Catchment Areas

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Run-off from catchment areas Although regions with low and erratic rainfalls appear to be unsuitable for rainwater harvesting, it has been proved many times that rainwater harvesting is the most viable water supply system in arid and semi-desert regions. Rainwater harvesting in dry regions is viable when the following aspects are considered and […]


Credits: Biovision-Infonet Although it is known that clouds can be seeded with chemicals to produce rains, the practice is expensive and unsustainable. It should therefore be realized that rainfall varies from region to region and from one year to another beyond peoples’ manipulation and interference.  All fresh water comes from rains, including water in deep […]

Rainwater Harvesting

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Introduction Rainwater running off land surfaces can be harvested, stored and utilized using a technique called rainwater harvesting instead of being wasted in rivers, lakes and the sea.   Rainwater harvesting consists of 5 components:   Rainfall   Catchment areas, also called watersheds, onto which the rainwater falls.  Gutters, or conveying channels, to bring rainwater from a catchment […]

Pig Information Source

Credits:Biovision-Infonet AIC Documentation Unit, Kenya Feeding organic pigs, A handbook of raw materials and recommendations of feeding practice, 2002. University of Newcastle Livestock production extension manual (MoLD – Kenya) (2008). Wabacha, J.K., Mribei, J.M., Mulei, C.M., Kyule, M.N., Zessin, Z.H. and Oluoch-Kosura, W. (2004). Characterization of smallholder pig production in Kikuyu Division, Central Kenya. In: […]

Pigs Reproductive Disorders and Diseases

Credits:Biovision-Infonet These include, Brucellosis, mastitis, leptospirosis, endometritis and agalactia.  Anaphrodisias  When the sow does not come on heat  Symptoms:  No heat signsThis could be caused by low body weight due to poor feeding, overweight, mineral deficiency, intestinal worms, chronic disease, the animal has just given birth, heavy infestation with parasites Prevention: Improve feeding of mineral-rich […]

Potato Seed Production Info Source Links

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Anon. (2006). Select the best: Field guide for positive seed potato selection. CIP Sub-Saharan Office, Nairobi Gildemacher, P., P. Demo, P. Kinyae, M. Wakahiu, M. Nyongesa and T. Zscocke (2009). Select the best. Positive selection to improve farm saved seed potatoes. Farm field aid. 2nd. Edition. CIP & CTA. ISBN: 978-92-9060-362-7 Kabira, J.N, […]