Goose Diseases

Credits: Biovision-Infonet In this chapter the most common goose diseases are listed, described, and the appropriate treatments/prevention proposed. A well-managed production system which includes cleanliness, know-how, and disease prophylactic practices can greatly reduce the incidence of many diseases.   Recommendations for the control and prevention of disease Examine the geese before buying them. Buy geese only […]

Common Pests and Parasites in Pigs

Credits:Biovision-Infonet Parasitic diseases Parasites are divided into external and internal parasites. Internal parasites (Worms) Worms are one of the most serious threats to pig keeping. There are more than 30 types affecting the intestines of pigs. The most important are the intestinal roundworm, the lung worm, the whip worm and the tape worm. 1) Roundworm […]

Pig Feeding

Credits:Biovision-Infonet Pigs must be fed to ensure quality rather than maximum growth rates. Pigs must be fed on organically produced feed (60% of home-grown feed can be in-conversion feed). Roughage, fresh or dried fodder (grazing) or silage must be added to the daily ration. Certain feed materials of animal origin (milk or milk products and fish […]

Geese Products

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Feather and down production This section deals with the production and harvesting of fine feathers and down for use in the garment and household linen industries as opposed to the processing of coarse feathers for feather meal. The most valuable product is the down, which is obtained from the breast area of the […]

Feeding Geese

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Rates of digestion of acid digestive fibre for the goose are from 15-30 percent depending on the material. The digestive system of the goose is able to digest this high level of fibre primarily for two reasons. The first is its large and muscular proventriculus and its extremely well-muscled gizzard that can develop […]

Geese Housing

Credits: Biovision-Infonet As with all geese, the breeder flock can be kept under a variety of systems. In organic herds, all animals should have access to an outdoor area, and since geese are waterfowls, they should have access to a pond, if in any way possible. The primary objective for housing the breeder flock is […]