Diarrhea in Chicken

Dr.iCow’s Diary

Date: 13.02.2020.

Hello Dr.iCow,

I Vincent have improved but got some losses due to unknown disease outbreak and killed some chicken.

From: Vincent,County: Kericho, Kenya.


The disease killing the chicks has signs of yellow dirrhoea and is not healing and keeps recurring. The chicks are one month and 2 weeks of age.

The chicken, 6 weeks of age and are having recurring yellow dirrhoea could be suffering from Fowl typhoid disease.

Fowl typhoid is a bacterial diseases and affects all birds, especially young adults and mature birds. It is an acute to chronic disease. The chicken have signs of high body temperature, shrunken combs, depression, yellow or sulphur coloured dirrhoea and anaemia.  The disease is practically controlled by elimination of infected breeder hens.  Vaccination is available and is given by intramuscular injection.

Treatment with Esb3 and multivitamin like Amilyte w.s.p. would help. Successful rearing of healthy, growing and productive chicken from day old chicks to adult birds depend on; nutritious feeds, clean fresh drinking water, observance of strict sanitary and hygienic measures in chicken house, clean feeders and drinkers which should be free of algae and moulds, keep a clean environment, and vaccinating your chicken against epidemic diseases.

The following is a basic vaccination program for some epidemic chicken diseases;

i. Gumboro vaccine – @ 10 days and 18 days of age, given in drinking water.

ii. Newcastle Disease -NCD vaccine (may be available combined with Infectious bronchitis -IB vaccine as NCD + IB) – is given @ 21days, 8 weeks, 18 weeks, and every 3 months thereafter. It is given in drinking water or through eye drops.

iii. Fowl pox vaccine given -@ 3 weeks and 6 weeks of age, and is given by a wing jab. iv. Fowl typhoid vaccine, given – @ 8 weeks of age and is given by intramuscular injection.

Please follow the recommended chicken vaccination schedule for control and prevention against these diseases. It is the most successful method.

Thank you

From your friend and advisor,


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