Leafmining Flies

(Lyriomyza spp)


Severe leafminer damage (Lyriomyza spp) on passion fruit
(c) A.M. Varela, icipe
Leafminers damage on passionfruit
(c) A.A. Seif

Feeding and egg laying by leafmining flies cause stippling of leaves. This can kill seedlings and in older plants allows entry of disease-causing microorganisms.

Feeding by maggots causes mining (tunnelling) of leaves reducing the productive leaf area. Heavily attacked leaves may drop off, and may lead to yield losses.

What to do:

  • Control by natural enemies is important.
  • Ploughing can help in exposing pupae to desiccation and natural enemies.
  • Neem products are effective for controlling leafminers.

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