Information Source Links


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  • Agricultural Information Resource Centre (2011). Agricultural Information Directory 2011/2012. Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN: 9966 764 08 9
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  • CAB International (2005). Crop Protection Compendium, 2005 Edition. Wallingford, UK
  • CIP Nairobi (2005). Estimates of Currently grown potato cultivars.
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  • Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) (2002). Meloidogyne chitwoodi (the Columbia root-knot nematode) and Meloidogyne fallax
  • Godfrey,L. D., Davis, U.C., Haviland, D. R.(2003). UC Pest Management Guidelines. How to Manage Pests. Potato Aphids, green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae)]. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Potato. UC ANR Publication 3463. Insects. UC Cooperative Extension, Kern Co. (Reviewed 6/03, updated 6/03). Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California.
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  • Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Kenya) & Japan International Cooperation Agency (2000). Local and Export Vegetables Growing Manual. Reprinted by Agricultural Information Resource Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. 274 pp.
  • National Potato Catalogue, 2017. Accessed on 18th December 2018
  • Nutrition Data
  • Oisat. Organisation for Non-Chemical Pest Management in the Tropics.
  • Ostermann, H. and Dreyer, M. (1995). Neem Products for Pest management. Vegetables and grain legumes. In: The Neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and other meliaceous plants sources of unique natural products for integrated pest management, industry and other purposes. Edited by H. Schmutterer in collaboration with K. R. S. Ascher, M. B. Isman, M. Jacobson, C. M. Ketkar, W. Kraus, H. Rembolt, and R.C. Saxena. VCH. pp. 392-403. ISBN: 3-527-30054-6.
  • Potatoes. Kenya Overview
  • Saxena, R. C. (1995). Neem Products for Pest management. Pest of stored products. In: The Neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and other meliaceous plants sources of unique natural products for integrated pest management
  • Zebitz, C. P. W. (1995). Neem Products for Pest management. Root and Tuber Crops. In “The Neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and other meliaceous plants sources of unique natural products for integrated pest management, industry and other purposes”. (1995). Edited by H. Schmutterer in collaboration with K. R. S. Ascher, M. B. Isman, M. Jacobson, C. M. Ketkar, W. Kraus, H. Rembolt, and R.C. Saxena. VCH. pp. 403-407. ISBN: 3-527-30054-6.
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