Economic Analysis for Aquaculture Venture

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Viability Analysis One way of evaluating whether an opportunity such as a new aquaculture investment is worthwhile in the long-term, or to choose between aquaculture opportunities which vary in size, is by use of capital budgeting. Popular methods of capital budgeting include net present value (NPV), and internal rate of return (IRR). Pay-back […]

Fish Farming Production Techniques

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Production techniques When planning for commercial aquaculture, the following aspects of production must be considered very critically:i. Species to be producedii. Production siteiii. Production technology I. Species to be produced  The choice of what to produce will be guided by:a) Market preferenceb) Ecological requirements of the speciesc) Production technology of the speciesd) Resources […]

Considerations before investing in Organic Aquaculture

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Starting aquaculture as an economic enterprise, should be taken seriously. One needs to acknowledge that it involves making a significant investment decision and requires serious commitment. This is always true when deciding on the feasibility of any economic investment. Thorough planning is therefore a must before any investment is made. Planning involves a detailed evaluation […]


Credits: Biovision-Infonet Aquaculture refers to the farming (propagation and rearing) of aquatic (water dwelling) organisms that include fin fish, mollusks, crustaceans and aquatic plants in controlled or semi controlled environments. The farming activities involve interventions such as stocking, feeding and protection from diseases and predators to enhance productivity. However Aquaculture is used interchangeably with other […]

Aquatic Animal Health and Welfare

Credits: Biovision-Infonet The general principle for animal health and welfare for aquatic animals is very much similar to that of other animals: ‘Organic management practices promote and maintain the health and well-being of animals through balanced organic nutrition, stress-free living conditions appropriate to the species and breed selection for resistance to diseases,parasites and infections. The […]

Pig Housing

Credits:Biovision-Infonet Good, efficient housing makes management easier and helps the farmer to successfully rear 85 % or more of all the live born piglets to market weight. Pigs at different stages of growth need different environments (temperatures) rations and must have outdoor access all the time. Growing and reproducing pigs must be protected against high […]