Beef Management Systems

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Nomadic Pastoralism 

Nomadic pastoralism involves a seasonal pattern of movement around a more or less regular pattern. This is the most environmentally sustainable livelihood in the arid and semi arid areas. It is practiced predominantly in Kenya Northern and southern rangelands.  


A system practiced within a defined unit of land. In a ranch it is possible to maintain optimal stocking rates conserve, and preserve pasture and develop livestock support facilities such as dips and water points. This system is practiced in both arid and semi arid areas.  


A system practiced in semi- arid parts of the country where beef farming is practiced alongside crop farming. Beef farming and crop farming complement each other through livestock feeding on crop residues and crop farming benefiting from manure and animal draught power.  

Feedlot system 

These are units where immature cattle are intensively put on a feeding regime purposely for fattening to attain a specific market weight prior to selling. The animals are confined like in the zero grazing units in dairy production and are fed on high-energy concentrates.This system competes with human food because it requires inputs of grains. This system is not in use in the arid lands of Kenya.
Complete zero grazing is not allowed under organic standards, unless the animals have access to outdoor exercise areas and spacious clean resting areas for more information please

Calf Management 

Good calf management practices ensure fast growth rate, reduced disease incidences and reduced death rates in calves. After calving, ensure the dam is cleaning the calf properly and that the calf can stand on its own. Where necessary, the calf should be assisted to suckle and it must be sure that the calf takes enough colostrum within a few hours after being born. The calf should be checked for abnormalities and corrective measures taken.

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