How to select eggs for hatching

Dr.iCows’ Diary

Date: 30.01.2020

Case : 02/2020

Dear Dr. iCow.

How are hatching eggs supposed to be arranged? [Question asked through a phone call on Dr. iCow line].

From: Farmer D. Maket County: West Pokot, Kapenguria, Kenya


David is interested in adding new chicks and would want a clarification on the place the eggs and more so the side of the egg that should face downwards. Fertilized eggs should be taken care of during storage before placing them under a brooding hen or an incubator. Nest boxes should be clean. Hatching eggs are stored only for 7 days, because after this hatchability starts to decline quite quickly. They should be stored with the pointed end facing downwards.

SMS response: 

Dear David,

Fertilized eggs should be taken care of during storage before placing them under a brooding hen or in an incubator. They are living and they grow slowly. They should be stored with the pointed end facing downwards and the broad end facing upwards and they should be turned regularly, morning and evening e.g. by tilting the eggs tray or box the opposite way. Nest boxes should be clean, the eggs should be stored in a clean, cool, fairly humid and not too dry place. Hatching eggs are stored for only 7 days and this is because after this time hatchability starts to decline quickly. Eggs which are more than 14 days old from the day they are laid should not be used for hatching. Successful hatching depends on how the eggs are taken care of from laying to sitting or incubating.

Fertile eggs are collected from heathy and disease free hens. They should be collected regularly at least 3 times in a day and are selected from mature hens aged 25 weeks and above, stored in a cool, fairly humid, not too dry place and not more than 20ºC for less than 10 days. For best fertility a ratio of 1 cock to 10 hens is recommended.

Thank you

Your friend and advisor,

Dr. iCow

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