Foot and Mouth Treatment

Dr. iCow’s Diary

Inside of cows mouth suffering from foot and mouth disease. Photo Credit ZooLink/ILRI

Date: 31.01.2019

Case №: 04/2020

Dear Dr.iCow,

Please may I know how to treat FMD?

From: Charles, County: Kitui, Kenya


Charles has observed blisters in his cow’s mouth and some wounds near the hooves. The cow is having poor appetite and he suspects it could be suffering from Foot and Mouth Disease which has been reported around his area.

Dear Charles,

Foot and Mouth Disease is a notifiable disease. Please report such a suspected case to the nearest veterinary officer or practicing veterinarian in your area for immediate action.

FMD is a viral disease and is highly communicable disease affecting all cloven footed animals. The disease spreads by direct contact, indirectly through infected water, hay and other feedstuffs, pastures, manure, farm attendants, vermin and birds.

It presents with fever, profuse salivation, vesicles and blisters in the mouth, teats, the udder, scrotal skin, interdigital space and above hooves, lameness and reduction in milk production. Precautions is taken by isolating and segregating sick animals from healthy ones, and inform a veterinary doctor immediately. Like all viral diseases there is no specific treatment for FMD.

External treatment of the wounds or ulcers with an antiseptic solution and applying a healing and soothing wound product like CKL-Healing Oil would help in the ulcers healing and prevent flies attacks. Strict control on movement of animals, feeds, fodder, vehicles and people from infected areas or farms is very important in controlling an outbreak.

FMD is prevented through vaccination and the vaccination is carried out 2 times in a year at an interval of 6 months under the annual vaccination program by veterinary department.

Foot and Mouth Disease – FMD is a viral disease of cloven hoofed animals; cattle, pigs, sheep and goats. Other cattle in the herd will show clinical sings in 1 to 2 days and the spread is dramatic. 

Thank you

From your friend and advisor,


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