When to de-worm a cow that has just calved

When is it safe to de-worm a cow that has just calved

Dr. iCows’ Diary


Dear Dr. iCow,

My cow recently gave birth. When can I safely resume worming her?


iCow Smart Farmer, Wesley, Nandi

Dear Wesley,

A cow, after calving can be dewormed in the second week from the date of calving. The stress of calving triggers the release of inhibited worms’ larvae from the walls of the digestive system.

Deworming can be done any time of the day, morning or evening. Preferably drench in the morning after milking.

Proper restrain of the animal during drenching is advised so as to avoid struggling and unnecessary injuries. There is no need to deny or withdraw drinking water from the cow.

The most important thing when giving the de-wormer is to pay particular attention to the right dosage recommended by the manufacturer as indicated on the label.

It is advisable to deworm your livestock 4 times in a year at the start and end of long and short rains. Please observe withdraw period for milk and meat for human consumption. 

Thank you. 

Your friend and advisor , Dr. iCow

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