Infectious Coryza Disease

Dr.iCow’s Diary

Date: 13.02.2020

Dear Dr.iCow,

There is a poultry disease with whitish substances in the eyes. What is the cure of this disease?

From Charles,County: Makueni/ Kitui-Kenya.


The chicken have white substances in the eyes and their eyes are closing. This white appearance in the chicken eyes are inflammation of the eyes.  On close observation there could be facial swelling and nasal discharge. This infection has similar signs with chronic respiratory disease.

Dear Charles,

The chicken with whitish substances in the eyes and the eyes are closing may be suffering from Infectious coryza which is presenting in a mild form with depression, nasal discharge and slight facial swelling.

Infectious coryza is a bacterial disease and is transmitted through contact, droppings and aerosol. It presents with watery eyes, inflammation of the eyes, facial oedema and anorexia, nasal discharge, swollen infraorbital sinus, laboured breathing and drop in egg production. There is reduced feed and water intake and drop in eggs production in laying birds.

It is a bacterial infection spread from bird to bird by contact, airborne infected dust particles and through drinking water. Early treatment is important and OTC-Plus and an antibiotic eye ointment can be given to subdue clinical infections.

Thank you

From your friend and advisor,


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