Carrot Leaf Blight

(Alternaria dauci) Credits: Biovision-Infonet The disease is caused by the fungus Alternaria dauci. Dark-grey to brown, angular spots form on leaves. Surrounding tissue yellows and affected leaves eventually die. Older leaves are attacked first and only in very severe cases are younger leaves affected. Large spots can girdle leaf petioles and kill leaves without spots […]

Carrot Cottony Soft Rot

(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) Credits: Biovision-Infonet The disease is caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and is characterised by development of soft, watery rot of leaves, crowns and roots. Affected areas become covered with white, cottony fungal growth in which black, irregular, fungal resting bodies (sclerotia) form. The sclerotia enable the fungus to survive for long periods […]

Carrot Production

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Scientific Name: Daucus carota Order / Family: Araliales: Apiaceae Pests & Diseases: African armyworm, Bacterial soft rot, Cottony soft rot, Cutworms, Damping-off diseases, Leaf blight, Powdery mildew, Root-knot nematodes Geographical Distribution in Africa General Information and Agronomic Aspects Carrot is a popular vegetable with high vitamin A content, grown in East Africa mostly in the cooler highlands. The roots are consumed raw […]

Shallow Ground Water Information Sources

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Agarwal, A. and Narain, S. 1991. Dying wisdom. Centre for Science and Environment, India. Ahnfors, O. 1980. Groundwater arresting sub-surface structures. Sida/Govt. of India. Backman, A. and Isakson. 1994. Storm water management in Kanye, Botswana. Swedish University of Agricultural Science. Burger, S.W 1970. Sand storage dams for water conservation. Water Year 1070. S.Africa. […]

Surface Water Information Source Links

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Chleq, J.- L. and Dupriez, H. (1988). Vanishing Land and Water. Soil and water conservation in dry lands. Land and Life/ Macmillan Press Ltd, London. ISBN 0-333-44597-X  Nissen-Petersen, E. (1982). Rain Catchment and Water Supply in Rural Africa: A Manual. Hodder and Stoughton, Great Britain. ISBN 0340-28429-3. Nissen-Petersen, E. (2000). Water from Sand […]

Surface Water

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Surface water is rainwater running off from land surfaces into rivers, lakes and seas which can be collected, stored and utilized through rainwater harvesting. Introduction to Shallow Ground Water Surface water is rainwater running off from land surfaces into rivers, lakes and seas which can be collected, stored and utilized by a technique […]

3rd February 2020

Desert locust situation update Credit:FAO Locust Watch Three hot-spots of threatening locust activity The current situation remains extremely alarming in three main areas. (1) In the Horn of Africa, the worst affected area, there is an unprecedented threat to food security and livelihoods as swarms increase in Ethiopia and Somalia and continue to move south to Kenya where they have spread […]

Water Storage Information Sources

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Access to several water management manuals under: Cairncross S. and Feachem R. (1993). Environmental Health Engineering in the Tropics. An Introductory Text. Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. De Vrees, L. 1987. Rainwater tank programme. Machakos Diocese, Box 640, Machakos, Kenya. Enyatseng, G. 1998. Evaluation of ferrocement water tanks. Botswana Technology Centre, […]