Feeds contaminated by Mycotoxins

Dr.iCow’s Diary

Date: 07.02.2020

Dear Dr.iCow,

Ng’ombe yangu inahara damu.

Translation: My cow is diarrheaing blood

From: Anne, County: Uasin Gishu, Kenya.


The cow is eating normally and she is not showing any signs of illness except there is blood in the dung. Anne had some spoilt maize grains crushed and made some maize by-products concentrates from the spoilt maize which she has been feeding the cow. The grains and the maize by-product concentrates could be containing some mycotoxins which are toxic metabolic by-products of fungal growth on grains. These mycotoxins can seriously impair an animal’s health and productivity. Aflatoxins B1 is the most potent compared to the other mycotoxins. The mycotoxins may be the cause of the presence of blood in the cow’s dung. 

Dear Anne,

Presence of blood in the cow’s dung could be due to infections like coccidiosis, mycotoxins and salmonellosis. Mycotoxins are toxic metabolic by-products of fungal growth on grains. High moisture content of grains can lead to fungal growth and toxins production before or after grain harvest. The concentrates you have made for the cow using spoilt maize could be containing mycotoxins. It is advisable to withdraw and stop feeding the cow with this concentrate feed you have made. If blood continue to appear in the cow’s dung or in the manure call a vet immediately.

Aflatoxins are poisonous by-products of the fungal growth – the mold fungus, Aspergillus. Aflatoxicosis is a disease caused by the consumption of aflatoxins, mold metabolites produced by strains of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasitisus. Contaminated grains and grains by-products are the most common sources of aflatoxins in the country.

The common aflatoxins are B1, B2, G1 and G2. Cattle and young animals are most susceptible to aflatoxicosis. Signs of chronic aflatoxicosis are poor feeding, decreased milk yields, reduced feed conversion efficiency and poor growth rate. Others are weight loss, mild dirrhoea, rough hair coat, listlessness and anemia. It can cause abnormal heat cycle, impair reproduction and immunity and in dairy cows aflatoxins metabolites can appear in the milk before these signs develop.

Animal feeds and feed ingredients should be purchased from reliable feed companies and their storage should be at proper moisture levels.

Thank you

From your friend and advisor,


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