Throat swelling in Cows

Date: 13.02.2020

Dear Dr.iCow,

My cow has a swelling near the throat but is eating well. What is the problem? 

From: Mr. Ekesa, County: Trans Nzoia, Kenya.


The cow is having a swelling underneath the jaw.  The cow was treated a week ago but it has not responded. There are various causes and depending on the cause it should heal if treated correctly.

Dear Mr. Ekesa,

The hanging swelling of tissues underneath the jaw of the cow may be caused by infestations with blood sucking parasites like internal worms and or liver flukes, poor nutrition, foreign bodies and tumors. Other causes of such a swelling on the jaw area of the cow may be bacterial infection e.g. in cases of diseases like Actinomycosis and Actinobacillosis or wooden tongue, abscesses, hematomas and swollen lymph nodes.

Such swellings depending on the cause can respond if treated correctly and therefore should be examined and treated by a veterinary doctor. Please call a vet to come, examine and give treatment to the cow.

Thank you

From your friend and advisor,


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