Quick Search Sorghum Diseases

Credits: Biovision-Infonet


Anthracnose (Colletotrichum graminicola) on sorghum. Typical anthracnose symptoms are circular-elliptical dark spots, sometimes with a red pigmentation, which vary in size from 2 mm to more than 2 cm. The centre of mature lesions is straw-coloured and contains numerous fungal fruiting bodies (acervuli). Under humid conditions, on the spots , grey/cream/salmon-coloured spore masses are produced.
(c) Courtesy EcoPort (http://www.ecoport.org): J.A. Frowd

Damping-off diseases

Damping-off disease (here on okra seedlings)
(c) A.A. Seif & A.M. Varela, icipe

Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus (MDMV)

Maize dwarf mosaic caused by Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus (MDMV)
(c) Scot Nelson, 2016

Covered Kernel Smut

Covered kernel smut (Sporisorium sorghi) on sorghum
(c) Courtesy EcoPort (http://www.ecoport.org): J. Kranz

Loose Kernel Smut

Loose kernel smut (Sphacelotheca cruenta) on sorghum
(c) Courtesy EcoPort (http://www.ecoport.org): J. Kranz

Head Smut

Head Smut of Maize (Sphacelotheca reiliana)
(c) CAB International

Charcoal Rot

Small, Sclerotia visible on the vascular bundles inside a maize stem, resulting from infection by charcoal stalk rot (Macrophomina phaseolina).
(c) CIMMYT, 2006


A sorghum rust infection (Puccinia purpurea) at this level can cause substantial reduction in yield.
(c) Courtesy EcoPort (http://www.ecoport.org): D.C. Nowell


Ergot (Claviceps africana) on sorghum crop
(c) Courtesy EcoPort (http://www.ecoport.org): G. Odvody

Leaf Blight

Leaf blight (Helminthosporium turcicum) on sorghum
(c) Courtesy EcoPort (http://www.ecoport.org): D.C. Nowell

Crazy top downy mildew

Crazy top downy mildew (Sclerospora graminicola)
(c) Courtesy EcoPort (http://www.ecoport.org): J. Kranz

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