Sorghum Information Source Links

Credits: Biovision-Infonet AIC (2002). Field Crops Technical Handbook. Acland J.D (1980). East African Crops. An Introduction to the Production of Field and Plantation Crops in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. FAO/Lonngman. ISBN: 0 582 60301 3. Anthony Youdeowei (2002). Integrated Pest Management Practices for the Production of Cereals and Pulses. Integrated Pest Management Extension Guide 2. Ministry of Food and […]

Types of Poultry vaccines

Dr.iCow’s Diary Date: 13.02.2020. Dear Dr.iCow, Dawa ya Newcastle inapatikana wapi na inapatiwa chanjo aje? From: Stephen, County: Machakos, Kenya. Discussion: Stephen want to start poultry keeping and is looking for information on the types of vaccines, when they are administered and their availability. Dear Stephen, As you prepare to start keeping kienyeji chicken please […]

Purple Witchweed

(Striga hermonthica) Credits: Biovision-Infonet The parasitic weed Striga is a major pest of sorghum, particularly in Africa, where severe infestations can lead to land being abandoned. Striga attaches itself to sorghum roots depriving it of nutrients and preventing them from establishing and growing properly. What to do: Striga can be controlled manually by vigorous uprooting […]

Poultry multivitamins

Dr.iCow’s Diary Date: 13.02.2020 Dear Dr.iCow, What is the best multivitamins I can use in chicken? From: Japheth, County: Kericho,Kenya Dear Japheth, Vitamins are essential for optimal poultry health, strengthening immunity, growth, normal body functions and reproduction. They are required in small quantities. There are fat- soluble vitamins namely vitamins A, D, E and K […]

Crazy Top Downy Mildew

(Sclerophthora macrospora) Credits: Biovision-Infonet This fungal disease can be troublesome in low lying areas that become flooded. Infected plants have thick, stiff, twisted, pale green leaves with bumpy surfaces. The leaves often turn downward, and the plants produce many shoots or suckers giving a bunchy appearance. Infected plants do not produce heads or produce a […]

Leaf Blight

(Helminthosporium turcicum) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Leaf blight (Helminthosporium turcicum) Attacks sorghum, Sudan-grass and maize. The causal fungus is carried on the seed and also lives in the soil on dead or decaying plant material. It may cause seed rot and seedling blight, especially in cool and excessively moist soil. Seedlings then can become infected readily and […]


(Claviceps sorghi) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Cream to pink sticky droplets “honeydew” ooze out of infected florets on panicles. The droplets dry and harden, and dark brown to black sclerotia (fungal fruiting bodies) develop in place of seeds on the panicle. Sclerotia are larger than seed and irregularly shaped, and generally get mixed with the grain during […]


(Puccinia purpurea) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Rust appears on leaves as small raised pustules or blisters that rupture and release many reddish-brown spores. These pustules occur on both the upper and lower leaf surfaces. This disease usually appears when plants near maturity and infection is confined primarily to mature leaves. Grain yield losses are usually not serious […]

Charcoal Rot

(Macrophomina phaseolina) Credits:Biovision-Infonet Grain sorghum plants affected by the charcoal rot fungus fail to fill grain properly and may lodge in the latter part of the season. Infected stalks show an internal shredding at and above the ground line. This can be observed by splitting the stalk and noting the deteriorated soft pith tissue leaving […]