Head Smut

(Sporisorium reilianum) Credits: Biovision-Infonet This disease is characterised by the large, dark-brown smut galls that emerge in place of the panicle. The gall is first covered with a whitish membrane, which soon breaks and allows spores to be scattered by the wind. Plants become infected while in the seedling stage but evidence of infection is […]

Diarrhea in Chicken

Dr.iCow’s Diary Date: 13.02.2020. Hello Dr.iCow, I Vincent have improved but got some losses due to unknown disease outbreak and killed some chicken. From: Vincent,County: Kericho, Kenya. Discussion: The disease killing the chicks has signs of yellow dirrhoea and is not healing and keeps recurring. The chicks are one month and 2 weeks of age. […]

Loose Kernel Smut

(Sporisorium sorghi) Credits: Biovision-Infonet It attacks all groups of sorghum including Sudan-grass and Johnson grass. Galls formed by loose kernel smut are long and pointed. The thin membrane covering the galls usually breaks soon after galls reach full size. The dark-brown spores contained in the galls are wind-blown away leaving a long, dark pointed, curved […]

Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus (MDMV)

Credits: Biovision-Infonet Maize dwarf mosaic is a virus disease that occurs over all the sorghum producing areas. Its ability to cause damage is dependent on the presence of an over-seasoning virus host (mainly Johnson grass), aphid populations to facilitate virus transmission and the susceptibility of the varieties being grown. Affected plants have mottled (light green […]

Sorghum Anthracnose

(Colletotrichum graminicola) Credits: Biovision-Infonet The anthracnose fungus damages foliage and stems of grain sorghum. On susceptible hybrids, the stem holding the head (peduncle) becomes infected and a brown sunken area with distinct margins develops. When infected stems are cut lengthwise with a knife, one can see that the fungus has penetrated the soft pith tissue […]

Fowl Pox in Poultry

Dr.iCow’s Diary Date: 13.02.2020. Dear Dr.iCow, Ugonjwa wa kupoteza macho kwa kuku na kuaga? My poultry are losing sight and causing deaths. From: Miriam,County: Makueni, Kenya. Discussion:  The problem with the chicken is being unable to see because their eyes are closed. There are some wounds around the eyes and affected chicken are not feeding […]