Cattle Milking

Credit: Biovision-Infonet

Good milk handling practices

Milk is the main product from a dairy enterprise, produced basically as food for human consumption. Milk is a very good media for bacterial and other micro-organisms development. Clean milk production results in milk that:

  • Is safe for human consumption and free from disease causing micro-organisms
  • Has a high keeping quality
  • Has a high commercial value
  • Can be transported over long distances
  • Is a high quality base for processing, resulting in high quality products


Restrain the cow. If the udder is clean or only some dry dirt is attached, clean it with a dry cloth, paper or fine wood shavings When the udder and the cow are dirty, wash udder, teats and flank of the animal with clean water preferably add a disinfectant. Wipe with a clean cloth (one piece per cow). Apply suitable milking salve on each teat. Check for mastitis with a strip cup or any other method. Dispose fore-milk. Isolate sick animals and milk them last (their milk should not be mixed with good milk). 


  • Do not excite the animals 
  • Regularize milking intervals
  • Squeeze the teat and do not pull.
  • Avoid incomplete milking 
  • Milking should be complete within 8-10 minutes
  • Use a teat dip after milking and apply it in a proper way 

Milk Handling

  • Use a clean white muslin cloth for filtering immediately after milking
  • Disinfect, wash and dry the filter cloth after use
  • Weigh and record milk per cow 
  • Store the milk in cool and clean place
  • Don’t store other materials such as chemicals close to the stored milk
  • Deliver milk to the market as soon as possible 


Use seamless containers preferably aluminium or stainless steel 

  • Rinse excess milk with cold and clean water
  • Scrub with a brush using hot water mixed with a soap or detergent 
  • Rinse with cold water and place the utensils to dry on a rack 
  • Store utensils in a safe, clean, well ventilated place

Milker’s Hygiene

  • Be healthy and clean
  • Maintain short finger nails and hair cut (ladies can cover their heads when milking as guard to falling hair)
  • Don’t smoke during milking time
  • Wear clean white overall and gumboots

Milking Environment 

  • Milk in a clean and non smelling place
  • A shed can be permanent or movable, it should be cleaned after every milking
  • Where possible provide a cement floor for ease of cleaning
  • Water should drain easily and away from the shed
  • Provide a clean feed trough, water trough and protected store
  • Provide clean water

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