Ch 18: Our friends the pollinators-Foreward

H.E. Professor Judi Wakhungu

We live in one of the most diverse and beautiful regions on the planet.

In a part of the world where most people make their living from farming, and are directly connected to nature in their daily lives. This book is therefore an excellent effort to engage the general public on the diversity and importance of wild pollinators for agriculture and livelihoods.
We depend, in East Africa, on many different ecosystem services that come from nature for free.
These include water resources, fertility of soil, energy from biomass, control of soil erosion, and pollination. To ensure we continue to have these vital services we need public awareness and education—two of the most important tools available for conservation and sustainable development.
Global awareness about the crisis surrounding the conservation of biodiversity and environment has grown significantly. However, it is important to connect this global movement to local action, and the information presented in this book will enable farmers, teachers, and schoolchildren across East Africa to better understand, celebrate, and conserve pollinators in their farms and gardens.
 The Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources–custodian of biodiversity in the country, salutes the supporting partners. With this publication the National Museums of Kenya, the GEF-UNEP-FAO Kenya Pollination Project, the Whitley Fund for Nature, and Nature Kenya are helping to raise awareness about better conserving pollinators. This beautifully designed guidebook, reminds us of how much we have to celebrate in pollinators and biodiversity as part of our national heritage.
H.E. Professor Judi Wakhungu
The Cabinet Secretary
Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources P. O. Box 30026-00100

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