Information Source Links

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

  • Bohlen, E. (1973). Crop pests in Tanzania and their control. Bfe. Federal Agency for Economic Cooperation.
  • CAB International (2005). Crop Protection Compendium, 2005 Edition. Wallingford, UK
  • Coffee organic cultivation, 2000, Naturland. Available also online
  • Coffee Research Foundation. Document on Coffee
  • Coffee Research Institute
  • Coffee Research Station (1989). An Atlas of Coffee Pests and Diseases. Published by the Coffee Research Foundation. Third Revision. Kenya.
  • Depieri, R. A. , Martinez, S.S. and Menezes Jr, A.O. (2005). Compatibility of the fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. (Deuteromycetes) with extracts of neem seeds and leaves and the emulsible oil. Neotropical Entomology. vol.34 no.4. Print ISSN 1519-566X
  • EcoPort
  • Hill, D. (1983). Agricultural insect pests of the tropics and their control. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0-521-24638-5
  • Mahdi, H.S., Al Hakimi, A., Mahyoub, M, Sayef, A., Al Sharjabi, S., and Pola, F. (2006). Traditional methods of integrated pest management are a promising strategy to reduce population density of coffee berry moth prophantis smaragdina (Butler) in the field. Ninth Arab Congress of Plant Protection, 19-23 November 2006, Damascus, Syria.
  • Nutrition Data
  • OISAT. Organisation for Non-Chemical Pest Management in the Tropics.
  • Republic of Kenya: Economic Review of Agriculture2006
  • Smith, L. and Bellotti, A. C. (1996). Successful Biocontrol Projects with Emphasis on the Neotropics. Cornell University. Conference in Biological control. April 1-13, 1996.

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