Rabbit Handling and Slaughter

Credits: Biovision-Infonet


Rabbits should always be handled gently but firmly. If the rabbit feels insecure or afraid it will damage itself and, in all probability, the handler. 

NEVER lift a rabbit by the ears. The most common and safest method is to grasp the ears close to the head with one hand, while the other hand takes the full weight of the rabbit. The hand holding the ears restrains the rabbit and prevents it from struggling, without damaging the joints where the ears meet the head.

When handling kits, they should be picked up by placing the whole hand, gently, over the kit and curling the fingers around it. Care should be taken not to squeeze the kit as they are very fragile and it is very easy to damage them.

When handling rabbits, of any size, for whatever reason, the easiest and safest way is to wrap the rabbit in a cloth and pick it up. The cloth or sack will give the rabbit a sense of security and it won’t struggle.

Viciousness in rabbits 

It occasionally happens that a rabbit becomes vicious and attacks those who attempt to handle it. A doe may become very aggressive when she has young – this is a natural instinct and should be respected. Bucks can also become aggressive for no obvious reason. However, aggression is almost always as a result of bad handling or teasing. It can also be the result of lack of water – so make sure that water is always available.

There are instances where a rabbit may become aggressive for none of the above reasons. If this behaviour becomes habitual, culling should be considered. A rabbit has the ability to open its mouth very wide, their teeth are very sharp and their bites are deep and painful.


It is important that the rabbit is killed very quickly and in the most humane way possible.

The quickest and kindest way to do this is:

  • Hold the rabbit in your left hand by its back legs. With your right hand hold the rabbit’s head between your index and middle fingers, under the chin and against the base of the skull. Lift your right hand to shoulder height, stretching the rabbit, and pull the head quickly and sharply. If you try to do this any other way it will not work.
  • When the rabbit is dead, it should be hung by one back leg. The head is removed. The feet are clipped off. A small slit should be made on the inside of the back leg that is not attached to the slaughter post. The skin is peeled off this leg. The skin is then gently loosened round the body and front legs. You will then be able to take the skin off the remaining back leg, and by pulling down, so that the skin is now inside out, you will be able to peel the skin off like a sock. The rabbit is then gutted and entrails removed.

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