East Coast Fever (ECF)

Dr.icow’s Diary

Date: 27.02.2020

Hello Dr.iCow,

My cow has been treated but there is no improvement. Please help.

From: Mercy, County: Kakamega, Kenya.


The heifer has been treated for East Coast Fever – ECF, but has not improved. She could be recovering and follow up treatment is required. 

Dear Mercy,

The heifer which was treated for East coast Fever – ECF and has not improved could be recovering from and will need follow up treatments. Signs of ECF show high fever, loss of appetite, weakness, difficulty in breathing and a typical cough, swelling of lymph node and tearing of the eyes. The breathing signs are prominent and always present and will breathe with the help of the belly muscles, stands with legs spread apart and does not like to walk and there is increased salivation.

Please call the vet for a follow up treatment and Catosal injection which contains vitamin B12 and phosphorus may help in restoring vitamin B12, improve muscular efficiency, tonic in cases of weakness and in treatment of phosphorus and vitamin B12 deficiencies. Recovery is possible if treated in good time.

Provide the heifer with good nursing care, give continuous supply of quality feed and clean drinking water. ECF is transmitted by ticks and you need a good and effective tick control using an acaricide. Cattle can be protected against ECF through tick control and by immunization. The vaccine is available from registered practicing vets and animals from 4 weeks of age can be immunized.

East Coast Fever- ECF is caused by a protozoan parasite Theileria parva. One vaccination shot protects the animal against ECF for life. An animal that is treated with drugs for ECF or does recover from ECF develops a very strong immunity to reinfection, at least with the same strain of the Theileria protozoa. This immunity may be boosted by re-infection. 

Thank you.

From your friend and advisor,


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