Fish Diseases

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Occurrence of disease and parasites in farmed fish is mainly as a result of poor husbandry. Disease causing organisms are always in the environment fish live in and they cause few problems. The pathogens naturally exist in an unstable “equilibrium” with their hosts until this balance is disturbed through environmental changes and human […]

Hatchery and Fingerling Production

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Although tilapia breed freely in ponds, it is important for farmers (producers) to consider using properly produced fingerlings. They need to invest in hatcheries for fry and fingerling production. Quality fingerlings in tilapia aquaculture are very important. For this reason it is advisable for farmers to generate their own fingerlings if they can […]

Harvesting Fish

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Harvesting  Fish produced for consumption should be harvested when they reach market size. In Kenya, tilapia are ready for harvesting within six to nine months depending on the size at stocking, target harvest size, water temperature and level of management employed. The time of harvesting is determined through regular sampling which should be […]


Credit: Dr. iCow Worms can be grouped as round worms, tape worms and flukes. They can be controlled by good feeding and watering practices and regular use of effective broad-spectrum anthelmintic or dewormers.  In organic herds, it is not permitted to use medicine for prevention of diseases but parasite infections should be prevented through good management practices, […]

Fish Feeding

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Compared to terrestrial animals, fish have lower energy requirement (they are more efficient), they require less lipids in feed (except for cold water species such as trout), they have higher protein requirements and fish can absorb certain mineral element directly from the water. There are three types of food used in aquaculture:  In […]