixes. With readily available ingredients like maize, wheat or rice bran, maize germ, cotton seed cakes, sunflower cakes, feed grade lime or di-calcium phosphate, minerals supplements and premixes if available, a simple formula like; maize germ – 35%, wheat or maize bran – 35 %, sunflower or cottonseed cakes -30%, minerals supplements -1%, is advisable.

Remember: forages have high crude fibre. Good quality forage is the base of high milk production and should be fed at the right stage of growth and this is usually around flowering. Consider growing forages to reduce costs and increase milk production. Conservation of forages like silage and hay do assist greatly with fluctuations of quality and adequate fodder.

Concentrates for high yielding dairy cows involves a combination of many ingredients which are blended and mixed in the right amounts and proportions.

Total Mixed Ratio -TMR, should be encouraged where cows are fed based on milk production and growth rate of young stock. It has the advantages of mixing all feeds forages and concentrates, minimizes cost per litre of milk and eliminates fear of grain overload.

Thank you

From your friend and advisor,


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