
(Agrotis spp and Spodoptera spp.) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Several species damage sorghum. They may cut off young plants at or slightly below the soil surface. Some feed on above-ground plant parts, and others feed on the roots. Plants with severed stems die, leaf feeding by cutworms causes ragged leaves and feeding on roots may kill young […]

Sorghum Production

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Scientific Name: Sorghum bicolor Order / Family: Cyperales: Poaceae Local Names: Mtama (Swahili) Pests & Diseases: African armyworm, African bollworm , African maize stalkborer, Anthracnose, Aphids, Birds, Charcoal rot, Covered kernel smut, Crazy top downy mildew, Cutworms, Damping-off diseases, Ergot, Head bugs, Head smut, Leaf blight, Loose kernel smut, Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV), Other bugs, Purple witchweed, Rust, Shoot fly, Sorghum midge, Spotted stemborer, Storage pests, Termites Other pests: Chafer grubs, Sedges Geographical Distribution in Africa General Information and […]

Millet Information Source Links

Credits: Biovision-Infonet AIC (2002). Field Crops Technical Handbook. ARS Agricultural Handbook No. 716: Diseases of Pearl Millet. CAB International (2005). Crop Protection Compendium, 2005 edition. Wallingford, UK Harris, K. M. (1962). Lepidopterous stem borers of cereals in Nigeria. Vol 53. 139-171 ICRISAT. Millet production growing in Africa. designs improved cropping systems for Sahelian millet, cowpeas. […]

Crazy Top Downy Mildew

(Sclerospora graminicola) Credits’: Biovision-Infonet Symptoms often vary as a result of systemic infection. Leaf symptoms begin as chlorosis at the base and successively higher leaves show progressively greater chlorosis. On the lower leaf surface of infected leaves greyish white fungal growth may be observed. Severely infected plants are generally stunted and do not produce panicles. […]

Long Smut

(Tolyposporium penicillariae) Credits: Biovision-Infonet Immature, green fungal bodies (sori) larger than the seed develop on panicles during grain fill. A single fungal body (sorus) develops per floret. As grain matures, sori change in colour from green to dark brown. Sori are filled with dark spores. Infection takes place at temperature range of between 21 and […]


(Pyricularia grisea) Credits:Biovision-Infonet Lesions on foliage are elliptical or diamond-shaped, approximately 3 x 2 mm. Lesion centres are grey and water-soaked when fresh but turn brown upon drying. Lesions are often surrounded by a chlorotic halo, which will turn necrotic giving the appearance of concentric rings. The disease is favoured by hot, humid conditions. What […]