Bees attack on cows

Dr.iCow’s Diary

Date: 05.02.2020

Dear Dr.iCow,

Ng’ombe akindungwa na nyuki wengi huduma ya kwanza ni gani vet akiwa hapatikani haraka?

English Translation: Which first aid should I give a cow that has been stung by bees if the Vet is not available?

From: Kelly, County: Meru, Kenya


Kelly’s cows were attacked by a resting swarm of bees on a tree near her home when they got disturbed with throwing stones by some children. She was not at home at the time and the cows were in a zero-grazing unit. The neighbours came to help. Two cows died and the remaining one is in poor condition. The vet was not available to attend to the cows fast. When the animal is away from the bees one can look for stingers and remove them by scraping with say a fingernail. Emergency treatment by a vet is required and especially if the animal is allergic.

Dear Kelly,

It is unfortunate to lose your cows by bees attack after they were disturbed with throwing stones by children. Sorry for losing the cows. In an event an animal or animals  are attacked by bees, without putting yourself in risk as bees can as well  attack you, make sure you are safe and protected, and then release the animal if tethered or in an enclosure like a zero-grazing unit. The animal may run about, take care it does not run to you as an injured animal may attack you suddenly or may run into the road. When the animal is away from the bees look for stingers which the bees lose after stinging. The stingers continue to inject the venom for some time or until they are removed. If they are found on the animal, remove them by scraping them.  Do not pull them out or twist them as this would squeeze out more venom into the animal. Please call a vet doctor immediately to give the animal emergency  treatment because bees stings whether few or many are dangerous and  more so if the animal is allergic like in the case of your cows.

Livestock and pets are likely to be stung if the bees are disturbed. Honey bees do not strike until they are provoked. Please do not tether or keep livestock in an enclosure like zero-grazing unit near bee hives and nests. Bees should not be disturbed by throwing stones at, request a bee expert to remove bees that are in unusual place, and do not use insecticides sprays on bee nests as this  would arouse them. Bees’ stings are dangerous as they cause allergic reaction in animals and people. Bee stings reveal symptoms associated with local reactions, pain, swellings, cellulitis, systemic allergic reactions, urticarial rush, asthma, and anaphylactic shock and fatality.  These signs may vary depending on the type and quantity of the venom, stinging site, number of stings and individual sensitivity.

Thank you

From your Friend and advisor,


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