Managing Kids

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Mortality is highest during the first week of life. Among single births losses tend to be highest among the heavier kids. In twins and multiple births the lighter kid is most susceptible. Weak kids are usually the result of difficult kidding or being allowed to catch cold after birth and or poor feeding of the doe in gestation. Kid mortality can also be caused by milk fever, malpresentation, unsound udders, and death of the doe or accidents. Good management of the new born kid entails the following practices:

1. Tickle the tongue of the kid, this causes coughing by a reflex action which stimulates the respiratory system and clears the airways.
2. Place the kid near the mother who will begin to lick the young. Hold the kid if need be until this is done. If the kid appears to be cold you may have to assist by rubbing with a dry towel or with clean hay or straw.
3. Check the teats of the dam to see that there is sufficient milk. Some does do not produce sufficient milk for some hours. It is essential that the kid sucks colostrums as soon as possible. The first colostrumcontains most antibodies to protect the kids against diseases, the colostrum stimulates the gastrointestinal reflexes, and helps pass the muconium. If the kid has to be fed from a bottle ensure that the bottles and teats are properly sterilised before every feed.

Note: DO NOT be tempted to substitute with cow’s milk if this can be avoided. If it is necessary, dilute the cow’s milk before supplying it to the kids.When the kids are born they have to be managed so that the doe produces milk both for the needs of the kids first and secondary for domestic or commercial purposes (see feeding kids).

Colostrum (the first milk produced by the doe ) important for the kidsAt birth, colostrums is the first food of the new born kids and should be given for 3 days. Colostrum stimulates the alimentary system and confers an initial immunity to disease on the kids. With dairy goats the kids are either bottle or pan fed (not recommended if at all possible). In either case nipples, pans and containers must be thoroughly cleansed before every feed. Lukewarm milk should be fed using 0.9 – 1 litre spread over four feeds. From 4 weeks to weaning the kids should be allowed to feed three times a day. If the kids are separated from the mother it is essential that the farm ensures that they area receiving sufficient milk. Under feeding will result in stunted youngsters who will grow into weak adults.

Colostrum is thick, yellow and custardy in appearance. It is vitally important as it supplies essential minerals, vitamins and antibodies to the newborn kid and acts as a laxative which clears the digestive system of meconium. The first excreta of kids is black (meconium) but changes once milk is digested, and turns yellow. The antibodies in the colostrum can pass the intestinal wall till about 36 h, thereafter it is closed. So it is not only important to supply colostrum but also to do it immediately after the kids are born.

Young Kids

The best results are achieved if kids are left with their mother for at least the first month. In organic farming, the kids must be supplied with goats milk. This will ensure a healthy well grown youngster. If the kid is to be restrained from suckling, where possible do not be tempted to supplement with cows milk. If kids are restrained it is essential that they are allowed to suckle sufficiently at least three times per day to satisfy them in order that their growth is not impaired. In the event of triples, one kid (the smallest) may have to be bottle fed with goat milk from a bottle. The bottles MUST be sterilized between feeds to avoid gastrointestinal infections. If small kids are done properly, their reduced birth weight should be insignificant and they will have caught up with their siblings by three months.

Feeding the newborn up to 3 months 

Newborn kids should be fed on colostrum within 4 hours and should be with the doe and allowed to suckle as much as they need. After one week: – kids should be provided with small quantities of good clean feed e.g. sweet potato vines, tree legume leaves or natural tree leaves. Kids should continue with milk for the first three weeks and thereafter be allowed to feed on milk combined with fresh fodder up to 3-4 month. Provide fodder and water to kids all the time to enable them learn to eat gradually. A poor start will affect the future productivity of that kid when it grows up to adult.

  • 0-4 weeks free suckling 
  • 4-8 weeks suckling day time 
  • 8-12 weeks suckling twice a day 
  • 12-13 weeks suckling evening only for 1 week 
  • 13-14 weeks suckling in the evening, every other day then weaned

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