Systates Weevil

(Systates spp.)

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

The systates weevil (Systates spp.) on papaya. The weevil feeds on leaves, making characteristic notch-like indentations to the leaf margin
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe

This is a very common weevil in East Africa. It attacks many crops and ornamental plants. The adult is a black weevil, about 12 mm long with a swollen, rounded abdomen, and long, thin, elbowed antenna.

It is active at night, feeding on the edges of leaves producing a characteristic indentations. During the day it hides in the mulch, at the base of plants or in loose soil near plants.

They feed on a wide range of crops and wild plants. They can be a problem to young papaya plants when present in large numbers.

What to do:

  • Hand picking and destruction is possible.

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