The Sorghum Aphid and the Maize Aphid

(Melanaphis saccari)

(Rhopalosiphum maidis)

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

The maize aphid Rhopalosiphum maidis. Colony on leaf of maize

These are common on sorghum. The sorghum aphid is light yellow in colour, and the maize aphid is dark green to bluish-green in colour.

These aphids are often found sucking on ear heads or on the underside of leaves. They produce large quantities of honeydew, which enable black sooty moulds to grow.

Attacked plants sometimes are stunted, leaves dry up and yield is reduced. Young plants suffering from drought stress may be killed. Aphids can be a problem during dry periods.

Heavy aphid infestations on sorghum at the booting and heading stages seriously reduce both grain quality and yield.

The maize aphid transmits the maize dwarf mosaic virus to sorghum.Adults are small, 1-4 mm long, soft-bodied insects.

What to do:

  • Conserve natural enemies. Parasitic wasps and predatory insects, including lady bird beetles, damsel bugs, lacewings, and hover fly larvae are important in natural control of aphids.

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